"Hey Mista Jay, what are we doing out here anyway?"

The Joker, who had been looking at his watch, lifted his head with an annoyed look. Thankfully his assistant didn't see him, seeing as how he had his back turned towards her.

"I don't like it here, out on the docks, especially at this time."

Feeling even more annoyed than before, the scarred man turned back towards the girl that sat perched on one of the many cargo boxes that were lying around. "Well, Harley, if you must really know I'm here on a business trade." The clown ground out, loosing his patience.

Suddenly the Joker wannabe perked up, putting her hands up below her chin, the gesture making one think she was about to clap them together. "Ooo, what kind of trade?!"

Turning away from her again, the clown muttered, "None of your damn business."

Harley slouched over in disappointment, giving the man her puppy eyes, him obviously unable to see them.

"Ah, come on, Mista Jay! Ya can tru-" The scarred man raised a hand for silence, a vehicle heard off in the distance. The girl heard it and jumped up from her seat, going over to where the Joker was standing, a quizzical look on her painted face.

A white van pulled up in front of them, several people piling out. A man in an expensive suit stood in front of the group, a cane in one hand. "I never thought I would be doing business with one of Gothem City's biggest threats, much less you, Mister Joker."

Smirking the scarred man stepped forward, his female counter part staying behind, not liking the looks of these men. "Did you bring him?" The clown asked, getting straight to business.

The wealthy looking man didn't answer the question, but made a gesture with his hand. One of the men behind him went behind the vehicle, unlocking the back. Nobody else but Halrley gasped at what came out of it.

The goon came back with another man that had nothing on but a blindfold and the leash that he was being led with. Being led to stand next to the leader, the man with covered eyes immediately kneeled down, face lowered in submission.

All out grinning now, the painted man made himself level with the blinded man, looking over him, but not touching. "I'm surprised you wanted this one, Mister Joker, but this is the young man you showed so much interest in."

The scarred man reached out then, touching the cheek of the nude figure before him. The younger man flinched at the contact making the man with the cane suddenly strike him with said object.

Crying out, the nude man fell forward onto the ground, unable to get up again because of his hands being restrained from behind.

"Behave yourself for the customer!!!"

The Joker's eyes, which had widened when the younger man had been struck, narrowed in fury. Getting closer, he took the now whimpering man into his arms. Suddenly, a knife, which he had been hiding in his sleeve, made its presence known.

Before any of the men surrounding the dealer were able to react, the Joker brought the blade to the leash, disconnecting it from the goon that had been holding the other end.

Pulling the younger man close to his chest, the scarred man jumped back, creating distance between the men and him self. "I'll get back at you for that someday! For now, it was nice doing business with you!"