Me: If you're reading this then you're looking at the rewritten version.

Leo: Why do you want to rewrite this?

Me: To remove ''Clenches fists'' DexterxLuna that were in this story.

Patty: What's so bad about Dexterx…?

Me: Don't you dare say it. I must change this story to be 100% Invitationshipping.

Sly: ''Blushing'' Let' just do the disclaimer.

Me: First time I hear that sentence coming from your mouth…Anyway I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. Enjoy! Oh right…This Duel Academy is similar to the Duel Academy in GX meaning there are Obelisk, Ra and Slifer dorms and it's a boarding school.

It was a new year in Duel Academy. The sun was shining, birds were singing and world was at peace. Yes no one has tried to take it over in past week. Anyway the main characters were walking towards the Duel Academy.

''Why did they put me in Ra Yellow? I'm good enough to be Obelisk.'' Leo complained. He along with all the other boys are in the Ra Yellow.

''Stop whining. You should be glad to be Ra.'' Luna said. She along with Patty are in Obelisk Blue Dorms.

''You should be glad. Because you're girl you are automatically Obelisk.'' Rua said annoyed. It was unfair that there was only one girl dorm. They then continued to bicker.

''C'mon you two stop fighting.'' Dexter said trying to calm two siblings down.

''I agree with Dexter, stop fighting. Don't you agree Sly?'' Patty said. Sly had been silent the entire trip. Actually he wouldn't be here if Luna hadn't dragged him.

''Whatever.'' Sly said in his normal I don't care voice.

''Okay we're sorry.'' Both said at the same time.

''Good. It's not good to start a year by fighting.'' Bob said. Soon they arrived to the gates of Duel Academy. There a woman greeted them.

''Hello. You must be my new students. My name is Linda. You are Leo, Luna, Patty, Bob, Dexter and Sly correct?'' Linda asked. Group nodded as an answer and Linda started to smile. ''Great! Let me show you your rooms.'' Linda said and asked the group to follow her. As they walked around they were amazed by all the things there.

''I can't believe this place is so huge.'' Leo said amazed. Soon they arrived to Ra Yellow dorms.

''This is Dexter's and Leo's room.'' Linda said and showed them the room. It was normal having a double bed, sofa, table and bathroom.

''Great! I can't believe we're roommates.'' Leo said excited. Dexter also smiled.

''Yeah. It's awesome.'' Dexter said going inside. Linda then walked to the room next to it.

''And this is Bob's and Sly's room.'' Linda said. From boys expressions it was clear that they weren't pleased.

''I can't believe I have to share the room with you.'' Sly said coldly and went inside.

''I'm not so happy either.'' Bob said slightly miserably. Linda then went off to show girls their dorm.

''Hey Dexter! Let's have a duel right now.'' Leo said grabbing his duel disk.

''What? Already! But we just came here.'' Dexter said surprised. He knew Leo loved dueling, but to think this much.

''C'mon! Let's duel!'' Leo said.

''Fine fine. Let's go outside.'' Dexter said and took his duel disk.

''You two share this room.'' Linda said to Patty and Luna who were excited to share the room. She showed them the room and then left. Immediately after putting her stuff on the floor Patty was going to leave.

''Are you going somewhere?'' Luna asked confused.

''Back to the guys'' Patty said. At this Luna started to smile.

''Do you miss my brother that much?'' Luna asked with a teasing voice, which made Patty blush slightly.

''I don't. Let's just go.'' Patty said and Luna followed her. Once they got there they were surprised to see a duel going on. It was Leo VS Dexter with Leo in the lead. He had Power Tool Dragon and Morphtronic Radion on the field with 3000 Life Points. While Dexter had Batteryman D in Defense Mode with one face-down and 2600 Life Points. Leo had two cards in his hand, while Dexter had one. They also noticed Bob and Sly watching.

Power Tool Dragon: Attr: Earth Type: Machine Atk: 2300 Def: 2500

Morphtronic Radion: Attr: Light Type: Thunder Atk: 1800 Def: 900

Batteryman D: Attr: Light Type: Thunder Atk: 0 Def: 1900

''How has the match been going Sly?'' Luna asked. Sly glanced at her and then looked back to the duel.

''Well, Leo got a really good start and Dexter got mildly good himself. Leo actually pretty quickly managed to summon Power Tool Dragon. Dexter got in bad position after Leo used Mirror Force. That's pretty much it.'' Sly said.

''Thanks Sly.'' Luna said smiling at him. Sly just nodded. Patty smiled at the two.

''Power Tool Dragon destroy Batteryman D.'' Leo said and Power Tool Dragon crushed the battery with its weapon. ''And now Morphtronic Radion attacks you directly.'' Leo said and again attack worked.

Dexter's LP: 800

''I set this card face-down and I end my turn.'' Leo said smiling.

''C'mon Dexter you can do it.'' Bob said.

''My turn. I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Then I activate Battery Charger. Now I can special summon one Batteryman monster from my grave and I choose Batteryman AA. However in order to do so I must pay 500 Lifepoints'' Dexter said and battery with A on it appeared.

Attr: Light Type: Thunder Atk: 0 Def: 0

Dexter's LP: 300

''Then I activate Inferno Reckless Summon. Since I Special Summoned a monster with 1500 or less Attack Points I can special summon all copies of it from my deck, grave or hand. So I Special Summon two more Batteryman AA's. You can also summon copies of a monster on your side of the field.'' Dexter said and two more Batteryman AA's appeared. To the Leo's side of the field appeared one more Morphtronic Radion.

''Thanks Dexter, with two Morphtronic Radion's all Morphtronic monsters I control gain 1600 Attack Points.'' Leo said as Radion's attack increased to 2600.

''That doesn't matter since I have three Batteryman AA's. Batteryman AA gains 1000 Attack Points for each Batteryman AA's I control. That means…'' Dexter said.

Batteryman AA's ATK: 3000

''3000 Attack Points?'' Leo said surprised.

''That's impressive.'' Patty said surprised. Luna agreed.

''Now Batteryman AA destroy Morphtronic Radion, then second Batteryman AA destroy another Radion and final Batteryman AA destroy Power Tool Dragon.'' Dexter said and all three attacks worked.

Leo's LP: 700

''Whew, I survived.'' Leo said. He was glad to be still in the game.

''I place this card face-down and I end my turn.'' Dexter said smiling. He was going to win this.

''C'mon Leo!'' Patty cheered, while Luna smiled at her. She knows why she's cheering for him.

''My turn! Draw! I summon Morphtronic Boarden in Attack Mode.'' Leo said and skateboard appeared to the field.

Attr: Earth Type: Machine Atk: 500 Def: 1800

''Thanks to Boarden's effect it can attack directly. Now go!'' Leo said and Boarden dashed towards Dexter.

''I activate Negate Attack. Now your attack is negated and your battle phase ended.'' Dexter said as Boarden hit invisible wall and jumped back to Leo's side of the field.

''I set this face-down and then it's your turn.'' Leo said. With his face-down he's going to win.

''My turn! I…'' Dexter was going to say, until…

''I play my Ring of Destruction. Now I destroy my Morphtronic Boarden and we both take damage equal to its Attack Points, which is 500.'' Leo said as ring appeared around Boarden.

''I activate Barrel Behind the Door. Now not only is the damage I would have taken negated, you take that damage. That means you take 1000 points of damage.'' Dexter said surprising Leo.

''What?'' Leo said surprised as ring exploded and smoke covered Leo's side of the field. Once the smoke cleared Leo was down on the ground.

Leo's LP: 0

Dexter smiled and de-activated his duel disk once the duel was over.

''That was great Dexter.'' Bob said. Tenpei just chuckled slightly.

''Leo, are you okay?'' Patty asked worried. Leo stood up and smiled at her slightly.

''I'm fine, just little bummed out. Nice job Dexter.'' Leo said.

''You were great too.'' Dexter said and the two friends high-fived. Suddenly they noticed bunch of students running towards the main arena.

''Where are all of you running to?'' Leo asked and random slifer student who was running stopped.

''One of the new students just challenged one of the best Ra Yellow duelists there is.'' Slifer said and then continued his running.

''That sounds great! Let's go!'' Leo said and ran off.

''Wait Leo!'' Patty yelled and all others ran after him. Even Sly.

Once they got to the arena they noticed Slifer on the other side and Ra on the other side. Lucky for them the duel hasn't started yet.

''This duel is between Jake of Slifer Dorm and Nick of Ra Yellow. Are both duelists ready?'' Judge asked and both nodded. ''Begin!'' Judge said and audience started to cheer.

Jake's LP: 4000

Nick's LP: 4000

'' I Start with Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Then I use Future Fusion. So I send three The White Stone of Legend's, Masked Dragon and Genesis Dragon to grave, so in two turns I can Fusion summon Five-Headed Dragon.'' Nick said shocking everyone.

''Five-Headed Dragon?'' Leo said surprised.

''In terms of Attack Points it along with Dragon Master Knight are the strongest monsters in the game.'' Dexter said.

''But that's not all. Thanks to the effects of The White Stone of Legend I can add Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my hand. Since I send three I add three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to my hand.'' Nick said once again shocking everyone.

''Blue Eyes White Dragon? Legendary card used by the Legendary Seto Kaiba! Why does he have them?'' Leo asked.

''Well after Seto Kaiba's death his three Blue-Eyes Dragons and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon were given as prizes in a huge tournament and I guess this guy was lucky enough to win.'' Dexter said. Leo looked at him surprised.

''You sure know a lot Dex.'' Leo said and Dexter laughed a bit.

''Then I use Polymerization. Now I fuse together three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to Fusion Summon this card. Arise mighty Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!'' Nick said and huge three headed dragon appeared with a roar.

Attr: Light Type: Dragon Atk: 4500 Def: 3800

''And don't think I'm stopping there. I activate Dragon's Mirror! Now I remove from my grave Three The White Stone of Legend's, Masked Dragon and Blue-Eyes White Dragon to Fusion Summon, Five-Headed Dragon!'' Nick said and once again huge dragon appeared to the field, this time with five heads.

Attr: Dark Type: Dragon Atk: 5000 Def: 5000

Once again the audience gasped. This guy…he has amazing monsters.

''There's still more I summon Decoy Dragon, but it's not going to be on the field for long as I remove it from play to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.'' Small cute looking dragon appeared, but it soon disappeared and on its place was now dark dragon with armor.

Attr: Dark Type: Dragon Atk: 2800 Def: 2400

''Don't think I'm done since he still has his special effect.'' Nick said.

''Is this guy ever going to end his turn?'' Sly thought annoyed. He was little impressed that he got so many monsters out but he has soon wasted his hand.

''Thanks to his effect I can Special Summon from my grave my Genesis Dragon.'' Nick said and to the field appeared new dragon. This was little smaller and was red in color.

Attr: Light Type: Dragon Atk: 2200 Def: 1800

''I think that's enough punishment for now.'' Nick said and finally ended his turn after summoning four monsters.

''There's no way he can destroy all those monsters.'' Leo said not believing he could win. However Jake didn't look worried at all.

''My turn! I summon Ojama Red in Attack Mode.'' Jake said. As soon as the monster arrived some in the crowd started to laugh.

Attr: Light Type: Beast Atk: 0 Def: 1000

''An Ojama?'' Leo said as he fell from his chair. Against all those monster he summoned an Ojama.

''An Ojama monster? And in Attack Mode? What, are you going to lose on purpose?'' Nick said quite amused.

''I activate Ojama Red's effect. When it's summoned I can summon up to 4 Ojama monsters from my hand, so C'mon out Ojamas Yellow, Black and Green.'' Jake said and three well known Ojamas appeared.

Attr: Light Type: Beast Atk: 0 Def: 1000

''Is that your best shot? On my next turn I demolish those little pests of yours.'' Nick said insultingly.

''Too bad your next turn will never come.'' Jake said surprising his opponent.

''What do you mean?'' Nick said confused.

''I activate Ojama Delta Hurricane! Since I control Ojamas Black, Yellow and Green I can now destroy all cards on your side of the field.'' Jake said while Nick panicked.

''What?'' Nick yelled surprised.

''You heard me. Ojamas do your job.'' Jake said and three Ojamas jumped to the air. They started to spin around 4 dragons and eventually destroyed them along with Future Fusion.

''When Genesis Dragon is destroyed I can return all Dragon-Type monsters from my grave to my deck.'' Nick said. He then looked at his hand. In it there are Future Fusion and Dragon Dwelling in the Cave. He's going to make a comeback.

''Next I activate Ojama Country. Now since I control an Ojama monster all monsters Attack and Defense Points are switched.'' Jake said flashing a victory smile.

''Wait…all your Ojamas have 1000 Defense Points, so…'' Nick said and soon came to realization.

''The game is over. I attack directly with Ojamas.'' Jake said and all Ojamas jumped towards Nick head-butting him.

Nick's LP: 0

''The Winner of this duel is Jake from Slifer Red.'' Judge declared. Crowd gasped at this.

''Wow! That was impressive.'' Leo said surprised by the outcome. Dexter nodded in agreement.

''Is there anyone who wants to challenge me?'' Jake said suddenly getting arrogant. After performing FTK nobody wanted to challenge him until…

''I take your challenge.'' Voice said and owner of that voice was Sly. As he walked to the arena he could feel everyone's gaze on him.


Me: Done with the rewrite.

Leo: It is pretty similar to the original one.

Me: Yeah dialogue is mostly similar, but I changed the duels quite a lot.

Patty: And there wasn't any that pairing in it.

Me: Yeah since I wanted to remove it. I rewrite chapter 2 shortly, but in the meantime, ignore all DexterxLuna hints in the next chapter.