Disclaimer: I don't own the characters mentioned here.

Author's note: I really love writing stories and being creative with my ideas.

I hope my fellow readers and reviewer will give me inspiration to continue writing for this short story.Please enjoy it and tell me what you think about this story.

Xxx My Master is an Assassin Xxx

A young middle aged woman, who was wearing a business suit, walked alongside the sidewalk. Her hand was holding a smaller hand that belonged to a little boy. The little boy was wearing his blue uniform that consisted of a white blouse, a navy tie, and a sea blue coat with matching shorts. The last two piece of clothing held the star shield emblem of the school.

Minoru's brown eyes turned to gaze at a medium size house made of bricks. The house stood with various windows and two balconies. The garden decorating the exterior of the house was extremely attracting to the eye of a human being. The black iron gates were the only haunting thing that didn't match with the beautiful mansion.

"Mommy, why doesn't anyone visit our neighbor?" Minoru asked his mother. Sango smiled down at her son, before turning a frown at the house and its owner.

"That house is filled with bad people, Minoru. That's why people don't go visit that house. I don't want you getting anywhere near that property, okay?" Sango answered back.

"Yes, mommy," The six year old boy answered back with a solemn expression.

In this town, everyone knew about Mr. Tomiko's past. In that mansion, a cold hearted demon lived there; he was very strict and demanding. It was said, that he killed his wife and his two children, but the reason was unknown to the public.

Mr. Tomiko was pressed charges and sent to court. At the end of the jury trial, he wasn't declared guilty for his crimes, instead he was liberated from being sentenced to jail. Supposedly the rumor was that, the man and his family had come to live in this town, because he was a drug dealer that sold illegal treatments to other unknown people that lived around the community.

Everyone in this town suspected that Mr. Tomiko had bribed the police with money to cover up his hasty murder. People in this town feared to be drag into the danger, so they tried to stay away from him as much as possible.

Kagome drove into the new town, after driving for five hours from the last city drop off. Rin glanced outside the window, smiling softly at the sight of happy crowds roaming about the place from store to store.

Kagome parked her minivan into an Eight motel's parking lot. She turned the engine off and turned to stare at her younger sister. "Rin, are you sure you want to come and live here? Wouldn't you feel much more comfortable living again with mom and grandpa? I know that they won't mind having your company, again." Kagome said, as she tried to persuade her adopted sister to change her mind. She had already tried countless of strategies, but nothing seemed to really offer to Rin's stubbornness.

Rin had recently left a bad relationship she had with her boyfriend, Darien. She had lived with her boyfriend for three years in his apartment. She had had really high hopes that they would get married, when she finished studying her major in becoming a kindergarten teacher. That dream was thrown out the window, when she found her boyfriend having an intimate relationship with one of his colleagues in their apartment.

Rin had then decided to postpone her career and move out of town. She said that she needed time to think about what she wanted to do with her life, now. Kagome knew that Rin must truly be feeling heart-broken. She just couldn't think of anything else that would make Rin give up on her studies.

"Kagome, we already talked about this." Rin said, as she opened the door and got out of the vehicle. Kagome followed her sister watching Rin open the back door of the minivan and take out her two suitcases. Both suitcases had wheels at the bottom. Rin took out the handle and started pulling them as she headed to the entrance of the motel.

"Rin, I still don't think it's a good idea to let you live a life on your own. I'm scared that something might happen to you." Kagome expressed worriedly. She followed behind Rin.

"I'll be fine, Kagome. This is only for a temporary time." Rin said, as she stopped on her treading. Kagome caught up to her and giving her a hug filled with endearment.

"Fine, you stubborn girl, promise me that you'll call and write me back. Okay," Kagome said knowing that this was their way of bidding farewells.

Rin had already done her reservation on the motel, through the internet. She would be staying here, until she found a more permanent residence, where she could live in.

"Of course, I will." Rin said as she returned the hug.

Many hours later, Rin was found settled in the comfort of her temporary bed. The mattress was a little hard and lumpy, but she was determined to go hunt for a new place, tomorrow.

It was already late noon and she was scanning over the newspaper circling every job possible she could find that fitted her. The red X's on the paper were the places where she had called, but no one wanted to receive her. They wanted a person who had graduated from college with a degree.

Rin groaned as she hanged up the last phone call she made on her cell phone. "Why is it so hard to live on your own? It makes me feel more upset that people won't even give me the chance to prove to them my capability." Rin spoke out loud knowing that no one was around to listen to her complains.

Rin didn't want to feel useless. She knew that all her life, she had been dependent on others. Even her ex-boyfriend had treated her like a queen, when they had lived together.

Rin shook her head straying away from pensive thoughts, as she stretched one arm forward. In her other hand she was holding her favorite red pen. "Alright, it's time to call the next person."

Rin glanced at the black bold numbers on the newspaper momentarily, before dialing the number on her cell-phone.

The phone only rang twice, before a gruff voice picked up. "This is the residence of Mr. Tomiko. With whom am I speaking?"

Rin sighed away from the phone, before speaking up. "Hello, my name is Rin Higurashi. I'm calling for the job position in this household." She said trying to sound professional.

"Oh, I see." The voice answered back. It seemed to hold a hostile tone.

"Are you good at cleaning, cooking, and laundry? Would you be capable of maintaining a strict relationship with the master of the household?" Jaken asked from the other line.

"Yes, of course, sir. If you wish to have a personal interview with me, then I would gladly accept." Rin said, hoping that the man would say, yes. She knew that she first needed to be interviewed, no matter the lowly job it may seem to be.

"That won't be necessary." The older man replied back.

Rin frowned, feeling disappointment swell up in her chest. "Oh, I see."

"You can immediately start working, tomorrow. I expect to see you here early in the morning, and don't forget to bring your personal belonging with you. A room will be prepared for you in the household for you to accommodate in. Have a good day." Jaken instructed in a strict and boring tone, before hanging up.

Rin stared at the phone in shock, before the man's word installed into her head. "I got the job…" she mumbled. That's sure a strange way to hire someone.

Rin settled the newspaper in her lap and stared at the address on the article. She glanced at another job employment and didn't find the address to it. It seemed that only some people wrote the address on the job placement. I wonder if it was such a good idea to hire myself as a maid to a complete stranger. I don't even know how the owners of the household look like.

"Well, if he turns out to be a pervert, then I'm quitting. I'm not going to stand harassment on the job." Rin muttered out loud, before she stretched on her bed. Her eyes soon closed, and she found herself slipping into the void of endless dreams.

She ended up dreaming of graduating and receiving her diploma. Her dream then transcended to her dream wedding with her loved one. The shadow of the man was her ex-boyfriend. She woke up with a start when she had just run out of the church. In her dream she had ditched her to be husband in the church altar.

"..Okay, that was a really messed up dream." Rin muttered and turned to look at the digital clock. The time indicated that it was six in the morning. Her stomach cramped painfully from not eating anything last night.

Rin stood up weakly from her bed, and then made her way over to the bathroom. She turned on the shower adjusting the water temperature, before she took off her clothes. She took a quick shower making sure she was diligent with the waste of water. She was the type of person who liked conserving water.

She then got dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a white buttoned up blouse. She slipped in her dried feet into a pair of brown sandals that were decorated with gold flower adornments. Her black wavy and wild hair was left alone to let it dry.

Rin stuffed her dirty clothes into a plastic bag, and settled it on top of her clothes that were piled neatly inside the suitcase. "Okay, I think I'll get myself checked out and then head to a place to eat." Rin said just as her stomach growled in annoyance at her ignorance.

Sesshomaru Tomiko had just finished taking his morning shower and was dressing himself in a business suit that had pin stripes aligning the black suit. He adjusted his black tie in a suave maneuver, before he checked that everything was in order of his clothing attire.

His black polished shoes made soft noises down the hallway from his room. The mansion household was empty, except for his presence and that of his assistance, Jaken. The mansion's interior was fancily decorated filled with luxury, and yet felt like a reflection of the man's exterior position.

A small demon met up with his master at the front of the door. The demon had green skin and had yellow, large orbs.

"Master, today the new maid will be arriving. What would you wish me to do with her?" Jaken asked, as he followed his master outside of the house.

"Have the new maid get accustomed to the house's structure. Tomorrow, she will start by serving me. Jaken, you better have not hired someone dim-witted for this job, like last time." Sesshomaru said in an authoritative tone.

The alarm of the automobile was turned off and Sesshomaru settled his suitcase inside the leather seat of the Audi R8. He settled himself inside the vehicle and ignited the humming engine on.

"Have a good day, master Sesshomaru." Jaken said waving goodbye at the convertible car as it sped out of the driveway. The black gates that had opened up earlier for the car were shut closed again, after the car had left the property.

Jaken waited alongside the house patio, as he examined the garden. The gardener he had hired earlier in the month was so far doing a diligent job with the plants. He knew that Sesshomaru liked his plants to be in the upmost care. Nature was one of the most beautiful things that his master enjoyed the most.

His feet led him down the cobblestone pathway as he passed by the water fountain. He headed towards the black gates. The sun shone brightly today, causing him to sweat from the blistering heat. He would much prefer the cool air, but unfortunately, he had to wait impatiently outside. He waited for forty-five minutes before the new maid arrived. He stared at the young female, who was staring in awe at the house structure.

He cleared his throat catching her attention as she stared down at him in a startled expression. "G-good morning," Rin greeted softly.

She stared at the small creature that looked like a little monster. This demon had to be the smallest she had ever encountered in all her life.

She felt strange staring down at her new boss. She had expected to be craning her head up to stare at him in the face, but it turned out to be the complete opposite.

"You're late." The demon replied back, in a sternly tone.

Rin blinked at him with a blank expression. She knew that she hadn't been set a time to arrive, here. He had clearly said over the phone that he would see her early in the morning, not on a specific time.

"I'm not late. It is still morning, sir." Rin answered back, before regretting it. It was her first day here, and she was already back talking to her boss. She was starting to feel very naïve and stupid.

Jaken squawked at the rude girl, before glaring at the human. "I'll let that comment slide by. You are expected show some courtesy to your master; always keep in mind your position in this household. You are a maid and are in no position to insult your superior." Jaken regarded. He turned his back to the human that stood across the other side of the gate.

Rin watched as his brown shoes made noises with every step. "You can push the gate to enter. But, remember, after you enter inside this property you can't exit ever again on your own free will. You'll need to get my permission to leave." He said trying to scare the human. Jaken had never liked sharing his job with anyone, but Sesshomaru needed someone to cook in the household. He was too short and slow to attend certain tasks in the household.

Rin really didn't take the threat into much consideration. Wasn't that what she wanted? A place where she could forget about the humiliation, Darien made her go through. She had allowed herself to be manipulated.

Rin pushed the gates that automatically opened, when her hand touched the metal bar. She heard a silver voice box say something in a foreign language. She wondered if the efficient technology surrounding the house had recorded her features into its database.

She already took notice that this house was well guarded, and systematically monitored for intruders. This place was really amazing compared to the other distantly neighborhood houses.

Rin soon caught up to Jaken's slow pace. They walked in silence, before she decided to speak up again. She hoped that it wouldn't bother him if she asked a few questions there and then. "So sir, may I ask, what is your name?" Rin asked. She halted on the bottom steps, staring at the double doors in front of the mansion.

"My name is Jaken. I am Sesshomaru's greatest vassal in this household. "He said in earnest.

Why would he call himself a servant…? Rin's eyebrows scrunched up in comprehending, before it finally clicked. "You're not the owner of this house, are you?" Rin stated, blandly.

"Of course not, you silly girl, I am here to serve our master, Sesshomaru." Jaken said, feeling pride swell inside him.

"Master Sesshomaru is to be addressed with such honor." Jaken said, as he entrusted her addressing role. Rin nodded and followed the toad demon inside the house. Rin took in the black marbled tile floor and the few plants decorating the entrance pathway. A pair of polished staircase that led to the second floor was adorned with a red rectangular rug.

Five oval shaped doorways led to different areas on the first floor of the house. Rin took it all in, before she proceeded to follow Jaken. "Alright, for today I will be showing you around the house and the quarter, where the other employee in this house sleeps in. You'll be staying there." He said in an annoyed voice.

Rin hid her apprehensive expression, as she followed the small demon towards the second door. They walked in on the living room of the household. Jaken briefly explained that this area was only used when guest came into the house to visit the master. The living room had accommodated lavished tastes that Rin could become jealous of wanting. The lamps, paintings, flower plants, sofa chairs and couch, and the large plasma television that was attached to the wall. The transparent coffee table was sparkling clean with no trace of crumbs or stains.

The thought helped assure Rin that she wasn't the only serving maid in this household. They soon exited the room to enter the fourth door, where it led to a hall that followed the study room. Jaken briefly explained that the master usually spent most of his time in that room.

The third door led to the kitchen of the house, where she was in charge of cooking for the master. The kitchen wasn't too lavishing, but it was still big compared to a normal house kitchen. There were over ten cabinets that were filled with the requirement of the kitchen utensils.

The first door that was connected to the third door led to the dining room. The table was medium size, but large in length. A fancy gold royal chandelier hung over the table. A single vase that contained nothing in it stood on the middle of the table.

The fifth door led to the outside of the house, where the courtyard was very wide open. A lake stood far ahead and gave the garden a peaceful and serine look. Trees gave shade to cement and wooden benches that were located in certain areas on the courtyard.

The fifth door also had a small hallway, before leading to the outside of the house. The small hallway had a staircase that led downstairs to the bed quarters of the workers. Jaken explained to Rin that only the maids and servants were allowed to stay in the household. The gardener only came during the week to look after the plants. There was also the chauffer, which only worked on occasion dues to the master preferring to drive himself to work.

The bed room quarters of the maids looked comfortable with its small personal bathroom attached to it. There were three bed mattress laid out in different positions, over the white tile floor. A couple of shelves were also strewn out in the medium size room, where belongings of her other two companions was found decorating the room. There were also some drawers and closet hangers for putting away the clothes, they wore.

"I will leave you to yourself for the moment. I will come back to continue giving you the tour of the second floor." Jaken said, before he turned around and walked up the staircase. Rin sighed feeling tired of having to drag her two suitcases, along the first half of the tour.

She silently acknowledged that she wanted to view and play in the courtyard, but knew that it wasn't her place to be in. Rin busied herself to taking out her clothes, and inserted them in the drawers that were left open for her.

Why is this house so empty? I wonder where my other companions are right now.

After finishing her task, she decided to pace around the room. She soon got bored and went to investigate the bathroom, where she settled her personal toiletry. This is so boring…

Rin finally stopped caring of the consequences, and decided to walk out of the room taking the stairs. She went out into the courtyard, where she took her time viewing the plants and walking down the cobblestone path.

She walked over and around the large oak tree and found a pair of swing sets. There was a yellow slide that wasn't too tall for the child to play in. Rin walked leisurely over to a blue swing that looked more suitable for young adults. There was also a yellow swing that was designated for toddlers.

Rin settled on the swing and pushed herself lightly with her feet. The swing set didn't look new, but it hadn't been used for quite a while, either.

Does Mr. Tomiko have children? Rin wondered as she let herself feel delighted by the movement. She didn't go too fast in fear that she might break the jingling chains. The breeze hitting her face felt wonderful.

She lost track of time as she spent her time on the swings. She soon decided to venture the lake, when her honey brown eyes caught a white figure moving on top of the water. Rin stopped the swing and got off, before walking over to the lake that stood a few feet away from the oak tree. She ran up ahead, loving the feel of being able to run in the soft green grass.

Rin hadn't been able to act like a child in a long time. She gazed out into the clear water, where ripples of water ran through. A white duck had settled itself on the lake's water surface. The duck was taking a bath, and the feeling of able to witness such a beautiful thing made her heart beat in contempt.

Rin's lips lifted into a small smile forgetting about all her troubles, she had run away from. It had been difficult to admit that her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her. She had really thought that he loved her. As she watched the duck join its family, she realized that perhaps she didn't love Darien so much like she had first thought. Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to fall in love, again.

She walked back to the oak tree and settled herself in its private shade. She inhaled the fresh air, before coughing when she spotted a handsome demon making his way over to her. She stood abruptly knowing that she was now in trouble for meddling around with what didn't belong to her. Nature didn't technically belong to the owner of the house, but still it wasn't right to wander about a stranger's house.

"Who are you?" The man's deep voice echoed into her ears.

"I-I'm the new maid, here." Rin said with a blush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

"I see. Aren't you supposed to be with Jaken?" Sesshomaru asked, coldly. His tone was ice cold matching the indifference on his facial expression. Rin could only nod hoping that he wasn't the master of the house. Maybe, he was the gardener who had caught her red-handed.

"I won't take notice just this once, for your impudence." Sesshomaru said, with no trace of interest in her. Rin clenched her hands into fists, before taking a calm breath. She hated it when people had the ego to step over her like if she was an ant. What a selfish man.

"I am not a rude person to you, sir. I was simply admiring the scenery, since I have yet to be ordered and instructed on my duties in this household. An apology would be nice." Rin said, as she stared up at the demon making eye contact with me.

His gaze at that moment didn't make her shake in fear, as she held on to her confidence.

"A maid wants me to apologize for something so feeble like that." He replied back. His lips were slick and very resistible to touch, but her main attention focused on the conversation.

"How pathetic," he said softly.

"YOU…You're such a Meany." Rin protested childish, getting impatient with this man. She silently wondered who could stand a person like him. He took the best out of her in so many ways.

"A tantrum is not going to get you, anywhere." Sesshomaru responded. He pocketed one of his hands in his side coat. He looked so confident and poised with that business suit. His silver hair became more emphasized with the sun shining down on it. His magenta stripes, eyelid markings, and the crescent on his forehead made him look much more handsome, than she first thought.

He's wearing a business suit… Aww, I blew it up again, didn't I? Rin thought with a groan of regret as she forced herself to lower her head, in front of him.

"Forgive me, master Sesshomaru. I had no idea that I was being graced by your presence." Rin said in a monotone voice. Mmm, maybe I should address him as Mr. Tomiko… but then again, Jaken did say that I had to refer to him as my master. Ch, he wishes he was my master.

Sesshomaru could tell that the girl didn't enjoy lowering her gaze. Her words also sounded forced. "Save your fake speeches to yourself." He said, finally taking an interest in the girl.

He had never met someone who would look him straight in the eye, and then dispassionately beg for forgiveness for unrecognizing him. He was somewhat surprised that she even wanted to work for a dangerous person like himself. But, he has never seen her, before. He presumed the girl was new in town. She had to find out why everyone feared him.

Rin bit her bottom lip lightly to stop the protesting shout from coming out of her mouth. She heaved a sigh, before straightening out to face him once more. "I will take my leave, now. Please forgive my accusations." Rin said in sincerity.

Rin began walking away from him, when his hand reached out and grabbed her arm. He pulled her backwards, as she let out a light protest. "I did not give you permission to leave." He relieved in a steady tone. Rin stared up at him in shock. A surprise gasp left her mouth, as her lips parted lightly.

Sesshomaru didn't know why, but something about the girl's innocent and blissful appearance attracted him, deeply. His stare remained on her making Rin tremble in both fear and anticipation. She had never ever felt something like this for a man, before.

"D-do you wish me to do something for you, master Sesshomaru?" Rin asked, hoping to not anger the demon, anymore. She really didn't want to lose her job on the first day, here.

"No," Sesshomaru answered. He gazed away from her. He then released his grip on her.

"You are dismissed. Go prepare lunch." He stated, before walking off in the direction, he had come from.

Rin brought her hand up to her pounding heart. Her cheeks felt hot under his intense gaze. What is wrong with me? I just met with him.

"Rin," Jaken yelled as his small body came running down the court yard. He stopped before her taking a large breath of air. When he finally recuperated from his anger rampage he spoke up.

"You're an insolent girl! You failed to obey my orders. I thought I told you to stay put." He said in frustration.

"I was looking for you. The master arrived earlier than planned and he wishes to meet you, before I give you the tour of the second floor. I went looking for you like an idiot all over the house wasting precious time." He said in annoyance.

"…I already met him." Rin said, talking to Jaken like if she had known him all her life. Jaken stared at her with his mouth wide open in shock. She already met with him? Where was I when that happened?

"Come on, master Jaken. Let's go." Rin said with enthusiasm as she picked him up and ran in the direction that Sesshomaru had walked off to. Jaken complained throughout the whole ride screaming for her to put him down and respect him. Rin only giggled at Jaken's protesting cries.

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