A/N: I know it's nowhere next to christmas but I had to. I own Carol, Mrs Pasternack and Matt. The X-Men Belong to Marvel and Christmas carol belongs to whoever wrote/sings it. Please R&R.

Kitty stood in the mall dressed in an elf suite around Christmas time. The only reason she took the job was because she needed it. 'But,' the twenty year old girl thought, 'I get to see a ton of little kids at least.' She smiled extra big to the little dark haired blue eyed girl that came up next. "Well, hello little girl, what's you're name?" The girl looked up at him. "My name is Carol, I was born on Christmas day," she said and Kitty watched as she stood beside the fake Santa and, what she said next almost broke her heart. "I don't know who my Daddy is and Mommy's gone away." The little girl took a deep breath, "All I want for Christmas is someone to take me home." The Santa's eyes were filled with unshed tears. "Santa will do his best. Now go on and be a good little girl, Carol." She slid off his lap and grinned, finally breaking Kitty's heart completely.

"Um, hey, Matt?" Kitty asked as she walked up to the man who played Santa. "Yeah, what's up?" he wondered. "Do, do you know anything else about that little girl, Carol?" she asked nervously.

"Professor?" Kitty asked attentively. "Yes Kitty, what is it?" Xavier asked Kitty stepped all the way into his office. "Professor, there's this little girl, her names' Carol, she really wants a family for Christmas and, well, can I adopt her?" She asked the last part in a pleading tone. The professor smiled. "Where is she from?"

"Hello is this County Children's Home," Kitty asked into the phone. She received a yes and started telling them the story about Carol. "Oh, we'd love to have you pick up little Christmas Carol." The lady on the other end said. "You can come anytime that's convenient for you." Kitty smiled and hung up the phone.

Kitty and Kurt stepped out of the car. "Keetty, are you sure you vant to adopt this little girl?" Kurt asked for the fifth time. "Yes Kurt, I am sure I want to adopt Carol." She answered getting a little annoyed. Kitty knocked on the door. "Oh hello, you must be Kitty." A plump woman held out her hand and Kitty shook it, "Well please, and do come in." She stepped aside to let them pass. "My name is Mrs. Pasternack." Mrs. Pasternack led them up a staircase and into a room.

Kitty saw quite a few kids who smiled at them as they passed, a few even waved. "And right in here is Carol." Mrs. Pasternack said opening a door to revel a little room with a bunk bed and Carol sitting there with her dark brown curls up in a ponytail. "Carol" The girl looked up, "These nice people are here to adopt you." Carol grinned so big that if it was any bigger it might crack her face in half. Kitty and Kurt walked in. "Hi Carol. My name's Kitty and this is Kurt" she said pointing to the boy beside her. Carol waved and bit her index finger. "Hi" her voice was small and shy. "Kitty, would you come with me to fill out the paperwork." Kitty nodded and left Kurt and Carol alone. Kurt smiled at the little girl. "So Carol, vhat do you vhant to do until they get back?" he asked sitting down on the floor. "Tea party!" she yelled. 'Oh dear Lord, I bet even she could make Wolverine play with her.' "Okay." He said and she ran over to the toy chest.

"There we go," Mrs. Pasternack said handing Kitty one last piece of paper. "Just sign that and Carol's all yours." Kitty signed and the headed off to Carols' room. Kitty had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Kurt was sitting there in a pink tutu with badly done makeup and sipping a fake cup of tea. "Um" she coughed to cover the giggle that escaped her, "The papers are all in order. So when you two are ready we can go and introduce Carol to everyone." The two women walked away. "Is there anything I should know about her? Like any allergies or problems?" Kitty asked. "I pretty sure she's not allergic to anything but," she paused to make sure no one was around; "She's had weird things happening around her. Like, on her second birthday, her hair went from white blonde to the dark brown color overnight. And, there's also that time she, well, she, I don't know how to explain it but, she fell through her bed into another child's room." Mrs. Pasternack said nervously. Kitty grinned. "Don't worry Mrs. Pasternack. I'm sure she'll fit right in." she laughed as Kurt came carrying Carol on his back. "C'mon you two. Time for us introduce Carol to everyone at the Institute." Kitty told them and grabbed the suitcase that was packed for the little girl.

"Hel-loo" Kurt asked walking into the foyer. No one was around. "Huh. Weird, they knew we were coming back, right?" He said as Kitty came in with Carol. "I don't know. But will you take her bags up to her room?" Kitty asked setting the girl down. Kurt bowed over-exaggeratedly and bamfed up to the young girls room. Carols face was in awe. "Ohhhh! How'd he do that!" she asked jumping up and down. Kitty grinned. "Well, just like everyone else here, Kurt was born with the ability to teleport. And just like how you and I can pass thru things." Carols eyes went wide. "So, everyone here can do something special?" The older girl nodded. Kurt chose that moment to bamf back down. "Shall we take little miss Carol up to her room?" He asked ruffling the girls' hair. "Yeah sure, and Kurt," he looked at Kitty, "take off the charade, 'Kay." Kurt sighed. "Alvight, but if she runs off screaming it's your fault." He touched the button on his watch and before the two girls stood the fuzzy blue elf. Carol walked over to him. "Up?" she asked holding her arms out.

After half an hour they got Carol settled into her room, which was right across from Kitty's. "C'mon, let's see if anyone's back yet." Kitty said taking Carol's hand and Kurt taking the other.

Rogue and Evan were sitting at the table while Ororo cooked dinner. "One, two, three, wee!" The threesome in the kitchen looked toward the door. They heard it again closer this time. The door opened to revile Kitty, Kurt, and a little girl. "Aha! Ve found life!" Kurt joked and the two girls laughed. "Um, not ta be rude or anythin' buh, who's tha kid?" Rogue asked pointing at Carol. "Well, that's just what we were going to tell you. This adorable little girl here," Kurt picked her up for emphasis, "Is Carol, the little girl I adopted. Carol, say Hi to Rogue, Evan, and Ororo." Carol bit her finger and waved. Rogue got up and went over to the kid. "Well, hi there sugah." She offered a smile which the kid returned tenfold. "Hey there shrimp." Evan offered and Ororo just smiled at her. "Let's see if anyone else is alive, shall we?" Kitty said taking Carol in her arms.

"Hello?" came the voice of a young child. The professor turned around to find a dark haired child standing in front of Kitty and Kurt. "Ah, you must be Carol." She nodded franticly, causing the professor to chuckle slightly. "Tell me Carol, have you met Logan yet?" he asked

Carol, Kurt, and Kitty walked to the danger room. "Wow…" the girl trailed off. "Mr. Logan. We have someone who really wants to meat you." Kitty called to the large man fighting a tentacle like thing. "Stop exercise." He said and walked over to the trio. "Let me guess, it's the little shrimp." He asked looking at the little girl. "Hiya, my name's Carol." She said holding up her small hand for Logan to shake. "It's nice ta meet ya Mr. Logan." Logan took the smaller hand in his. "Um, Wolverine, me und Kitty promised we'd help Rouge und Evan move some stuff into Carols room. Vould you mind watching her." Kurt asked. "Sure, I'll watch the kid." The two walked off leaving Wolverine and Carol alone. "So, what do you want to do kid?" He asked and her face lit up.

"Tea Party?"

Maw ha ha, and she strikes again. Remember what happened to Kurt, now it Herr Logans' turn.