I stood in the living room beside the window, holding John, as I stared straight out at Ricky and Adrian. They were both looked steadily back at me; Adrian looked annoyed, but Ricky looked almost completely casual as he had his hand around her waist.

Adrian started pulling Ricky aside, but he just stood there like a statue, like he was in a daze. She was grumbling at him now, and he finally took his glance off of me and looked at her. I turned around only a second after I saw Adrian kissing Ricky again.

I walked slowly down the hallway and through the doorway of the nursery. I carefully set John down in his crib and looked at him admirably and chuckled as he quickly fell asleep. I turned around and walked out the door until I reached my room. I looked up at the clock in my room as soon as I stepped in the room. 12:01. I usually stayed up later on a Saturday, but lately I've been really tired, more than usual.

I walked over and lay down on the bed on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head, but the main thought was Ben. Was he actually going to break up with me earlier when he came over? Or was I just being too sensitive?

I also couldn't help but think of when I saw Ricky and Adrian in the living room. I didn't understand why, but it bothered me every time I saw them together. The thought always bothered me- the thought that every time Ricky comes over at night, he had probably just been at Adrian's or was about to go. It wasn't that I was jealous; it just irked me, and I wasn't sure why.

The image kept running clearly and vivid through my mind- me looking through the glass window, and the look Adrian had given me. I closed my eyes tightly to shut out the restless thoughts, and I was asleep within only a minute.


Ricky's POV

I groggily rolled over in the bed in the morning. I squinted as the sun was beaming through the window as I looked over at Adrian, who was still asleep. I sighed as I quietly stood up from the bed, looking down at my shirt and jeans that were lying on the floor. I quickly slid on my pants first and then my shirt. I looked back over at Adrian again, and I hesitated but headed out the bedroom door.

I shut the front door of Adrian's house on my way out, and I walked down the road to the back of Amy's house. I climbed over the fence and found George outside again, just like he was two weeks ago, before the baby had come. He was squatted down on the concrete, drilling wood. He looked up at me as he saw me casually leaning against the fence, and he said, "Morning."

I wrinkled my eyebrows together and walked towards him and stood only a few feet away from him. He looked awkwardly at me again with a bewildered look on his face. He put down the drill and stood up beside me. "Still confused?" he asked.

Was I? I asked myself. I was quiet for a few seconds as I thought about it. I thought about what I said to George weeks ago, about there being no "heat" with me and Amy. I wasn't exactly sure what I meant by heat, I guess I just meant there was no spark. I think George assumed that I meant sex when I said that, and I guess in a way that was true. But whatever.

I still couldn't get what George had said to me out of my head, "Heat lasts. Even when the love is gone, the heat will still be there." It made me question anything and completely everything that I do and think and feel. I think that I love Adrian, but I'm not really sure that I'm in love with her. Some times I think I am, but then I just end up getting confused again.

It also seriously made me question whether I liked Amy- you know, in a relationship kind of way. She's usually really hard to deal with, but I don't know.. there's just something about her that's so.. admirable. Something that I've never felt with anyone else before. But, I guess that could just be because she's the mother of my son. I don't know.

I thought I had everything figured out a couple of weeks ago when I told Adrian I loved her. I thought I finally could stop guessing and trying so hard to find some meaning in whatever I'm doing, and then it just disappears. It disappears just like that, and I don't know what to do.

"Yeah," I said. "I'm deeply confused."

He nodded and gestured for me to sit down. I hesitated, but sat down beside him. I could hear the babies, both Robbie and John, crying inside the house. I turned around to see Amy's mom standing in the living room with Robbie, and Amy standing, looking irritated, beside her.

"Maybe you should just take a break from Adrian for a while. And that's not me telling you to get with Amy. Definitely not," he said.

I nodded mostly to myself and mumbled under my breath, "Definitely not." I looked up to his questioning face, but I just ignored it. "I'm gonna go see how Amy's doing. Um, with John and whatever," I added.

I didn't give him time to answer. I jumped up and walked inside, the sound of the crying suddenly becoming so much louder. Amy and Anne both looked at me, but Amy's expression looked annoyed, Anne's looked somewhat relieved.

Amy didn't say anything and walked out of the room and down the hall. I followed close behind her. She went into the nursery and held John, trying to quiet him. I stood across from her, and she stared at me and said, "John's been crying all day. He doesn't even stop when you're here anymore. It's because whenever Robbie cries, John cries. It's impossible to get him to stop, so good luck." I looked at her, confused for a second until she handed me John. Sure, make me deal with him. Not that I mind it or anything.

The second I had John in my arms, he immediately stopped crying. Amy rolled her eyes and grimaced at me. "I don't know why he does that."

"Does what?" I said. And then I realized immediately that after John quit crying, Robbie was completely silent now, too.

"I don't know why he stops crying whenever you hold him. And look! Now Robbie isn't even crying!"

"Eh, it's just lucky timing," I said, and I was about to say more, but we both turned around when we saw Ben standing in the doorway of the nursery.

I nodded once quickly and then headed toward the door. "I guess I should be leaving." And then I looked at Ben as he walked over to Amy, and they both stared at me, so I turned around and walked out the room.


Amy's POV

"Hey, Ben," I said, sounded exhausted. He had that look on his face again. The same look from yesterday. I almost knew exactly what he was over here for. I hoped it wasn't true, but I had a gut feeling that it was.

"Hi, Amy," he said and, trying to smile, he failed instantly and frowned. He hesitated, but then spoke slowly. "You know when I said that there was something I needed to talk to you about last night?"

I nodded and said, reluctantly, "Yep."

He took a deep breath. "Well-"

"You're breaking up with me," I cut him off. I already knew exactly what he was going to say; I didn't really want to sit through it all. I just wanted him to get it over with and get out of here. For good. If that's the way he feels, then he might as fell get out now.

Hesitantly, he nodded. "It isn't that I don't love you. Because I really do. There's just no.." he trailed off, like he was having a hard time thinking of something.

"Heat?" I offered.

"Yeah, I guess," he said. He sighed. "Let's just see how it works for us to be apart for just a while. It's not goodbye. I don't want us to ignore each other. That isn't what I want at all. I want to be friends with you at least. A best friend. Forever. And I love you, and there's no doubt about that, but.. I need more.."

"I know," I said as I rolled my eyes. "You need sex," I grumbled.

"It's not that. I just need more than.. this. I don't know. I need to figure things out."

"Okay, okay, I understand," I said slowly. And it was just then that I realized tears were starting to well up into my eyes. I didn't want Ben to see that I was crying. "You should go, Ben. Please go."


"No," I said. "I'm fine. Really. Just leave. I need to figure out things, too. Leave!" I closed my eyes and waited until I heard his footsteps as he walked out and muttered "I love you" behind him. I opened my eyes again when he was finally gone, and then I saw my dad walking into the room.

"Hey, Ames," he said.

I waved slightly. "Hi, Dad. Did you hear everything?"

He nodded. "Yep. I'm sorry, Ames. I didn't know that you and Ben were having.. problems. He told me everything was fine. But I guess I did sense that something was up with him that day, but I just didn't realize he was going to br-"

"I'm fine. Can we just not talk about it? Please?"

When I saw him chuckle, I grimaced. "What is so funny?"

He shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing. Just what you said to Ben.."

"Dad!" I yelled at him. "What? How is what I said to Ben funny? I thought you were feeling all sorry for me, and now you're mocking me! What is it?" I scowled again. I couldn't believe that he was laughing at me.

"No, no, Ames! I'm not laughing at you! It's just something that you said that kind of.. set me off."

The scowl that was on my face was replaced with a look of confusion.

"When.. when Ben said that he needed more, and you suggested the word "heat" for him. Well, um, that kind of set me off, because.. the other day when I was talking to Ricky, we were talking, and well.." He stopped as he was talking through his laughs, but he continued, still laughing after every few words. "We were actually talking about you. Not badly, of course. But he said.. he said that there was no heat."