This is my first story on this site.


Sora's Curse

It was a normal day on Destiny Islands. Sora,Riku,and Kairi where at there Island playing and having fun instead of off in a distant world fighting heartless and nobodies. It was also hot outside so they decided to go swimming. Sora and Riku were in there swim trunks Sora had swim trunk that were red with designs of some of his keyblades like fatal crest,ultimawepon,oathkeeper,oblivion,and a kh2 heart logo(A/N:Just with out it saying kingdom hearts on it). Riku was wearing swim trunks that were reddish-black with heartless symbols on them and a picture of The Way to The Dawn on the side. Kairi was wearing a pink one peace bathing suit with a flower and heart design. They were all swimming around enjoying themselves when Riku decided to dunk Sora. Sora came up,spit out water,and then turned to Riku.

"Now it's on!''Sora explained. He jumped at Riku and tackled him down into the water. Kairi feeling left out decided to splash both of them then the three of them started a water war. They all splashed,tackled,and laughed it was an awesome sight to see. But out in the ocean somewhere something was happening and it wasn't good at all. Out in the ocean some kind of a heartless that was swimming around and dropping something that looked like a rock,but it was jagged and spiked,had the same colors as a heartless symbol and it looked like the colors were swirling around inside of rock. It was called Heartless's Curse Stone. It gives certain curse to someone if cut by it. The curse also depends on the surroundings of the area you were cut at. The rocks will disappear if the heartless is destroyed,then it will linger for about 5 minutes. But,if a victim was cut by the Heartless's Curse Stone,at night fall they will go through the most painful transformation in there life.

Back with the group

Sora and the gang where exhausted from there water war and were laying on the beach,until Sora spotted something in the shallow end of the ocean. '' Do you guys see that out there'' Sora said. Riku and Kairi were looking to where Sora was pointing."What is that thing?"Kairi asked. " I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it"Sora said getting out his keyblade fatal crest,while Riku got out The Way To The Dawn.