Hey, this story has actually existed in an old notebook of mine, but was never posted. It is under Sessohmaru/Kagura, but is set after Kagura dies. I haven't read the manga in a long time, so a few things might be off . . . that's fine, this is an AU anyway.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or anything affiliated with it. I do own any OCs you see.

Wind Song


Naraku smiled as the flesh split. Two incarnations at once. Then the incarnations reactred violently to his control. One shot out the window, the other, slightly slower, was quickly restrained and had its heart taken out. Unable to follow the first, he focused on the second.

"I'll call this one Kagura . . ."

Kagura's death shocked Inuyasha and the others. Sessohmaru had disappeared with Rin and Jaken.

"At least she died free of Naraku." Miroku leaned his staff against his shoulder. "It could have been much worse."

"Who cares how she died? We should focus on giving Naraku some retribution for all the deaths he's caused." Inuyasha growled.

"Inuyasha . . ." Kagome changed her mind about whatever she was going to say. "There's a jewel shard coming our way!"

"I take it's corrupted . . ." Miroku dodged as a energy blast hit where he was sitting.

"Kagome!!" Shippo yelped and hid behind the modern Miko.

"What's that sound?" Inuyasha was distracted by a clear tune being played by a flute . . . It sounded like it was coming from the demon.


"Kirara!" Sango yelled, a windstorm kicking up.



"KAZE NO KIU!" The demon roared along with another musical note. Then everything went still.

"Everyone alright?"

"Hentai!" SLAP! Miroku and Sango were okay.

"I'm okay, thank you Inuyasha . . . Shippou?" Kagome glanced around. "Shippou!"

"He's not here . . ." Miroku rubbed his cheek as he looked around.

"Demon took him." Inuyasha sniffed the air.

"But . . . Kaze-?"

"It didn't hit the demon." He scowled as he sheathed the large sword. "Which means we have to chase after the runt. Kuso." Kagome grabbed her back pack, and quickly hopped onto Inuyasha's back.

"Jewel shard is going that way."

"Forgive me Sessohmaru-sama!" The toad demon Jaken sqwaked as the elegant one armed dog demon entered the clearing where they had been camping. It was a mess, scorch marks and torn plants. "A demon more powerful than me," He began.

"Took Rin." Sessohmaru's voice was cold. Ah-Un was injured, several cuts on his flank. "Watch Ah-Un." Then he was gone.

My music terms might be a little off, but cut me some slack. It's been awhile. This is actually the first fanfic I ever came up with, but I never posted (by the time I posted Belief, I had gotten out of Inuyasha into Naruto. I go through phases of interest.)