God's Will

dreamgirl: Okay, so this is my second ongoing fanfiction that I am working on. I have been obsessed with Kuroshitsuji lately, so I thought, 'I might as well write a fanfiction about when Ciel first started working with Sebastian and what really happened at the end'. Yes, I am going to go that far and actually write about the behind the scenes. So, please, bear with me. I'll try to make this as quick as possible.

disclaimer: I'm not Ms. Toboso, so, naturally, I don't own Kuroshitsuji. If I did, I'd make this as hard-core as Glamorous Lip (which is a hard-core yaoi manga written by Yana Toboso under the pen name "Yanao Rock")

Chapter 1

It all started three years ago…

In his time of need, all he did was pray, but he had, apparently, prayed the wrong way. For the savior who was sent was a demon. Ciel had, accidentally, summoned a demon.

"Is it thy wish to form a contract?" asked the demon.

Ciel was afraid (who wouldn't be?) but he didn't want to seem as if he knew nothing.

So, he gave an order, "Enough! Form the contract and grant my wish".

The young ten year old knew that the demon knew what he truly wanted. And so the demon did not reply, but immediately began to arrange the agreement. The demon, in the form of a man with stiletto heels, black nails, and elongated teeth that of a vampire, transformed into a human-look alike. He murdered all those who had captured Ciel and helped him escape from the Hell he had gone through.

And now, the demon had carried Ciel to his aunt's mansion; Madam Red's mansion.

"Is it all right for your family to see you in this state?" asked the demon. Ciel was currently held, bridal-like, in the demon's arms and hadn't even realized what he probably looked like. He looked down at himself; he was naked, albeit, the demon had him covered with something much like a red cloth. Ciel noticed he was dirty. Yes, very, very dirty. His pale skin had dirt on it and his nails had dried up blood on the tips. Memories of the past month flooded back into his head, and he began to tremble.

"Young master?" the demon looked down at the boy in his arms. He truly hated the smell of humans, especially children. He hated little children most of all.

"Sebastian", Ciel had said out of nowhere. The demon looked at him quizzically.

The young boy looked him straight in the eye, "Your name from now on will be 'Sebastian Michaelis' and you will serve as my butler. Of course, you should not make others suspicious. And the person you were before, or your habits bound to you by your previous master or such, you will abandon. As my butler…no, as my servant, contract-wise, you will be someone completely new. I order you to bring me into Madam Red's mansion without anyone noticing me". Sebastian stayed quiet the whole time his master spoke. It was the first time he heard the young one speak more than eight words.

So, naturally, he just said, "Yes…my lord".

"Milord, are you sure that you will be unnoticed by the madam?" Sebastian asked just to make conversation. They were currently in a room Ciel would often use when visiting his aunt. He was sure there were clothes he had left just in case of emergencies.

"Yes, I am positive because Madam Red is on vacation. She has recently been in mourning, and so she escaped to another part of the country so she is not to be seen by fellow nobles. So, only her servants are here". It didn't really make sense to Sebastian nor to Ciel. But neither cared, for it was only clothes that the young lord needed. And when Ciel found the clothes he was looking for, there came the shoe part. He hadn't walked in a month, and he was pretty sure he couldn't even get his clothes in right without Sebastian. But he didn't want anyone touching his body. No, never again.

"Young master, would you like to take a bath first?" It was a simple question coming from a servant, but the mere thought of someone touching his body made Ciel afraid. Sebastian stretched out a hand just to lead his master to the bathroom, but Ciel quickly slapped it away. It hadn't been long that they knew each other, but Sebastian felt that he was too patient with his master.

Ciel had been forced to do many things he didn't want to. So much that he even considered himself "dirty". But that didn't stop his butler from scooping him up and nearly throwing him into the bathtub that was already prepared.

"Oomph! Hey, what the hell was that for?" Ciel yelled.

Sebastian just smirked and said, "You are filthy, young master. I believe it would be better to wash up before putting on some clean clothes". Ciel pouted but said nothing. He looked around at the tub he was in and saw a new sponge and such on the edge of the tub. Even the water had scented salts that eased up his tense body.

"You…you did this for me?"

Sebastian gave him an incredulous look; "I had to do something for you, milord. I am your butler after all". The words stabbed through Ciel's tiny rock of a heart. He didn't know what he expected Sebastian to say. Maybe just a simple, 'Oh, of course. I did it all for you' or whatever would've been better. He just needed to feel affection from someone since it had been an eternity without affection being showed to him. And then he remembered the scar on his back.

Ciel was still reluctant to let Sebastian touch him, but gave in since he knew he couldn't do it himself. But when Sebastian began scrubbing him below the waist, he quickly grabbed his butler's hand and stopped it.

"What is it, milord?"

"Don't. Just don't. I'll do it myself"

Sebastian just nodded and handed over the sponge to his master.

"Get out"

Again, Sebastian understood and left Ciel alone to wash his private parts. And he did just so.

Once he was finished, he called in Sebastian to dry him off and to carry him off to get dressed.

And while Sebastian was putting on his clothes he asked, "Forgive my intrusiveness, milord, but, may I ask what those disgusting humans did to you?" Ciel's eyes widened as he slapped Sebastian across the face. The butler said nothing and just simply took the blow.

"No, you may not ask. Right not, that is none of your concern. If you are finished dressing me, then you must bring me to the Phantomhive's estate in London. Immediately". Ciel well knew it was not the demon's fault, but he did not want to be asked those types of questions. It was far too painful to recall the gruesome memories.

"God, help me, I've come undone

Out of the light of the sun


Give me a sign"

-Breaking Benjamin "Give Me A Sign"

dreamgirl: Not the best first chapter, I know. But it's really hard to write about what happened when and after Ciel summoned Sebastian. But all the interesting stuff starts in the next few chapters. REVIEW!!!! COnstructive criticism is appreciated!