Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha or any of it's characters. If I did I would be so rich!

A/N: Hey guys! I have decided to try my hand on a new story with a new pairing. I don't know how it will turn out but I plan for this to be way longer than my 1st one.

Chapter 1

"Sit Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled. Thud. Yet again they were having one of their famous shouting matches. As always, Kagome finally got tired of Inuyasha's yelling and insults so to get rid of it she sat him.

"Oi wench, what was that for?!" yelled as he picked himself up from the Inuyasha sized crater.

"You have to ask, Inuyasha?" Shippo inquired. Inuyasha growled at him before yelling at him to shut up and that no one asked him. Kagome on the other hand wasn't listening to either of them. She yells behind her that she is going and not to follow her. Since they were in Kaede's village, they decided she would be in no danger to go off by herself. Besides, she had her bow and arrows.

Kagome walked into Inuyasha's forest not really paying attention to her surroundings. Before she realized it, she was only a few feet from her favorite tree, the tree where she had met Inuyasha 2 years ago. As Kagome drew closer, she slapped herself mentally for not being more careful because sitting under the tree was a man and he had 4 jewel shards no less! She stopped immediately, suspicious as to why the man had the jewel shards and who he was. He seemed not to notice her but she knew he had because she was standing only a few feet from him and she wasn't the quietest person in the world. Kagome knew she should be panicking and yelling for Inuyasha but the man didn't seem threatening, much to her surprise. As she studied him more closely, he seemed to be just sad. Against her better judgment she walked closer to the man and sat beside him. She felt him stiffen beside her but chose to ignore it, for there were no warning bells chiming in her mind as they usually did if danger was near.

"Hey," she started, "It's nice out here isn't it? This is my favorite tree right here," she said patting the tree they were leaning against, trying to make small talk. The man ignored her. Kagome tried talking some more, hoping he would respond but he stayed silent. Kagome sighed giving up and just sat back against the tree to enjoy her surroundings. Hey, this was her favorite tree and if he wanted to stay there then he just had to deal with her presence. Kagome caught the man's movement from the corner of her eye and saw him pick up something she hadn't noticed before. It was the biggest sword she had ever seen, bigger even than Tetsuiaga. She watched as the man pulled the purple cover from the blade and started to polish it. He moved it so the evening lights filtering through the trees bounced off the dimensions of the blade making it look even deadlier.

Kagome smiled as she realized he had done it on purpose, knowing what affect it would have on her. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" she asked in an amused tone. He stopped stroking the blade for a moment to gaze at her with a surprised look on his face. He soon caught himself and put back on his mask of indifference but she had already seen it. He caught the smile on her face as he gazed at her before going back to polishing his "baby", questions buzzing around his mind. Why was she here, talking to him? Who was she? He had never known anyone besides his brothers or the occasional bold tavern wench who did not shy away from him or just all together start running away screaming in fear for their lives. But she didn't seem to be afraid of him at all. He had ignored her hoping she would go away and just leave him in peace but she had stayed. He hadn't been in his usual blood lust state so he hadn't had any wish to kill her so he just let her be. She had been right about wanting to be rid of her. He had got the idea that if she saw his banryuu, she would certainly be more cautious and take her leave. But she had saw right through his actions and called him out on it. He knew she was no ordinary female. Against his conscience screaming at him not to, he spoke to her.

"Who are you?" he asked her as if trying to piece her into a puzzle. She still had a small smile on her face and it widened when she had finally got him to talk to her, even if he didn't answer any of her questions but asked his own.

"I am Kagome Higurashi, miko at your service," she answered with false formality, merriment sparkling in her eyes. "And you are…?" she trailed off waiting for him to fill in the blank.

Ah, so she was a miko, he thought. He eyed her before answering. "Bankotsu Matsuda, assassin," he said in a much more serious way than she had, sure she would turn from him now. But he didn't know our Kagome. Kagome barely blinked at his answer before smiling and saying "Nice to make your acquaintance, Bankotsu." He was surprised at how easily she seemed to accept his occupation. He relaxed finally realizing that he had no reason to fear that this woman would shun just as all the others had. She dragged him into a conversation about what he did and she didn't seem too terrified by what he said, that he and his brothers traveled about and took what ever job they were offered, how sometimes he wished he was able to do something better and how he didn't enjoy it as much as his brothers seemed to, but he did have his moments when he was in the heat of battle and he would be pumped just waiting for his next victim. She listened and didn't criticize or judge him for what he did or what he felt. She just sat and listened and never took her eyes off him and would ask a question now and then but mostly let him talk. He surprised himself, for he had never before talked this much with anyone besides Jak and even then he had never told Jak any of these things.

Before either had realized it, the sun was completely gone and the conversation had wined down to a quiet lull between them. Kagome finally seemed to notice the state of the forest around them and jumped up sure Inuyasha would try to come looking for her before long and she didn't want him to discover her with Bankotsu because she knew he would fight Bankotsu because he was talking to her and because he had jewel shards. Kagome was reluctant to take them from him or to even mention them.

She looked back down at Bankotsu, who was looking up at her with curiosity. She smiled apologetically. "Sorry Bankotsu but I have to go before my idiot of a friend comes looking for me. I was wondering…Can I like consider you as a friend now?" she asked anxiously, fearing he would reject her.

He stared at her thinking in awe that she couldn't be real. What woman in their right minds would want to be friends with him? But as he looked at her face, she seemed honest enough. He thought that it would really be nice to have a friend that wasn't one of his brothers and only wanted to talk about how cute Inuyasha was or whom their next victim would be. After a moment of thought, he smiled up at her before informing her that he would like very much to be her friend. She smiled, said goodbye, and then dashed away through the forest. Bankotsu got up from his spot after she was gone and slung Banryuu up to rest on his shoulder before making his way towards the spot he and his brothers had set up camp for the night. When he got there, they didn't ask where he had been and he didn't deign to inform them.

Kagome made it back to Kaede's hut and she entered with a smile on her face. Everyone looked up to greet her and asked where she had gone for such a long time. She replied just for a nice calming walk, not mentioning meeting Bankotsu. Inuyasha, seeing Kagome is such a good mood, used what little common sense he did have and decided not to start anymore arguments with her that day.

So watcha think? Continue? Yes? No?