midget and shorty was my nickname , everyone called me that when I was young , I got teased and bullied because of my size , I was always the short one , I was always the shortest one in my class.

Other students in school made fun of my height and my hair color , I would at times get to be called a freak , I hated them I hated all of them.

So what if I was short , so what if my hair was naturally gray , I couldn't help it , its not my fault , why do they have to make fun of me , I never said anything about them.

In all my life there was only one person who accepted me for how I look , accepted me for who I am , she never made fun of my height she never made fun of my hair or called me weird because I wore a mask.

She was my first friend …..my first love…

I met her long ago when I was 12 , she was a new student , all the boys were immediately attracted to her..and so was i.

She entered my class room holding her books , our teacher introduced her to the class her name is anko.

"where do I sit?" she asked

"well how about this , the one you think is the cutest boy in class is the one you get to sit next to" our teacher said

She looked around the class , all the boys were telling her to sit next to them ,

But she looked at me , and walked all the way next to me and sat beside me , all the other boys were disappointed , i on the other hand was shocked , she chose me , does that mean she thinks I'm cute? , but how would she know? , I was wearing a mask.

"hi I'm anko and you" she said

"I'm kakashi " I replied

Once class was over , I asked her if she wanted me to be her guide for the school , and she said yes , as I toured her around the school , we got to know each other more , she was fun , I liked her …a lot .

"so I'll see you tomorrow then" I said

"yup , it was nice meeting you kakashi" she said as she got on her bus and waved at me , and I waved back at her.

We instantly became best friends , I never had friends before , no one wanted to be friends with me , after some time we hanged around each other a lot and we'd have a great time together , I had deep feelings for her , the more time we spent together the more I loved her , she never asked me why I wore a mask or why my hair was gray , and she never made fun of my height , speaking of height she was much taller than me , my shoulder barely even reached hers , to her I looked like a ten year old when in fact I'm twelve.

"so , I was thinking if you wanted to meet my parents , they really want to meet you"

"really they want to ..why?"

"well , why don't you come and you'll see" I said

"okay" she said , as we both walked back to my place.

when I brought her at my place and introduced her to my parents , they were surprised and happy that I finally had a friend. My parents liked her , and she liked them. And I was glad.

but when she introduced me to hers , they weren't very fond of me , especially her father he didn't like me one bit , and her mother didn't approve of us being friends.

Anko ignored them and kept being friends with me.

"hey kakashi , I'm sorry for what my folks said"

"hey no prob , I get that a lot" I said

"well I'll see you tomorrow then"

"yeah , I better get going back home" I said , she leaned down and kissed my cheek , I looked at her with shock.

"good night kakashi" she said as she closed the door.

That night I was happy , I was…in love

By the time we were fourteen , i wanted to tell her how I felt about her and maybe even hope she'd feel the same way about me , but someone else already beat me , a guy named genma he's also in our class and he asked her out …and she …agreed .

By the time they started dating I barely ever get to see anko , she was always with him , and its like to her I was history.

One time I passed by at her place and saw her and genma kiss , I felt my heart being torn to pieces , I ran away from the scene , I ran all the way back home and went straight in my room , I slowly went to bed as I felt my eyes get wet , tears ran down my face and soaked my mask , my heart was aching .

I've never been this hurt before , its even worse then getting beaten up,…as much as love was great , …love also hurts a lot.

Its all over , I have no chance of ever being with her , I have no chance of beating genma , he's the basketball team captain and the football team captain , he was taller then me and stronger , and he even looked more normal than me.

She'll never know what I feel for her , she'll never love me , why should she , I'm a nobody , I'm just a short freak who wears a stupid mask. And as far as I know she seems really happy with him.

Four years passed by , I'm eighteen and I'm no longer the short midget , apparently I got my growth spurt and I stood over six foot tall ,I'm going away to collage , genma and anko are still together thou … were still friends , but not as close as we used to be, we used to spent lots of time together but ever since she went out with genma she spent most of her time with him.

I was leaving soon , so I thought maybe I should stop by at her place to see her one last time before I leave.

As I parked my car at the street and got out , when I knocked the door it surprisingly was open , I went inside.

"hello?" I said , but no one answered , her parents must be out , I heard a thud sound upstairs , when I went upstairs I heard ankos voice in her room , when I opened the door , that's when I defiantly knew that my life was over.

At anko's bed , a half naked genma was on top of a shirtless anko.

"dammit man , don't you know how to knock" genma said

"I-I 'm sorry I didn't know" I said , as he got off of her and pushed me out and closed the door

"what are you doing here anyway?" he asked

"I'm here to see anko , i wanted to say good bye before I leave" I said to genma who at the moment is only wearing his boxers.

"alright , hold on" he said as he went in , a few seconds later anko came out fully dressed.

"hey kakashi , what is it?" she said

"well, I wanted to see you before I leave" I said


" yeah I got accepted at N.Y.U"

"oh,..well , I'll miss you" she said and then gave me a hug, I hugged her back.

"by the way I'm sorry about coming in on you and genma"

"nahh, its alright , I was too nervous anyway , I was hoping someone would barg in and save me , but I'm ok now , not nervous anymore"

"I gotta go" I said as I walked pat her and went down stairs.

Before I could get in my car ,I felt some one wrap their arms around me , when I turned around I saw it was anko.

"don't forget about me" she said

"that's impossible" I told her

"call me everyday" she said

"I will" I said , she let go of me , and I went in my car , I looked at her one last time from my window , god she was beautiful , I started the engine and drove away.

She watched me drive away , then went back in her house.