So uhh.. hai guys?

This Arthur/Merlin fic is dedicated to Jordi Phoenix who pestered me until I wrote it. Not that I needed much persuading. The slash is just too tempting. Sadly I dont own Merlin [or Arthur for that matter] although I wish I did =)

Arthur Pendragon. Crown Prince of Camelot. Next in line to be king. Tournament champion. He was known by so many great things, but surely that couldn't be all there was? Just imposing titles that didn't really mean anything. Only one man saw past the crown and the sword. One man who was there day in and day out and knew that there was more to Arthur than most people thought. But this man was only a servant, his word didn't count for anything. Yet Merlin would watch Arthur everyday and he knew better than anyone that Arthur was more than just a crowned prince.

"Merlin! Stop daydreaming and finish polishing my boots!"

Of course, sometimes he was just a prat.

Merlin scowled as best he could at the imposing figure looming over him before returning to the polishing of the already shiny boots. Arthur grinned to himself before realising he was staring at the raven haired boy sat in front of him and quickly hurried away to find something to do. For a while, the pair sat in silence; Arthur sitting in his chair and Merlin sitting on the floor with the polish and boots. Arthur contented himself with gazing into the crackling flames of the fireplace and Merlin sneakily looked up at him; the glow of the fire on Arthur's skin was intoxicating. For a moment, Arthur's blue eyes looked golden. The silence was almost too much for Merlin who felt himself sinking into unwanted thoughts, most of which centred on the prince sitting only a few feet away from him with a warm glow on his skin…

Arthur frowned and turned to his servant.

"Are you humming?" he asked. Merlin nodded and smiled but didn't look up as he continued to hum. Arthur intended to make a joke about how tuneless Merlin was until he found that he couldn't; the music coming from the boy's lips was in fact very tuneful. The prince found himself mesmerised for a while at the unexpected quality of Merlin's humming. It irritated him, he wanted to be the mesmerising one. Before he could start sulking too much, Arthur pushed himself to his feet.

"Come on, Merlin, I want to go hunting," he declared. Merlin smiled at his master and set down the boots.

"Which weapons would you like to kill innocent animals with today?" he teased, getting to his feet. Arthur rolled his eyes at Merlin's usual lack of politeness.

"Surprise me," he drawled before waving Merlin from the room. Not that it was a difficult thing to do, Merlin always surprised him.

Review? Please? It makes me feel special =)