Mr. Kat had spent the whole night in the garage, working and sweating. But finally his greatest invention was completed.

On the table in front of the alien cat there was... another Mr. Kat! But that was a different Kat, because it was an android, not a cyborg like its creator. There were no organic parts inside Kat's last invention, it was all made of circuits, gears and wires, but it looked so real, you couldn't distinguish it from its inventor if its belly wasn't open, revealing the complex mechanisms inside.

Mr. Kat made an evil and satisfied grin and said to himself in cat language: "This truly is the best android ever created! Nobody will discover the truth about my robotic clone! Life will proceed as usual in this house, but I won't be here, because I'm gonna move to a quiet and distant place, where my plans to go back home will never be interrupted by a stupid little pest! Now it's time to take the final step: turning my beautiful robot on! Here comes your turn, Mr. Chip!"

The purple creature took a microchip and inserted it into the machine's intricate circuits. The gears and the mechanisms started to move at an increasing speed, lights started to glow and electronic sounds could be heard. Suddenly, the automaton opened its black eyes and arose in sitting position, almost making Kat boggle. The robot took a look around.

"Good morning, RoboKat!" The real Mr. Kat said "First of all, let me close your belly. OK, now let me hear your voice, I wanna know if the vocal circuit works properly." RoboKat obeyed and mewed: its voice sounded exactly like its creator's voice! Mr. Kat exulted.

"Now tell me, what are you gonna do in this house until you turn off?" Kat created RoboKat to turn off (pretending to die by old age) after 13 years. The robot made a cute face and answered to Kat's question: "I'm going to be nice and cuddly with Millie..." he made a wicked grin "... and cruel and ruthless with Coop!" They both laughed evilly.