He'd take a step forward to the male redhead, his eyes focused on him.

"You..." Boomer spoke up, pausing. His face contorted into something of thought, trying to figure out just what to say.

Brick would stare at him for a few seconds before choosing to break the tense silence. "Hello, brother."

And just like that, the dam would burst.

"Brother?" Boomer would suddenly hiss, his eyes narrowing. "Did you really just call me your brother?"

Brick would raise an eyebrow in response, giving a shrug. "Well, that's what you are right? Don't be an idiot."

That would seem to push Boomer over the edge. His eyes would flare up, his face contorting into one of anger as his lips turned into a snarl.

"You piece of shit!" Boomer would growl, walking menacingly towards Brick. "After being gone for this long do you really think you have the right to fucking call me brother?!"

Brick wouldn't respond, simply staring at the oncoming storm. Blossom and Buttercup would be still as well, both unsure of what to truly do. It would be Bubbles that would jump in, sliding in front of Brick and staring Boomer down.

"Boomer!" She'd snap at him, hoping he'd calm down. "I know this is a surprise but do you really want to do this."

"Hell yeah, I want to." Boomer would respond, eyes still on his brother as Bubbles now put her hands on his chest to hold him back. The young blonde had hoped he would calm at the feel of her pushing back but he'd only push harder against her hold to get to Brick.

She'd glance back at the oldest brother, a stern look on her face. "Brick!"

He'd glance at her and shrug. "You're the one that decided to get in between us. Move."

Eyes widening at the response, Bubbles would let Boomer go. Buttercup would grab onto her sister and pull her out of the way just in time to watch Boomer land a right hook on Brick, causing him to go flying backward.

Bubbles would squeak in surprise, wanting to stop the fighting in any way she could but a look from Buttercup let her know that wouldn't be happening.

"We should stop them! They shouldn't be trying to fight each other!" Bubbles spoke, hoping to convince her sisters to stop this family reunion but neither would budge as they watched Brick stand up.

"Why should we?" Blossom muttered, sending a glare at Bubbles. "He deserves it. Speaking of deserving, I think we deserve an explanation to that little friendship thing you've got going on with him!"

Bubbles rolled her eyes, reciprocating the hard stare. "Now isn't the time Blossom!"

Blossom didn't respond as she knew her sister was right. Now truly wasn't the time for them to be trying to interrogate her. They would have to do it later.

"That feel brotherly to you?" Boomer growled at Brick, storming back over towards him. Brick's neutral face now was one of visible annoyance. "Boomer I suggest you stop."

"Yeah, fucking right like I'll stop! You've been gone for fucking years and you decide to show up now? Of all places? At any time? NOW? Fuck you!" Boomer screamed at him, automatically blasting forward towards Brick. He would collide into his brother and there would be an array of red and blue, flying through the street and in the air. For a brief moment, they would stop, both breathing heavily as they stood across from one another.

"I suggest you end this now Boomer. I don't have the time nor the patience." Brick growled, eyes narrow on his brother.

"Don't give me that slick shit Brick." Boomer snapped at him, venom dripping from every word.

"I'm not being slick-"

"Shut up!" Boomer screamed at him, raising a hand as a beam traveled towards Brick. Brick didn't bother moving, letting it hit him straight in the chest and flew backwards, slamming into the building behind him. A flash of pain would flicker across the young man's face before being covered up in annoyance. Though Bubbles knew what was happening. Brick was doing his best not to break. Not to finally be pissed. While she didn't want him past the line of control she wondered what would happen.

Boomer and Brick would continue to fight, throwing right hooks, uppercuts, roundhouse kicks, and the works. Each would be spewing hatred toward the other, their voices growing louder and louder as they lifted themselves higher into the air. The other three would watch, their emotions varied.

"Stop. They need to stop." Bubbles would speak out into the air, her icy blue eyes locked onto the tangle of bodies. This was supposed to be a reunion. Sure, she could understand Boomer's anger toward his brother and she could somewhat understand Brick's. The guy had changed and those changes only spelled trouble. They were no longer connected and without that connection what was the point of a reunion?

"Oh, shit-" Buttercup would shout, bringing Bubbles out of her thoughts and turning to watch Brick slam into the side of a building. Brick wouldn't move for a moment, his eyes shut as his expression changed to one of pure, unadulterated anger. Boomer would be floating not too far away from him, obviously out of breath but not letting it deter him from glaring at his older brother.

"How's that feel asshole? How's that fucking feel?" Boomer would yell, his fists clenched. "I bet you thought you'd get a happy go lucky reunion huh? Thought I'd be ecstatic?"

"Boomer kicked his ass... Just... Holy shit." Buttercup would be muttering from the sidelines, her eyes wide.

"No... That can't be... Should Brick have been stronger? This makes no sense. He hardly used any special powers." Blossom would respond, now in her observer mode.

"That's because he was holding back. " Bubbles added, glancing at her sisters. "He held back. But something's wrong here..." She'd go back to staring at the redhead, taking in every detail she could. Wrinkled brows, scrunched up nose, mouth shaped in a deep scowl that seemed to switch between that and growling. His hands were clenched now and his leg was giving the slightest twitch. Brick was angry. He was trying to keep it in but it would only take a bit to break him and after that Bubbles didn't know what would happen. She had to stop Boomer.

"Boomer!" She'd scream at him, hoping to catch his attention. "Boomer!"

"You fucking piece of shit." Boomer would growl at Brick, glaring at him. "Can't even call yourself a good brother." The dart hit the middle.

"Boomer, no!" Bubbles shouted, already making her way to them. Though she wouldn't make it too far when Brick finally responded.

"ENOUGH." Brick would scream though it wasn't exactly him anymore.

He would pull himself from the larger crater and right there in front of them would come to a transformation. A loud growl would emit from him as his eyes changed. They would become a stark white, shining brightly and directed at Boomer. There would be a reddish light seeming to surround him, pulsing at a steady pace. The powered young man would seem to have growing size as he stood up straight, staring his younger brother down.

Boomer would be still, his eyes wide at the sudden transformation of his brother. If this was any other time, they could look back and saw he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Which was exactly what this was. Boomer was stuck, caught in the sight of his brother and scared frozen at the thought of what might happen. His mouth would part, the noises he made sounding just a bit hesitant.


"Shut. Up." Brick would growl, his hand rising up before him. And just like that, new destruction had come.

With only a simple gesture of his wrist going downwards, Boomer would find himself being thrown towards the ground, making a loud noise of surprise as he slammed onto the concrete. The other three would go flying as well, each one moving backward in their respective ways. Every building and car within the vicinity would be destroyed. Buildings would crack as though they were eggs, their windows shattering into millions of pieces and raining onto the cracked and crumbled ground below them.

Dust would be everywhere, invading the clean air around them as all four who'd been affected coughed and hacked.

"Boomer?" Bubbles would call out, bringing herself to stand up. "Boomer!"

She'd find Boomer further back down the street, forcing himself to stand up. He was clutching his shoulder with his left hand and the snarl on his lips went with the cuts on his face. It was obvious that the blonde had no intentions of stopping this fight. If anything his pride was going to force him to keep going. He should have known better than that but it obviously wasn't going to be the case here.

A loud 'thunk' would be heard from behind her and she'd turn to see Brick having finally landed. Every step he took resulted in a small crater, cracks reaching out around it. His facial expression was one of rage that was just barely being contained. He wasn't looking at anyone but his own brother. "Brick!" Bubbles would yell at him, already running despite Blossom's protest.

"Stop!" Just as she reached him, his head would turn in her direction and with the flick of his wrist she'd go flying back into the building behind her.

"Bubbles!" Blossom would scream, all pain forgotten as adrenaline kicked in to get to her sister. Blossom would immediately jump up, flying straight towards Brick with a plan to fight already forming in her head. Her plan, however, wouldn't even stand a chance. Brick would turn his head, those bright orbs connecting with hers. It would throw her off, seeing what was before her and causing a moment of hesitation.

Brick, however, wouldn't hesitate, giving a sniff and raising his hand. Just like that Blossom would find herself being hit with a force too grand to for her to resist. Flying backward, she'd slam back into a building. Buttercup wasn't too far away and would grow shocked at the scene before her.

What in the hell was going on? When did Brick become so... Powerful?

Instead of going after Brick, Buttercup would go towards her sisters instead to help them up as she kept a watch over the redheaded demon (as she was now dubbing him) who had no interest in them. His focus was on the blonde haired victim before him, who was scrambling to get away.

Boomer could do nothing but stare in shock at the sight before. Of the one, he once called brother simply destroying the ones who had taken him in so long ago. It was in that moment he wondered what had exactly happened to the young man. Where had he been this whole time? How had he gotten so strong?

Fear would fill Boomer and he'd begin to make his way backward, pathetically falling back onto his behind and scrambling until he got his footing. That would do nothing to help him as it would only be a few more steps until Brick finally grabbed onto Boomers slightly tattered shirt.

"You fucking done?" Brick would growl, pulling his brother closer. Boomer would gulp, staring into eyes that no longer reminded him of the family they once were.

He would sputter, trying to find the right words before succumbing to not being able to find one. Boomer would instead grow quiet and simply nod his head. Brick wouldn't say anything for a few more minutes leaving the two in a tense silence as they stared at one another. Then just like that, the moment would be over.

Brick's eyes would flicker to the right, his head tilting ever so slightly as though he were listening to someone. He'd give a gruff and let go of his brother. Boomer would fall back onto the ground letting out a small grunt as Brick shoved his hands in his front pockets. Brick would stare at him for a bit longer before giving a chuckle. "It was nice seeing you, little brother. Until next time." With that, Brick would turn around and begin walking away from the group.

The four would watch in astonished silence as Brick walked just meters away from them. Then just like the creatures they'd been battling for weeks on end now, a rip in the air would tear, the inside of this one, however, all white instead of the dark hues the other had been. The young man would spare a glance back, his red orbs locking onto Bubbles and it was in that moment she knew that this would not be the last time they'd see him. There was something going on and a discussion between the two would need to be held. Brick would finally walk through the tear in the sky and just as fast as it had ripped open, it would vanish all the same leaving nothing in its place and leaving those who may have seen with a doubt of whether or not it truly could have been.

There would be even more silence between the four for a bit longer before Boomer broke it, falling to the ground with a loud, annoyed groan. "That was my fucking brother."

"Bubbles," Blossom would snap, her glare now transferred onto her younger sister. "We have-"

"A lot to talk about." Bubbles would interrupt, sparing her sister a blank, unamused face. "I know. But what needs o be addressed now are the wounds you all have. Buttercup you hold onto Blossom. I'll help Boomer." With no desire to hear a response, Bubbles would already be walking away from her sisters to her boyfriend.

The two would watch her go, at a complete loss for words on what to say.

Buttercup would be the one to break it. "Who is that and what have they done with our sister?"

"I don't know," Blossom would respond, being helped up as she continued to stare at her sister. "But whoever it is, needs to go and find our Bubbles. She needs to come back."