Disclaimer: Have never & will never own Loveless. However, I am a part of the band INK3D. Fanfics about us would not only be accepted (by us), but appreciated. More info on my page.


Loveless: Natsuo X Youji oneshot


"Do you think it would hurt?" Sagan Natsuo asked his Sacrifice one day when they were idly lounging around Agatsuma Soubi's apartment. Said pervert was picking up his underage boyfriend, leaving the mischievous Zero team alone.

"Well duh. That's why it's pain," Sagan Youji answered his Fighter, though he wasn't really sure. There was silence for a moment.

"I wish we could feel pain," Natsuo finally said, his voice wistful.

Another silence. "We can," Youji said suddenly. When Natsuo looked at him strangely, he hurried to explain himself. "In a way, I mean. We can't feel physical pain or even temperature, but we can feel emotional pain, right? Like if we were separated."

The last words out of his mouth seemed to hang in the air. If they were separated...Both were wondering how that would feel and hoping it would never come to pass. "I don't like it," Natsuo said finally. Youji knew exactly what he was talking about.

Afraid of where the conversation would go next, the Zero boys looked around for something to distract themselves with. Youji's eyes had just landed on the video game console when they heard Soubi's key slide into the keyhole. Moments later the pervert entered the room with twelve-year-old Aoyagi Ritsuka. Zero saw their chance.

"How many times did the pervert kiss you on the way here?" Youji asked Ritsuka, who blushed. Soubi glared at him.

"Youji, he doesn't kiss and tell," Natsuo joined in with a reprimanding voice. They both laughed and Ritsuka tried not to look affected by their teasing.

Soubi, however, strode over to the bed where they sat. When he reached them, he put a hand on each boys' neck. They stopped laughing, fearing he was going to kiss them.

Instead, Soubi pushed them together so their lips collided. When he released them, they drew back instantly.

Needless to say, they shut up for the rest of the night. They also huddled on opposite sides of the room, glaring at Soubi.


Soubi was gone to get Ritsuka again the next day. Natsuo and Youji hadn't spoken since Soubi had made them kiss. They hadn't even said good-night to each other the night before. It was starting to wear on their nerves.

"So..." Youji said finally in a tentative voice. Natsuo looked up at him. "Um...Soubi. I, um..." Unable to speak, Youji trailed off.

"He made us kiss," Natsuo said. He always was the more articulate of the two. "But..." He too trailed off.

"I want to do it again," Youji finished in a whisper.

Natsuo looked up slowly. His bright green eyes met Youji's fuschia ones. The same interest was reflected in them. Youji started to grin as Natsuo scooted closer.

When they were within range, Youji leaned over and pressed his lips to his Fighter's. It was different from kissing Ritsuka. That had been meaningless, only an attempt to get information about Seimei. It hadn't worked either, mostly because Soubi locked Youji out of the room as a result.

They pulled away slowly, and, seeing as Soubi and Ritsuka would be back soon, went to play video games.

They heard the pervert's key in the lock just a few minutes later. When he walked in with Kio, Ritsuka, and Yayoi, they both gave him an ill-meaning smile. Yep, everything was back to normal. Except one thing.

Soubi wondered if the Zero boys would still have their ears in the morning.