A Dirty Secret
Rated M
Robin/Nightwing X Starfire/Koriand'r
"Nightwing, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my team-mate's body, purring into his ear, my tounge twitching just an inch away.
A/N : In this, Robin is now Nightwing and Starfire is...still Starfire. They are roughly about 18-20 years of age. ALSO for now it is a one shot. Perhaps if some people were to comment it something might happen? *wink wink hint hint*
Disclaimer : As far as you know, I DO OWN THEM. *lightning and evil laughter* Hmmm. If I brought one share of DC comics, could I claim that I own them?
"Nightwing?" I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed.
"Nightwing, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my team-mate's body, purring into his ear, my tounge twitching just an inch away.
No, Kori, don't, I thought and pulled myself back, even as I felt my nipples stiffen and arch towards him.
Lifting the soft sheet away from his pale skin, I couldn't help but gasp as his dark pubic hairs came into view, and then had to fight myself from grabbing hold of him as his long, fat shaft appeared, lying proudly on his thigh.
"Oh, X'hal, it's big!" I thought for the hundreth time, my gaze locked on it. It was so much bigger than the ones in the movies that Beastboy secretly watched, and even bigger than the ones in the human anatomy book I had been made to study.
Licking my lips, I wondered what it would feel like to run my tounge up his long shaft, what it would feel like to slip the fat head between my lips, and what his sperm would taste like as it dribbled down my hungry throat.
I knew from experience that he wouldn't wake unless I did something crazy, or there was an emergency. He was almost impossible to rouse once he had fallen asleep.
"Oh, Richard, please make you're little Starfire feel better." I pled silently to his inert form as I slipped under the sheet and fitted myself against him.
It had suprised me the first time I had slept next to him and felt him stiffen, thinking at first he must have awoken. It was only after spending a number of nights in Nightwing's bed that I had reaslised just how often his erections occurred, and how again and again as the hours passed his penis would fatten as he drempt.
I had learnt to delight in the feeling of his hardness against me.
Over the past four months I had taken to occasionally sneaking into Nightwing's bed as he slept, although most nights I'd only stay two or three hours before fleeing back to my room, pussy tingling as I fled.
Only twice I had stayed right through till the morning but both times he woke to find me dressed in my most conservative pjs, always accepting my lame excuses for being there, never suspecting I'd lain naked in his arms for hours.
The first time he'd ejaculated as I lay next to him, I'd been stunned, sure that he must be awake as his ropy strands splashed against my stomach and thighs. I fled that first time, his sticky cream oozing down my legs as I ran, but had been unable to stop giggling as I thew myself onto my large rounded pink bed.
I tasted Richard's sperm for the first time that night, dipping my finger again and again through the dripping cream, reveling in its flavour as I sucked his seed off my finger.
Since that first night, I'd often seen Nightwing come, and incresingly had to fight myself from straddling Nightwing and taking him inside me as he slept. But I knew that I had to be patient.
Tonight I'd decided to spend the whole night in Nightwing's bed, have him awaken to my naked body curled against him, preparing him for what was to come, for what he'd already started to desire....