Disclaimer: I don't own Smallville... we'd definitely have more Clois since Season 4 if I did! :P
Summary: Lois keeps wishing she can see how Clark truly feels about her, her wish is granted and she becomes invisible...
Tagline: The fog fades away and she's left in a field full of truth and certainty, forever altering her perspective on the world and most definitely on Clark Kent. (Credit to who thought of tagline: luvloisnclark)
Pairing: Clois! :D
Spoilers: Most of Season 8, but not that much... ;)
A/N: It's Tuesday! And as promised, I'm posting! :D
The idea behind this story has been circling in my head for a long time now (even before A Night Out), and I finally wrote it. It takes place in Season 9, but won't really follow any events, since S9 hasn't aired yet; and in this story Jimmy is still alive! He's not going anywhere! 8-)
I split this story into: a Prologue, 9 Chapters, and an Epilogue. 8-)
You can thank redplanetkrypton from DI for the amazing poster that's in my profile! I'm not sure when, but dawnstarlight from DI will be making a trailer for this, and I can't wait to see it! :D :)
Okay, okay, stop muttering to yourself, you wanna read... well, who am I to stop you? Here you guys go, the beginning of Invisible...
NEW A/N: Edited 10/16/2017 - I decided to go ahead and edit this story too as I've done for "A Night In Sin City." I thought what better day to edit than the 16th anniversary of Smallville (10/16/17). :) Everything is the same, I just edited the grammar, punctuation, and tried phrasing things a little better (at least I hope so). Hope you guys still enjoy!
I'm still keeping the original author's notes. It's fun to see them. :)
"Cyborg is spelled c-y-b-o-r-g, Lois, not s-i-b-o-r-g," Clark pointed out to her on her screen and walked around to his desk.
"Thank you, Mr. Webster," Lois rolled her eyes as she hit the backspace to correct her mistake. She let out a sigh, "I still can't believe John was a cyborg with a meteor rock heart."
"Me either," Clark sat down at his desk and scooted his chair in closer, "He seemed like a good guy."
"Why is it that every guy who asks me out tends to try and kill me or you?" Lois asked rhetorically. After thinking about it a minute, she clarified, "Well except for AC and Ollie."
"You couldn't have known about him, Lois," Clark reminded her.
"I know… I uh, I just thought you were jealous," Lois rested her elbows on her desk and shrugged her shoulder.
"That's because I was," Clark thought.
"I was just trying to look out for you… I'll always be around."
"You're always looking out for me, Clark," Lois really appreciated it, "Thanks."
"You heading home?" Clark asked quickly when he saw Lois get up.
"Easy there, cowboy… I was just getting up for some more coffee. My expertise tells me that I can have one more cup before I OD on the caffeine," Lois smirked at him and headed in the direction of her desired drink.
"Need any more help with spelling?" Clark stood up, gesturing with one hand while the other one went into his pocket.
Lois raised her eyebrow, "Trying to find an excuse to stay longer with me, Smallville?"
"No," Clark replied none too convincingly, "I just figured that I'd be easier to ask than your spell checker since I'm already here. Plus, I come with banter."
"Yeah… Sure, I totally buy that," Lois laughed with a smirk and a wink. She passed him on her way back to her seat, "You've gotta work on your comedy act, Clark. Besides, I think I'm done with the article anyway."
"Want me to proofread?" Clark offered.
"And yet you can find a lot of red circles on your writing," Lois reminded him, "I think I'm fine, Clark."
She clicked print and picked up the paper from the printer near her desk.
"It's kinda cute that he's coming up with all these excuses to stay with me," Lois thought with a smile, "I just wish I could see how he truly feels about me."
"I wish I could tell her about me," Clark thought with a sigh, "She is strong… but too many people have gotten hurt because of my secret… I can't risk losing her."
"Well," Lois started louder than necessary, pulling Clark out of his thoughts, "I think I'm going to head out now."
She started gathering her stuff and looked at Clark expectantly. He had been acting weird ever since she had miraculously reappeared. He looked like he wanted to say something.
"I…" Clark started. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her when she was missing. He wanted to tell her the truth about him. He wanted to tell her how much she means to him, but all he managed was a deep sigh and, "Have a good night, Lois."
"You too, Smallville," Lois smiled sadly and turned around. She closed her eyes out of view. She wanted to tell him how she felt about him, but he was giving so many mixed signals she didn't know what to think.
"I really wish I could see how he truly feels about me."
Lois got in her car and voiced her wish one more time, "I just want to know how he feels about me so we can stop dancing around each other! Why won't he just give me a straightforward answer? Oh, I know! Because he loves driving me crazy!"
She let out a sigh, "I must be going crazy… I'm talking to myself."
She aggressively started her engine and pulled out of her parking spot – a lone figure watched her leave in the shadows, their features hidden in the dark.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Clark muttered to himself as he fought off tears. He threw his red backpack down on the counter that held his 'Blur' outfit. He had just super-sped home.
"I should have told her how I feel about her, but nooo… I had to be an idiot. I lost my faith in humanity when she left, I died when she left… I'm the Man of Steel and stronger than anything on this planet, but I can't tell the woman I love... I love her. Listen to me, now I'm even talking to myself like she does."
Clark ran his hand through his hair and went upstairs to bed. As he went up the stairs, another figure in the dark watched him go up the stairs and smiled.
Lois climbed into bed wearing Clark's high school number eight football jersey she "borrowed." She ran her hands under the pillow and looked to the picture on her nightstand. It was of her and Clark a few weeks after they had first met. Chloe offered to take the picture of them with the Kents, teasing about it being a "family picture."
Jonathan and Martha had their arms around each other and Jonathan insisted they do the same just for the sake of the picture. After rolling her eyes, Lois conceded and put her arm around Clark's waist and Clark did the same. It was awkward at first between them, but it felt so natural. Everyone's smiles were so bright. It was one of her favorite pictures and if she ever told Chloe or Clark, they'd never let her live it down.
She let out a deep sigh, closed her eyes, and breathed, "'Night, Smallville."
In a familiar yellow farmhouse at the same time, Clark stretched out on his bed and turned his head to a picture on his nightstand. It was the same picture Lois had on hers. It was one of his favorite pictures and if he ever told Chloe or Lois about it, they'd never let him live it down. If he just had the courage to tell her how he feels, he'd be able to hold her like that again every day.
Turning his head back up to the ceiling, he sighed, closed his eyes, and breathed, "'Night, Lois."
Morning crept in and the sunshine shone through the break in the curtains, right into Lois Lane's eye. She moaned and turned around causing the bed to shake a little. Was it morning already? It seemed like she had just gone to bed. Reluctantly, she sat up. Her hair was partly falling in her face and part of it stood up on its own. Opening one eye, she looked at the clock. She closed it again at the early time. Then her eyes shot back open when she realized…
That wasn't her clock.
She jumped up, but still sat in bed. She was in Clark's room. Looking down, she was relieved to see she was still clothed but confused that she was dressed in jeans and a maroon blouse that dipped down enough to grab attention, but not enough to seem slutty. She was dressed the way she was for work the previous day.
"How in the hell did I get here?" Lois whispered out loud. She wiped a frustrated hand over her face. She half expected Clark to bust open the door and yell "Gotcha" and laugh at her. But after a minute of staring at Clark's empty room, there was no yelling farm boy.
"Clark?!" Lois yelled as she got out of the bed. She edged herself off of Clark's bed, not bothering to make it, and headed down the stairs, "Smallville? Are you here? Care to tell me why in the hell I was in your bed when I fell asleep in my own?"
Clark wasn't anywhere to be seen in the house. Now, starting to get a little freaked out, she ran around the house to see if Clark was playing a joke on her and was hiding. She couldn't even find Shelby.
"Okay, I am officially freaked out now. I go to bed in my own apartment and wake up in Clark's bedroom with the farm boy nowhere in sight."
To try and calm her nerves she went into the kitchen and searched for the coffee machine. She reached out for the freshly brewed pot and her heart raced when she watched her hand phase right through the handle.
"Oh my God! What's happening to me?!"
Lois was well beyond freaking out now as she backed away from the offending coffee pot and stopped right in front of the island. In an attempt to try and make sense of what was going on, she dug in her pockets to see if she could find her cell phone and call Clark. She growled when she realized that her phone was nowhere to be found and in her other pocket…
Nope, no car keys or wallet.
"Is it too much to ask for to find out what the hell is going on?" Lois asked herself. She started her frustrated question loudly at first, but then her voice died down at the end as she let out a large and audible sigh.
"Maybe I can help explain, sweetheart," a voice said behind her.
Lois whipped around and her eyes widened before they started tearing up.
In a barely audible whisper, she spoke one word, "Mom?"
So, was it worth the wait? Are you intrigued?
Please tell me how you like it so far! :D You guys know, I thrive on reviews! So please comment! They truly mean the world to me! :)
By the way, while Lois is "invisible", her dialogue will be in italics to differentiate the fact that nobody can see or hear her... ;) I hope it won't be distracting.
I also finished another story that redplanetkrypton suggested to me entitled, A Night in Sin City. I don't know when I'll start posting it, though. I don't know when I'm going to update this one, but you can assure it won't be too long. ;) :D
Please Comment! 17 more days until Savior! Woo-hoo! :D
Clois Forever! :D :)
NEW A/N: 10/16/2017 – Still let me know what you guys thought even if you're just reading this for the first time. I still love reading reviews for my older stories. :) Hopefully I caught all my little mistakes from years ago and caught anything else as I was editing. Hope you guys (still) like it! Can't believe how long it's been since I first posted this story... 8 years.