Ok guys, yes I disappeared for a while but life happens. And unfortunately fan fiction takes a backseat to most of it. But just to let ya in on a little of whats been going on, I have started college again as a full time and a half student, have a lot to read and write on a weekly basis, I added a part time job to that -though they're giving me more than part time hours- and well….I got engaged to my British boyfriend…YAYAY!

So aside from that guys, I have seriously been trying to update at least a chapter from all of my fics and perhaps they have not come out as great as I would have liked them, but I'm trying to get my creative motor up and running after so long, and trying to get some creative juices flowing after such a long drought.

So to all of you who have reviewed, (have continually pushed me to update) and who have stuck with me and this fic thus far, I sincerely appreciate you guys. *Hugs and high-fives all around.* Thanks guys!

Enjoy this un-betad chap and please don't be too harsh on me if these chaps are a bit off and not as well thought out. I didn't forget you…or my fics ;0) Hopefully next time wont be too far off…and they'll be a better read.

Last time…

"IT IS A MATING MARK! I knew it!" Her grandfather suddenly exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and anger, taking the very words right out of her mouth.

Her mom began to choke on the coffee she was drinking leisurely.

Just great, the young woman thought with irritation, now they're going to be mad at me, too. And how in the world am I going to explain that I mated a guy who's supposed to be dead, is Inuyasha's father -only younger- and I had sex with him when I didn't even know him! Ugh! Can this get any worse?

All of a sudden, the very mating mark in question burned so intently, that tears came to her eyes.

No…something was very wrong.

***Be forewarned, this chapter is basically just a lemon, so if your under age or sensitive please don't read!

Ch. 15 Lessons learned

Kagome rushed out of her house, hastily assuring her family that everything was okay, promising she would come to visit soon, while hurrying into the well house as fast as she could.

The miko kept one hand over her mating mark, while it pulsed and burned erratically, the youki infused symbol of her mating making her powers rise unexpectedly, and making her stumble, as she attempted to jump into the magic portal.

Fumbling in her rush to get over the lip of the well, she practically threw herself over the rim, nearly going head first into what seemed like a darkened void. Righting herself in time, and hissing with the increasing pain of the mark, she began her time traveling journey into the past.

The blue light of supernatural power that was emitted during her journey soon began to fade and her feet began to touch solid ground announcing her arrival five hundred years before her birth.

Not wasting any time, as tears of pain ran down her warm cheeks, and as an urgency and frightening desperation assailed her senses, and nearly every part of her very being, she grabbed a handful of vines and began to climb, hefting herself out of the well with a ragged breath.

Pulling herself forward she made it over the lip and was prepared to run, where, she was unsure, but perhaps towards Edo, to wait for Kirara to come back for her so she could hasten back towards Sesshoumaru's shiro and more importantly, back into the arms of her mate.

Just as she stood upright and looked up, she came face to face -and to nose- with almost everyone she knew!

There, surrounding the well, was the entirety of her pack, including Sesshoumaru -though his little group was not present- and the largest, and furriest, white dog she had ever seen.

His crimson eyes bore into hers, while his youki crackled and hissed like lightning round about his huge form. Though it did not necessarily affect her as much as she thought it would -feeling only slightly ill and lightheaded- she saw the effect he had as a whole on those present.

Inuyasha was tensed and angry, Tetsusaiga in his hand while he stood at the forests edge watching her with an undercurrent of resentment and fear. Miroku, Sango, Shippou, and Kirara all stood just as rigid and nervous, each human with their respectful weapon at the ready. Sesshoumaru, unsurprisingly, stood at the opposite side of the field, far away from her friends, alert, yet his icy mask of indifference still firmly in place, though the corner of his mouth seemed to be turned down in displeasure.

She should never have taken her eyes off of the great dog before her, for before she knew it, he took a massive step forward bringing her directly before his great maw, as he growled out low and long, showing his razor sharp canines, informing her of his great displeasure. While she didn't understand what it was he meant -if anything- by that growl, his anger was quite obvious and didn't need any translation.

He brought his head down, coming nearly eye level with her, while the miko heard Shippou whimper, Inuyasha growl, and Sango gasp all at the same time.

They feared for her.

Yet one thing made itself quite clear in that instance, the mating mark upon her shoulder was lessening in pain, its throbbing nearly non-existent as she stood before the great inu and…even more importantly, she knew without a doubt, that he would never intentionally hurt her.

His growling continued, and Kagome could only stare mutely at him as she slowly, and carefully, brought her hand out before her, watching his expression all the while, and hearing his growling increase in volume with what she was about to do.

Hearing Sango calling out for her to stop, the miko paid her no heed as she continued to bring her hand closer, intent on touching the enormous inu before her.

He was her mate after all, the male she had come to love…the demon who at this moment was upset with her and showing her his discontentment.

She looked into his eyes, meeting their swirling crimson gaze with her own cool azure, knowing that's what he was. He was hot, he was the fire of the Earth, and she was the cool and fresh breeze that cooled its surface…her hand skimming the surface of his velvety nose even as he continued to bare his teeth.

"I'm -I'm sorry my Lord," she whispered almost reverently watching as his face began to turn from a frightening snarl to a softer more pronounced look that she knew well. While the young woman would have liked to have taken a moment to truly take in his ethereal beauty of his true form, the winds of his change began to take over him, leaving the fiery flames licking at her senses, dancing along every nerve end making the hair on the back of her nape rise in response to the great feel of power washing over her skin.

"Leave us," he commanded the group present, with a deep air of authority, displeasure still evident in his voice, as he never took his red eyes off of hers.

Although the red clad hanyou wanted to protest, Kagome heard Miroku reasoning with him, getting him to see that the great Inu no Taisho would never hurt his own mate.

As the clearing was emptied of all its previous occupants, the miko noted that the male's powers never truly receded, only barely being held in check by the powerful inu daiyoukai.

He stepped forward then, removing any space that was once between them and grabbed unto her arm, though not painfully.

"I must teach you a lesson, my mate," he informed her, his demonic aura flaring to life once more.

Kagome wondered if he was on the verge of transforming again, for she saw his face elongate slightly, while his fangs grew in length, his eyes never altering to that of the golden hue she had come to know so well.

To see him this way was a bit frightening but she was still certain he wouldn't injure her and could only stare at him wondering what he was going to do to teach her a lesson.

The sudden tearing of cloth assailed her ears, and she gasped, quickly registering the fact that he had grabbed her kimono and had torn it down the middle exposing her to his eyes.

"You will never attempt to leave your mate again," he commanded in a near growl bringing her body flush against his.

The evidence of his arousal pressed into her belly as she fought to find the logic of this 'punishment' and what exactly it was he was planning on teaching her.

She whimpered as his hands suddenly found her backside, squeezing her, and kneading her flesh. He nipped her mark then, making her yelp in the process as she felt a simultaneous throb of pain and desire go through her entire body.

He licked her neck sensually, his fangs dragging across the delicate area making her blood begin to heat with need and want.

Flicking one rosy nipple with his tongue she bucked against him, her confusion quickly turning into one of yearning, her youthful body quickly giving into the demands of her infuriated male. However, just as she was giving herself into the sensations of his touch, he suddenly turned her around, tore the entirety of her kimono off, pushed her down upon her hands and knees, and entered her in one swift motion.

The young miko was still unaccustomed to his girth, to the whole sexual act itself, and whimpered with the sudden intrusion.

Yet, the inu did not stop. In fact he growled out, warningly, grabbing a hold of her hips with his sharp claws, managing to prick her slightly, and pushing his entire length into her, pounding her smaller frame, the sound of his grunts and the slapping of flesh against flesh flowing directly into her ears and into her very body.

Her slim body was forcefully rocked forward with his hard thrusts and just as she was unsure how to feel about this, what to think of his rough handling, he stood her up, placing her hands upon the rim of the well, bending her over, and positioned himself at the entrance of her femininity once more.

Kagome wanted to have him make love to her once more, but not like this, not in this way. Even though her body screamed out for him to take her, to claim her once more, her logical thought and emotions cried out for it not to be like this, not in anger, and not to teach her a lesson, or to -to teach her to submit. She wanted him to do it with love and tenderness.

He pushed forcefully into her once more, and as she was pressed forward with the hard thrust, her unclad breasts brushing up against the ancient wood of the well, her sensitive nipples tightening even further with the feeling.

A single tear slid down her cheek as he pumped into her tight passage with abandon, while he began to knead and massage her breasts, her nipples and the tightening in her lower abdomen betraying her inner most thoughts, her desire to have gentle passionate love, being quickly overridden.

She moaned when he hit a certain spot within her, unable to hold the sound back. Whimpers of pain and pleasure escaped her throat while her little meowls of pleasure urged him on.

Her body wanted him, no matter what her mind thought.

She bit her lip as he pulled on her long hair. "Say my name miko, scream it out," he demanded as he began to rub the very spot that began to make her shudder and tremble, while her body wanted to find its release.

Soon, unable to hold herself back any longer, her body shuddered one last time before she felt herself tightening, a deep heat building as he plunged into her with demonic speed until she thought she was going to rip apart into a million pieces.

Her breath coming in hard pants now, the miko couldn't hold on any longer, tremors overriding her, she screamed out his name to the heavens.

He snarled out his pleasure, howling his conquest as he spilled himself into her, his hot thick liquid coating her very womb. Touga continued to thrust into her to prolong their pleasure, emptying his seed while both of their bodily fluids of satisfaction dripped down her thighs. Deciding that this was not enough 'punishment' for the sudden pain of separation, thinking that she had been killed as she had disappeared, he pulled out of her woman's core, his thick cock hardening once more, and he began to enter her roughly once more. The slick wetness of his manhood aided him in the process as he grabbed a hold of her backside and pushed himself forward, hearing her sudden gasp of pain and surprise.

The daiyoukai did not wish to hurt her, but the lesson had to be taught, and as such, he did not stop as she began to protest and try to move herself forward to avoid his girth where he had already taken her roughly once before.

Sesshoumaru watched from high up in the trees, his youki and power concealed. Although he thought the other daiyoukai too far preoccupied teaching his female a lesson of submission and obedience she would not soon forget to even take notice of him, he did not want to risk being found out.

He could hear the girl moan, the scent of their pleasure thick and heavy in the air. While at first she seemed to be taken off guard with the inu's form of 'punishment' her body could not deny the physical pleasure the male was giving her; for though it seemed that the daiyoukai was being particularly harsh, Sesshoumaru could still tell that he was taking great care to not allow his beast more freedom with the female's body. It would seem he was being unnecessarily gentle when he need not be, when he should be punishing the miko more adequately, he mused with internal scorn.

Discreetly sniffing the air, his beast rose in interest, the scent of another powerful male rutting a female within such close proximity drawing his attention. The sound of pain mingled with pleasure soon had his own manhood twitching with need. How could such a female bring out any reaction from him? the inu Lord wondered with a mixture of curiosity and disgust. Especially when the female in question was a simple human wench.

Yet as his keen eyesight noted, said female was not horrendous to look upon, nor was she completely powerless, for grudgingly he had to admit -if only to himself- this particular female was strong, clean, and smelled rather…enticing. While her scent was mixed with that of another inu male, it still held hints of the purifying power she held within her very blood.

Just as he thought the pair had finished, their very different cries of ecstasy ringing in his ears, Sesshoumaru couldn't help but to take notice the position the other daiyoukai was about to partake in. The girl seemed apprehensive, her body immediately going rigid knowing she was about to receive her lover again. Yet the inu held her in check, growling out his displeasure at her movement, and promising her it would be much more painful if she did not relax.

Hn. He, Sesshoumaru, would never have even given the girl a warning. He would have simply impaled her upon his length, easing himself into her tight body, until she could take him in no more. He would not have thought to coddle her, but would have simply taken his pleasure from her youthful body, then perhaps gifted her with his seed until she could take no more of him. If she would not have been human perhaps he would have even gone as far as to continually pleasure himself with her, until he was certain she was pupped.

After a brief internal debate, the inu daiyoukai decided that perhaps it would be best to leave and attend to his duties, instead of watching his father rut with his female, and be thinking upon insignificant details such as rutting a human woman, and the disgrace his own father seemed to be repeating once more.

The inu soon disappeared from sight leaving the pair to continue their 'learning lessons.'

"What the hell is taking them so long?" the enraged hanyou bellowed in exasperation while pacing back and forth in the small clearing where they waited. "This is so stupid! The wench is probably gonna get herself killed, or at least maimed or something. Ya know the bastard was all pissed off, who knows what he could be doing to her right now!"

"Calm yourself Inuyasha," the monk interjected the silver haired male's outrages remarks. "You know he would never hurt his own mate," he calmly affirmed.

"A -Are you sure about that?" the worried kitsune child asked, his face scrunched up in apprehension and fear. "He did seem awfully mad and even really worried."

"Yeah and ya heard the howl that ripped through the entire area just a minute ago," the hanyou interjected once more, agitatedly continuing his pacing. "What the hell could that mean?"

"Well, it could mean many things Inuyasha, but certainly not that he has hurt his own mate," the monk answered calmly and rationally once more.

"Oi, will ya quit with all that talk about her being his mate? Damn bitch should get at least knocked around a bit, scaring the shit outta him like that!" the hanyou remarked agitatedly with the way the houshi kept referring to her as his father's mate…his -his stepmother.

"Shut up inu-baka you're just jealous!" the fiery red-headed kit exclaimed. "Kagome is his mate now and you're just gonna have to get used to it!"

"Shippou is right Inuyasha," the taijiya confirmed siding with the child, "she's your father's mate now, so he will know what's best for her. He wouldn't her hurt…not like you have so many times before," she thought to add with a look of displeasure.

The hanyou's ears flattened upon his head at the mere mention of the many times he had indeed hurt the futuristic priestess.

"Keh! Whatever, none of you know anything!" the half inu decided to add turning away from the group and slamming his hands into his long billowy sleeves and walking away from them.

Kagome remained seated upon her male's lap, her hair in disarray as well as her very mind.

Her mate had covered her nude body with his haori once more, bringing memories of their first time together to the forefront of her mind. She remembered how he had been very gentle with her, promising she would be his forever.

The miko felt her male nuzzling her neck and licking her mating mark gently making her suddenly aware of all they had just done moments ago and bringing her back from all of the gentle memories she held within her heart.

"Do not be upset with me little one. This was a lesson you had to learn for your own well being. Perhaps you may not think so at this moment, but I assure you…you will not leave my side nor alarm me in such a way again."

Kagome snorted in a very unladylike fashion, her eyes going up to meet his warm amber.

"Yeah it was a lesson learned," she answered with a slight huff of anger and hurt.


He remained silent for a space before speaking once more. "I…was afraid I had lost you my mate. I felt our mating mark sever and not only was the pain unbearable, but my heart feared the worst. That was truly unlike any pain I had ever experienced," the daiyoukai confessed silently trying to get her to see what she had done by not telling him where she was going, or knowing what was going to happen to their mating bond once she did.

"Yeah I guess I should have told you I was leaving, but I was already mad at you and didn't feel like even talking to you then. Though…next time I'll make sure I leave a note or something," she answered a bit moodily her voice laced with sarcasm.

"The others will surely want to know you are well miko. They too were worried." He paused in thought then continued. "Hn although it could be because they were more worried about my reaction than about you koi."

Though Kagome's internal answer was 'ya think?' she didn't dare speak it aloud, knowing that she was already treading on dangerous waters.

"There is still much to do and settle at the shiro priestess," the daiyoukai spoke once again while standing them both on their feet and settling his haori over her slender form properly and hiding any flesh that might be showing. She was his after all and he didn't need any other male ogling her creamy skin, lest he have to teach this male a lesson and it would be much less enjoyable than the lesson he just taught his mate.

Gathering his thoughts he spoke once more while gathering the woman's body close to his so they could fly to their destination. "I still do not know what I will do miko. I am the rightful Western Lord, although I know my son has led to this very day. Once we arrive back at the palace we will sort this out and you will abide by my decision. I only hope…you will also give me your opinion once more. This time…I will listen to all sides of the mater my mate."