Fullmetal Kitten Chapter 1

Boy in the Bathtub

Roy swore under his breath at the onslaught of rain outside the grocery store. It had only been somewhat cloudy when he had left to do his weekly shopping but now there seemed to be no end to this watery attack. Running his hand though is unkempt hair he sighed. The weather just had to be bad on his day off. Sighing Roy picked up his two grocery bags and hurried though the wet to his home. In his rush he didnt notice the extra five pounds or the undignified mew that came from one of his bags.

Fumbling with the keys to his house, Roy stumbled into his front hall dripping water everywhere. Dropping his groceries off in the kitchen and shrugged out of his military jacket, dumping it on the chair. He could practically hear Hawkeyes scoff at his messy apartment but he had bigger things to deal with at the moment, like getting into dryer clothes.

He slipped off his boots as he got the carpeted floor of his bedroom dumping them by the door. His white dress shirt was the next thing to go, tossed half hazardly towards a hamper with clothes spread around it. It was rare for Roy to actually hit the basket but this was his house. The only place he didnt have to keep neat and even then only the kitchen and bed room were messy the rest of the flat was close to spotless.

Rummaging through his dresser he pulled out a gray T-shirt opting to keep on his mostly dry military pants. After changing he headed back to the kitchen to put away the cold food so not to let it spoil before he got a chance to eat it. The sight that met Roys eyes wasnt the most pleasant. One of his grocery bags had been tipped over and boxes of food had been strewn across the counter top. Luckily it was his dry food and nothing perishable seemed harmed.

"What the hell?" he muttered causously stepping into his kitchen. All he needed was for whoever was in his house to escape with something important. The sound of claws scraping across the linoleum floor stopped Roy in his tracks. Looking down he saw the tip of a small tail move out of sight behind the island countertop. Arching his eyebrow Roy fallowed the tail.

His eyes met with a stunning pair of gold ones. The eyes belonged to a damp shivering kitten with golden fur. At a closer look Roy noticed that the right front leg up to the shoulder and half of the left back legs fur was a silvery gray color. The kitten seemed to glare at Roy as he took a step closer its fur rising defensively.

Sighing Roy stooped down on one knee and held his hand out in a friendly manner.

Im not going to hurt you, Roy said quietly.

The kitten just looked at Roys had before, what seemed to Roy, rolling his eyes. As if giving a sigh the kitten came closer. Not in the normal couscous manor most cats would have but as if to say lets get this over with.

"Your and odd one arent you?" Roy mused and to his amazement the kitten snorted in what sounded like contempt.

"Very odd," Roy revised.

Setting the kitten on the counter Roy rummaged though his cabinets for a bowl. He set the bowl down next to the kitten and went to his bags to find something that a cat might eat. The kitten seemed to under stand what he was doing because he went over to the box of Lucky Charms and pawed at it.

"Right," Roy snorted, "Like that is healthy for a cat."

The kitten just hissed at him and started to use its claws to scratch open the top of the box.


Roy snatched the box from the aggressive kitten and broke open the marked up top. He poured the charms into the bowl and the kitten immediately started wolfing it down.

"You better not vomit that back up." He warned as he put away the rest of his groceries.

The kitten ignored him and went on eating. Shaking his head Roy fixed himself some spaghetti. About five minutes into his cooking the kitten padded over to the stove. Roy turned to see that it had finished eating and now had taken interest in what Roy was making.

"Dont get to close," he warned as if the cat could understand him. The kitten just snorted again and began licking his paws clean. By the time Roy had finished preparing his meal the kitten had curled up to sleep on his counter.

Roy pulled up a chair and sat at the counter to eat. He studied the kitten and thought of what to do with it while he ate. He wasnt about to throw it out into the streets, he wasnt heartless, and he didnt think the local animal shelter would be good either. With this cats attitude he didnt think anyone would adopt it.

Roy sighed. None of his team could take it. Riza had Black Hiyate. He feared what Havoc and Breada would do to a pet if they had one. Fallman was reliable but got a rash from pets, and Fuerys apartment didnt allow pets. Maybe he could convince Maes to take it; Roy would bet that Elisya would be thrilled.

The glare form a golden eye pulled Roy out of his thoughts. The kitten uncurled its self and stretched letting out a big yawn. With a quick swipe of its paw behind its ear, the most cats like thing he had seen it do, the kitten let out a meow.

Confused Roy tried to figure out what the darn thing wanted. With a huff of exasperation the kitten walked to the edge of the counter.

"Do you want down?"

The kitten glared as if to say duh! Roy picked the kitten up and set it on the ground where it promptly trotted out of the room. After setting his plate in the sink to wash later he fallowed the kitten into his hall. There it sat at the door as if waiting to be let out. When Roy did nothing to open the door the kitten let out a cute yowl and pawed at the door like a dog.

"Im not letting you out," Roy told the kitten.

Once again golden eyes fixed on Roy with a glare. With a sigh Roy left the kitten by the front door and headed back to his room. He heard and indigent meow and the sound of pitter patter steps along his hard wood floor.

Roy pulled two towels out of his linen closet as the kitten once again meowed at him demanding his release. The only response the kitten got was being scooped up into Roys strong arms and carried off to the bathroom. Hissing the kitten dug its claws into Roys shirt pricking Roys chest painfully.

"Stop that!" Roy commanded readjusting his hold on the small golden animal as he closed the bathroom door. He set the cat down and turned the water to warm in the tub. At the sound of the running water the kitten went berserk. It yowled fiercely clawing at the door. Roy knew cats hated water but he never figured it would be this much.

"Shut up. Youre filthy and youre getting a bath." Roy told the kitten as he picked it up. The kitten struggled wildly in Roys grasp even going as far as sinking its tiny teeth into Roys arm. Roy hissed in anger and pulled the kittens mouth off his arm.

"You better not have rabies," and through all the kittens struggling it still had enough dignity to look at him as if to say do I look like I have rabies?

Turning of the water Roy griped the kitten securely in one arm. There would be no more biting and scratching now. Carefully Roy placed the kitten in the heated water.

A loud hissing noise and steam emitted from the bathtub making Roy stumble back and cover his eyes. There were several pops as if someone was cracking their fingers and a low groan that sounded to close to human for comfort. Moving his shielding arm from his dark eyes Roy took in the sight before him.

There in his bathtub sat a boy roughly eighteen naked. He had long blond hair spayed out over his tan shoulders, well tan shoulder and metallic silver one. He had an automail arm and leg. The teens eyes met Roys and he gasped. They were the same stunning gold.

As calmly as he could Roy stood up and left the bathroom closing the door behind him. He slid down the very same door to the hardwood floor.

His mind raced at what he had just witnessed. One the kitten he had accidentally brought home wasnt a kitten. Two, there was a naked teen in his bathroom and three. Well he wasnt quiet sure what three was.