Chapter 6: The other side of the coin


Think of this as a…uh…filler? XD

Really sorry again for not updating in months…*stares at Hana-chi, my "editor"*

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot of this weird fic, and of course the kids. Mwahahaha…


Al's POV

"Brother…where are they?"

"No idea, Al…"

"Shouldn't we be looking for them?"

"I'd rather not go through the trouble."

I got a little worried… I followed Brother to his personal library down the hall.

I wonder where Hana is…hope they're safe.

Hanako's POV

We sat around a table in the middle of Winry's beautifully tended garden. Different scents from different flowers seemed to bring a sense of calm over us.

But fragrance can't beat what I've got to say.

"Oh, Hana! I'm so happy for you and Al!" Winry said, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you, Winry," I smiled back.

"When's the wedding?" Riza asked.

"Next month," I replied cheerfully. I took a glance at a bluebird fly over the bed of white roses on the side.

"Where will it be held?" Winry inquired as Riza took a sip of tea.

"Central Gardens. The view there is spectacular! Fields of flowers! The calm breeze…It's what Al and I have always planned on having…"

"Speaking of 'plan on having'…Any plans for children yet?" the wife of the Fuhrer asked.

"Interesting…" Winry giggled.

"Well actually…" I blushed. "I'm 2 months along at the moment." I took a sip of my tea and waited for their reactions.

"OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS, HANA!" Winry started a squealing fit.

"Congratulations, Hanako," Riza smiled warmly. "Have you thought of names?"

"Why yes I have," I beamed. "If he were a boy, I'd name him Cloud. If a girl, she'd be Rhaine."

"What beautiful names!" Winry commented.

"Absolutely adorable," Riza said. "Best wishes to you and Al, Hanako. Winry, I must take my leave now, I do believe that my husband has a meeting with the generals in half an hour. I had a great time." She took a final sip of the tea and headed back to the house.

Roy's POV



Ow. My beloved wife slapped me hard on the left cheek.

"Wake up," she said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," I yawned. She helped me off the couch and got my coat for me.

"Go and tell Edward we're leaving now. I'll go look for the boys."

"Yeah, yeah…" I scratched my head. I think they went to the library…hmm…

Al's POV

Roy knocked on the door and informed us that they'll be going. We nodded in response.

"Ah! Roy-san! Where are the girls, by the way?" I asked before he turned away.

"No idea. Riza just woke me up."

"I see."

"Maybe they're in the garden? They're always there." Roy said lazily.


"Why didn't I think of that?" Brother mumbled as he took out another few dozen books to show me.

"Well, see you at your wedding, I guess." He shrugged his way out.

7 months later...

In the peaceful abode of Alphonse Elric and his wife Hanako…

Hanako's POV

"AAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!" I screeched at Al, lying on the couch, reading another alchemy book.

"Yes, Hana?" my husband asked, a bit shaken by my sudden outburst.

"It's time"

"Time for what?"

"Tea." I said irritably as I clutched my belly.


"THE BABY, YOU IDIOT!" He dropped his book and dashed to call the doctor.

Soon later…

"Don't forget to breathe, Hana…Just breathe…In..Out..In..Out…" My husband started freaking out as the baby started to go out.

"Calm down, Al!" I said as I squeezed his hand.

"I see the head," the doctor stated as he concentrated on getting the baby out safely.

"Oh, dear God…" Al started hyperventilating. I squeezed his hand even tighter.

"Calm the hell down, Alphonse Elric!"

After the baby was born…

"Congratulations, you have a healthy boy." The doctor said as he handed my dumbfounded husband the crying baby boy. "What would his name be?"

"Cloud…" I said, panting.

"Little Cloud…" Al whispered, carrying the baby as if he were the most fragile thing in the world. He seemed to have a very rainbow-ish aura around him…I could practically sense the flowers and sparkles all around. Cloud's crying began to cease.

"On to the next baby…" the doctor said, going back to me.

"Say what?" I stared. Ohh…so that's why I still seem a little big…

"You're having twins," the doctor smiled warmly. Alphonse froze like a statue on the spot, Cloud began to cry again.

"Oh…my…God…" Al whispered. "I need to sit down…" He laid little Cloud on his crib and dropped himself onto the couch. I sighed…

"Here we go again..."


"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl." The doctor said. She made this seem like déjà vu. What would her name be?" She carefully handed me my beautiful daughter.

"She's Rhaine." I said quietly, panting again. I turned to look toward Al – he fell asleep on the couch. I smiled. My eyes started to get all blurry…I'm gonna cry, damn it. A tear rolled down my cheek as I asked the kind doctor to bring me Cloud.

Cloud and Rhaine. My darling children. They look just like their father, golden hair and eyes. I held them close to me as I closed my eyes.

I whispered a small prayer.

Thank you, God…

Aaaand 5 years later…

"HAHAHAHA!!! YOU'RE SUCH A SLOWPOKE, RHAINE!" Cloud yelled as he ran around the garden with a bright pink stuffed cow in his hands.

"Give him back, Cloud! Give me back Yoshi!!" Rhaine shouted back as she stumbled after her brother, demanding back her favorite toy.

"You'll have to catch me first!" Cloud replied with a cocky grin stretched on his face. He could pass as the Joker now! I giggled as I leaned on my sleeping husband on our garden bench in the backyard. Suddenly, Rhaine stopped running. She sat down on the sun-kissed grass, apparently deep in thought.

A smirk cracked onto my devious daughter's face. She ran upstairs, clutching her brother's favorite baseball. She skipped onto the balcony and yelled.

"HEY, CLOUD~ LOOK WHAT I GOT!" she snickered. Amazing, these kids… At this age, they could pass as evil. Cloud gasped.






"WATCH ME!" I sighed as I watched my children play. I turned to give my husband a light kiss on the cheek, yawned, and drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Yes yes yes yes yes…

The real story starts in the next chapter.

Lol. FINALLY, right? XD

I'm gonna try to update atleast every month now (gah I'm PATHETIC).

But that's better than nothing, right? :D

Love, hugs and cookies to reviewers~!

_Himeko, the happy duck :D