So, I was reading a bunch of zombie-loan fics, and I decided, there weren't really many out there. What the hell is up with that? It's got zombies, death gods, and slight hints at sexual tension without getting too dramatic. Perfection!

I caught the spark of this story when I realized there weren't a lot of zarame-michiru stories, which I think are just the best... So here it goes, I guess.

Being a shinigami had it's perks. I was feared, I was revered, worshiped even. I was the most badass mother-*ucker on the streets. My power was grand, my fury was fierce and those precious few who inhabited the safe harbors of my patience were limited.

Which is why, when I was... decommissioned... the only thing I could think was, "shit."

What the hell was some punk ass going around stealing my life force for? Why the hell would he need it? That little shit really had some balls, I had to admit that much. Reducing me to such a humiliating, degrading, undignified form... I'd have his throat for this, if it was the last thing I did.

Oh, the things I imagined doing to that kid. My scythe would be dripping blood. I'd play that bastard like a full fucking orchestra... four movements... seven shift changes.

Damn, those would be some good times...

But then, there was the girl. Sweet kid. Always choking the hell out of me, like I was a goddamn chia pet.

Okay, so I warmed up to her a little bit. She was... nice. Especially, ahem, in certain places.

Like, okay, she understood me. What were the odds? One of few, and she drew the lucky straw. I guess that meant I had to stick by her, you know, for communication purposes. She was my two-way radio.

Michiru. Cute, clueless, somewhat depressive. A handful, but then, I didn't really have hands. But I did have one thing on my side, which rendered her completely at my mercy. A combination of things really, like my small stature, my floating head, of which my single, reproachful eye dominated much of the space. Simply put, I was chibi-cute. Therefore, I had something, perhaps not as powerful as my old powers, but it sustained me – Chibi-power.

Being chibi-powerful meant that I was granted full access to things poor old Chika and Shito would probably never witness.

Let's just say, I liked bath-time.

Don't get me wrong, the ambiance was great. Scented salts, bubbly water, warm steam. Being small as I was, a simple bath was like an Olympic swimming pool. Just diddling around in the bath water, minding my own business.

Then suddenly, I'm being squeezed, pressed against... girly parts.


She thought it was funny. That I was precious and adorable. Did this chick know what I did for a living? I guess it didn't matter. The chibi-force was strong within me. She couldn't help it if she wanted to.

But when you got it, hehehe. Who's to say you can't use your gifts.

Fun as these times are, I can't help wonder what'll happen when I finally get my body back. Something tells me i'll be more than she can handle. But then again, she's full of surprises.

One of two things (I've thought about this) might happen.

Either I'll slip out of her life, never see her again, never endanger her, never go through the uncomfortable process of being rejected and see the fear in her eyes as my chibi-cuteness is replaced by my natural frightening demeanor.

Or, I'll be a fucking dumbass and go to her anyway, and hope that maybe we could still be friends. I'd probably have to be flexible. No more sleeping in her bed – I am kind of a big guy – and no more random cuddling, maybe – I am kind of difficult to approach, much less touch.

And the baths... sigh. I guess that's got to go too... if it has to.

Well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Until then, I'll just enjoy the bubbles. The soap bubbles, I mean.


Okay, so it came out a bit more sarcastic than I'd meant to make it. But anyway, it's done.

Somebody has to review this, really. Tell me to go on. Tell me to do it. Because I want to, but I won't if it seems like it should be left alone. I already have this idea, but I need to get talked into it. Somebody needs to bother me about it or I won't get to it...