Chapter Three – A Childhood's End

A/N : In this version, Starfire only went forward in time by ten years. Twenty years would make Nightwing at least 36 and that's just far too old to have fun with. offense to any 36 year olds reading this...but you shouldn't be reading this. You should be at work. *shifty eyes*

"It's cold...but warming one's self afterwards is enjoyable. Like victorious pain."

Starfire had crossed the room and was peering out a crack in the blinds where she could see the snow falling softly. I could barely remember the first time she had seen snow fall on Earth, but I was almost certain that when she had she had alarmed everyone in the tower and had demanded they tell her why the clouds were falling down.

"It hurts at first, but as the pain seethes away it leaves an enjoyable feeling in its place. Do you agree? It never snowed on Tamaran. But I'm sure that if it did I would have enjoyed playing in it, and then warming myself afterwards."

Tapping the tips of her index fingers together, the Tamaranean turned around and gazed in my direction. A warm smile lingered across her face, meeting my own before I abruptly let mine fade. The way she spoke of such silly things would never cease to amuse me. Even after all the years of imagining, wishing, craving to hear her ramble on once again, I was still utterly amazed by what she came up with.

"How do you keep warm?"

I arched a brow to her question as her presence moved forward and she made herself at home atop my bed, legs folded beneath herself.


It was a good question. I didn't own a heater and I didn't often think about the cold. Maybe I had grown used to it. The days had certainly grown colder with time. Jump City was in an outstandingly different climate as opposed to ten years ago.

"I do other things to take my mind off the weather."

Lifting a hand to my hair, I ran it through quickly and glanced about the weak lit room. I could tell Starfire was doing the same; scanning the notes and pieces of paper which clung to my wallpaper with blue-tack, the diagrams and maps sprawled out around the place and the electrical ware which every now and then caused a computer screen to blink on and off.

"It's nice to see some things have not changed."

With a solemn smile, Starfire hugged the duvet that was still resting across her shoulders closer to her small frame.

I could only nod as I watched. She had not changed at all, although I supposed I could expect nothing else. For her it was as if she had been with my younger self only moments beforehand. For me it was as if she had appeared after years of waiting and hoping and silently praying for her return. But I'd have to say goodbye again. She'd have to go back to her time to rectify what went wrong. To set things straight.

But it was hard to imagine letting such a beautiful creature slip away from me once again.

"Sit, Robin. You must be cold."

Patting the bed beside her, she grinned gently before tilting her head to one side to get a better look at me.

"I'm sorry. I continue to call you Robin, although you have already corrected me on the matter. Nightwing. Nightwing...I must remember it."

Rubbing the sides of her temples she closed her bright sparkling eyes for a moment in an effort to mimic what Raven used to do in the act of remembering. I sat down with a gentle chuckle, shaking my head to her. She was the same old Starfire...or should I say the same young Starfire, to be certain.

"Don't worry about it. Anything you choose to call me will be fine. Y'know, I don't at all mind Robin."

Reaching out in an innocently friendly gesture, I softly patted her shoulder closest to me – or, I attempted to. Instead, she moved her head very slightly and my hand came into contact with her cheek. After a moment of hesitation on my part, Starfire beamed once more and nuzzled against my hand with great affection.


She was using my real name now? As soon as she spoke the word, my mouth almost dropped to the floor. How on Earth did she know that was my name? We never discussed it...did we? I couldn't even remember. It seemed like a life time ago when we had last discussed such things above the city at night, perched right on the edge of the tower.

"What about that name? I like it."

Giving me a moment to withdraw my hand from her face, I promptly folded my arms across my chest and gave her a sly grin in return

"What about if I call you Koriand'r? I like that name."

For a moment's time Starfire almost seemed hurt by my words, but it wasn't long until her stare towards me turned warm once more. I couldn't believe that I had actually remembered her full name. I in fact didn't recall ever actually memorising it.

"Call me Kory...please."

Her words almost melted from her lips as she entangled a finger in her ruby tresses while still looking my way. If I didn't know Starfire better I would almost swear that was seduction she was throwing my way. But I did know Starfire better...didn't I?