Hidden desires

Disclaimer: I don't own alice academy.

A/N: I thank 4 the reviews. And keeleigh, I'll keep in mind ur request 4 longer chapters. So, what's Hotaru's plan anyway? Read on…

Hotaru sneaked past Natsume's prying eyes after their last class. She hoped earnestly that he wouldn't follow. She sauntered towards her lab but when she reached it, she took a left & stood at the foot of a spiral staircase which would lead her to the room that, at present, served as her lab. She got to the small door & looked over her shoulder to make sure she was alone before going in. She was locking the door when she heard a rhythmic sound behind her.


Hotaru bit her lower lip as she turned. Natsume was perched on one of the lab-tables, his feet dangling. He had a small ball in his hand that he was throwing on the floor & catching it in air as it bounced back.

"Hmm…nice place you've got here."Natsume said, his eyes never leaving the ball.

"Yeah, so…umm…you found me." Hotaru replied casually.

"You know, I never actually liked playing hide & seek."Natsume muttered huskily, "Hated it really…" he added, making a face. "& I didn't like it in the past couple of days either." He murmured menacingly, & the ball in his hand suddenly caught fire. He got down & walked towards her. Hotaru rolled her eyes, "geez…you don't have to light things up every time you're upset." Then she narrowed her eyes, "it's not like you can't control your alice."

Natsume stopped on his track & cocked his head to one side, "Oh I know that." He said pleasantly, "its just fun." Then he started again towards her, the fire ball in his hands. Smoky fumes surrounded them & it burned her nose. "Put out the fire right now" she hissed irritably. Natsume smirked as the flames suddenly vanished as if they got sucked in through his palm.

"Show-off", Hotaru thought to herself as she glared at him. Natsume smiled teasingly as if he knew what she was thinking. Then his face grew serious when he spoke again, "Come on Hotaru, you're my friend aren't you?"

She looked down. Was that it, only friends? She wanted to laugh at herself for expecting anything more. However on the outside she just said, "Sure." But then his hands rested on her shoulders & she thawed.

"So why are you hiding stuffs from me?" he asked sternly.

"I am not hiding anything…its just nothing to talk about." She mumbled.

"I still want to know." He insisted, "I want to help you."

Hotaru bit on her lower lip as she deliberated. Finally she sighed, "Fine…but no questions."

They had been working for hours; however Natsume had no idea what they were working on. She only assigned him to screw parts together. All these were so complicated that Natsume wouldn't have figured anything out regardless. "Are you working on another Mikan-bot?" he asked hesitantly while welding metal scraps together. "No" she answered briskly. "No questions." She added in impatience.

They lost track of time but Hotaru suddenly stood up & declared that it was enough work for the day. Tired & sleepy, Natsume got to his feet groggily. He stretched & his joints cracked noisily. "Wow…I've done a month's work." he said through a stifled yawn. "You asked for it." Hotaru inaudibly mumbled. He walked her to her dorm. "So, I'll see you tomorrow." Natsume said sleepily & staggered off towards his room. Hotaru was tired herself but she was secretly smug. By tomorrow, the first part of her plan would be complete & by tomorrow night she would be sure about Natsume's feelings about her.


Hotaru had just put the last pieces together. She had to get up earlier but it was totally worth it. She examined her creations gleefully. They were perfect. Then she walked off to her first class & waited for the day to end. After class she knowingly talked with Tsubasa when Natsume was looking. Then she avoided Natsume for the rest of the day. Before evening, she placed her pawns in place & left a note in Natsume's room asking him to come to the roof during sunset.

"Exactly at sunset..." Natsume said out loud. He read the note again. "Come to the roof during sunset. Your well-wisher. P.S - exactly at sunset." He sighed, why were people so melodramatic? He asked himself. They could've written the time, but NO…

He reached the roof top & stood frozen. He could hear Hotaru's quiet voice before she actually came in view. Tsubasa & Hotaru were standing too close. Their fingers entwined together. He was leaning over her & their faces were inching towards each other. Blood boiled in his veins. Was he really seeing this?

I thought she liked me, he thought angrily.

He charged towards them & pushed Tsubasa away. "I WILL KILL YOU!" He growled at Tsubasa & then he turned to face Hotaru. "What's happening?" he asked her through gritted teeth.

"That's my question, what are you doing?" Hotaru inquired frostily.

"Don't you like me?" he asked.

"Yes…but you said we were friends." She scowled, "what's wrong?" she asked.

"You can't go out with him." Natsume whispered.

"& why is that?" she folded her arms in front of her chest & asked scornfully. He closed in the distance between them & laid his hands on her shoulders.

His voice was barely audible when he replied, "Because I like you."

"Sorry, what?" she pressed cruelly. He cleared his throat & looked her straight in her eyes, "because I like you, okay?" his voice rang with intensity, "I don't know since when but I can't see you with anyone else……it kills me." He sighed & closed his eyes.

"Oh really now!" his eyes flew open because Hotaru's voice came from behind him. He turned & saw her standing casually, a skeptic smile playing at the corners of her lips. His first thought was that he had gone crazy, how else was he seeing two Hotarus? His head snapped between the two girls, but then the new Hotaru walked behind the one in his arms & then it suddenly fell motionless.

"Hmm…are you really that unobservant? These are just my latest designs. This one is Hotaru-bot, & you've already met Tsubasa-bot." Hotaru smiled at him. He stared at the Hotaru lying still. It looked like a perfect copy. Then he gaped at the Tsubasa look-alike & it too was just exact. "You're good, I'll give you that much." Natsume choked out. Hotaru's smile got broader. "Though it was a bit too much. Why exactly did you do all these?"He looked at her questioningly.

She shrugged, "I had to know what you really felt. I figured you're not gonna tell me on your own." Natsume walked towards her. He caught a strand of her hair that was fluttering in the wind & tucked it behind her ear. He lowered his face & murmured huskily, "you could've asked me first." He caught her in an embrace & touched her lips with his. Hotaru's eyes widened in surprise but then she closed them & leaned in for more.

End of chap.

So there you go. Please review if you like it. There's gonna be a final chapter.