
Aiedail Shadeslayer is one of the most powerful Riders in memory, single-handedly killing a shade rider, much like her legendary father and mother, Eragon and Arya Shadeslayer. Her talent seems to have been passed on to her children. Her oldest son has become a Rider like his parents and grandfather. Her playboy younger son is know for his knowledge of all animals and will inherit the Knotted Throne when Queen Arya steps aside. Her daughter is the well loved and respected ambassador to the Varden, beloved not just by the elves, but the humans and other inhabitants of Alagaësia. But when a traitor is discovered and it turns out to be one of the sons of Shur'tugal Aiedail, what effects will it have on the close-knit Shadeslayer family? When a new war breaks out, friends become enemies and those who you trust might just be the ones that turn on you...

This is the third book in my series, The Shadeslayers.

Chapter 1: The Shadeslayers

Author Notes: Yay, another story!! Ok, thank you SO much for reading this. I am just going to say this once, because it can get annoying if people say it during every single author's notes. Please review if you read this story. I like knowing what people say and it helps if people give their ideas. I love it when people tell me what they think I could do to make the story better or improve my writing. So yeah. Thanks!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Inheritance series. Just the charries that come from my mind.

Brom slowly lifted the branch, glanced around, then sighed. Good, Eldrey wasn't there. He was about to stand up when…

"Gotcha!!!!" Eldrey leapt down from the tree behind Brom and tackled him. The twins rolled around in the foliage, yelling and pounding each other. Finally, out of breath them stopped and collapsed on the ground, laughing.

"That was a good one, little brother," Brom said. "I really never expected you to come up behind me like that."

Eldrey grinned. "Thank you. I thought you had heard me for a moment."

"Nope. I didn't hear a thing." They lay there, listening to the forest. Then Brom stood up.

"Come on, we need to get home." He offered a hand to his brother, who grasped it and stood up.

Eragon Brom or Brom as he was called to avoid confusion with his grandfather, the famous Rider Eragon Shadeslayer, and Eldrey were as different as night and day. Both were tall and lean, well muscled from hours spent training with their parents, Aiedail Shadeslayer and Caleb Eldreysson, but there the resemblance ended. Brom had light brown hair and sparkling, deep brown eyes. His ears were slightly pointed, barely noticeable. He wore his hair rather long, giving him an air of rebellion. His features were those of a human, soft and refined, not sharp and cattish.

Eldrey, the younger of the twins, was a blond hair, blue eyed ladies man. He cut his hair short, hating the slight curls it had when it grew out. His features were those of an elf, catlike and sculpted. His ears were as pointed as any elf, something his brother teased him about greatly.

The twins were twenty-five, loud and rambunctious like any young adult. At that point in time, their greatest wish was to become Riders, like their parents and grandfather. Brom was more interested in the fighting and magic side of the deal, while Eldrey wanted to help keep the peace and stuff like that. But, at the moment, they were focused on getting home, getting something to eat, and hopefully, getting a chance to annoy their younger sister, Hadassah.

The moment the boys entered Tialdarí Hall, they knew something was wrong. The elves were scuttling around, talking in whispers and glancing nervously at them.

"What do you think is going on?" Eldrey whispered. Brom shrugged. He was about to answer when a voice stopped them.

"You boys have a lot of explaining to do." They whipped around to find their mother standing behind them.

Aiedail Shadeslayer was dressed in a loose, flowing tunic that allowed plenty of room for her to yank her sword out of its sheath at a moment's notice. Her dark eye brows met in a frown and she crossed her arms. The scar that ran down her face, a memento from the fight that had earned her name, Shadeslayer, added to her displeased demeanor.

Eldrey scooted around his brother at the sight of Aiedail. "Hello mother," he said, trying to sound innocent. Brom jabbed him in the gut. "Damn you, Brom," he muttered.

"Eragon Brom and Eldrey Mor'ranr, I don't want to hear your excuses, I want the truth from you. What did you do to Hadassah's room?"

Brom hid a smirk. So, Hadassah had found the little present they had left her. Serve her right, the stuck up little brat.

"Well, nothing really. We just left her a present," he said with his best innocent look. That one often got himself and Eldrey out of trouble.

Not today though.

"A present of a leather jacket decorated with red bird feathers!!?? Boys, what have I told you about…"

"…about respecting life and not mocking the dead. We know Mother." Brom rolled his eyes. "We just had to do something. Hadassah was being a little tick, so I got mad and left that for her. Sorry."

"I sincerely hope you have something more than that weak apology to offer your sister. Otherwise, I believe your father might have a word with you. Now, march!" They sighed, but obeyed, heading toward their rooms.

They stopped in front of Hadassah's room. Brom knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a weepy voice called out. He rolled his eyes.

"It's Guliä. Who do you think it is, Dassah?" He grunted from the jab Eldrey sent to his gut.

"It's us, Sassie. Let us in," Eldrey called.

The door cracked open. Hadassah poked her head out.

Except for the scar, Hadassah was the replica of her mother. Soft brown curls cascaded down her back and large green eyes glared at them.

"Go away. I don't want to talk to you."

"Sassie, they came to apologize. Let them in," her mother said. Sassie sighed.

"Alright. But if they start being rude, out they go!!" The boys reluctantly nodded their agreement. She swung the door open.

They entered her rooms, which were alive with plants. They covered all the tables and chairs, some places you could barely move with out stepping on a plant. Eldrey nodded to a particular flower, a pale blue rose.

"How is it growing?" His sister smiled.

"Very well. Are you still not going to tell me where you got it?"

"Nope." She sighed.

"Alright, you didn't come here to talk about my plants. How about you start with that apology? And I expect it to be a good one." She looked pointedly at Brom.

It wasn't that they didn't love their sister, it was just she was a major pest sometimes. Brom knew he would die for her, and he knew she knew it. But, sometimes, the urge to annoy her back was too great.

"I am very sorry for upsetting you, Dassah. I know I shouldn't have done it, and beg your forgiveness." Brom said in the ancient language. She nodded.

Eldrey repeated the apology, adding that he wouldn't so it again. When that had finished, she smiled.

"You are forgiven. Now, did you hear the news?"

Aiedail smiled, knowing her children would not start fighting again, and left them to talk.

"What news?" Brom questioned. He looked around for a place to sit then settled for the floor. It was better not to try to move any of the plants; you never knew what one might do to you.

"Grandfather is coming back to Ellesméra and he is bringing the eggs!!"

"What?" Eldrey shot up from his sprawl on the floor. "When?"

"They should be here tomorrow. The news came while you were gone." A dreamy look entered her eyes. "Maybe Nroca will be with them." Her brothers exchanged glances.

"If he is, he had better watch out." Brom muttered under his breath. Sassie shot him a glare.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. But if nut-boy wants to get to know you, he'll have to go through us first."

Sassie's eyes opened wide then she giggled. "Nice try. Nut-boy indeed. I'll have you know that Nroca is…"

"Dassah, his name is acorn spelled backwards. How much nuttier can you get?"

His sister snorted. "Look who is talking. If I remember correctly, you still have a certain wooden dragon that you named, oh what was it…."

"Woody," Eldrey coughed. His brother glared daggers at him.

"Well, it is not as bad a Rider whose name is acorn backwards." Hadassah's lips twitched, then she burst into laughter.

"Wha…what would I do without you boys?" she said when she could breath again. "Really, if it was up to you, I wouldn't be allowed to even look at a boy until I was a hundred!!"

The twins smirked. "That's right. You may be annoying, but you are still our sister, and I swore to protect you after that stupid human almost killed you." Brom reminded her.

"Yay, yay, yay. Go on, I have things to do. See you guys tonight." She shooed them out the door, then locked it behind her. Brom glanced at Eldrey.

"Last one to the Hold has to clean out both horses' stalls," he said, issuing a familiar challenge. Eldrey grinned.

"You're on." They took off for the Dragonhold, running for all they were worth.