Ed and Winry's Wedding!!

this is before the main story. think of it as a prologue or something...

(well, I had to show it..TwT)


Ed's POV

I had finally gotten Al's body back a year ago.

I had finally confessed my love for Winry a month after.

I had finally proposed to Winry 6 months ago.

We're finally getting married today.

I got dressed as quickly as possible. I tied my hair neatly in a ponytail and didn't bother to do anything with my so-called "antenna" – Winry loved it.

It's gonna be today.

Winry's POV

I can't believe this is happening…

I'm going to be Mrs. Edward Elric within a few hours time…

I tied my hair up and let Riza, who is now Mrs. Mustang (the wife of the Fuhrer!), do my make-up since I cannot keep still while applying even powder!

"Calm down, Winry," she said as she noticed me practically jumping in my seat.

"Sorry, Riza. It's just that…it's…well…today!!"

"Well, you have to calm down and keep still if you want to look your best for Ed."

I kept still as much as I could. When Riza finished my make-up, I headed to my dressing room to put on my dress as Riza went out to get herself dressed up.

My wedding dress was my Mom's. It's beautiful. A simple dress with beaded straps, amazing embroidery on the torso. After I put on my dress, I started on my stilettos. I giggled. Good thing Ed's finally taller than me…

I tied my hair up in a high ponytail, and put in three thin braids in it. I tied the simple veil onto the base of the ponytail and put kept it behind my head for the meantime.

I can't help but remember the look on Ed's face when he proposed to me. His cheeks a little red, but he had a gentle look on his face. Ed, I love you.

Riza knocked on my door.



Roy's POV

Why do I have to drive them to the wedding? I asked myself as Riza climbed into the front seat and sat our 2 year-old son on her lap. I sighed as I looked at Riza. She looks beautiful.

Winry got in the backseat.

"Drive. Now" my beloved wife really loves to order me around, doesn't she?

"Yes, ma'am."

And we headed off to the church.

Ed's POV

God, thank you. You probably can't believe I'm praying again, huh? I'd just like to thank you – to thank you for Winry…

Thank you…

I got up and started to pace around the inside of the church. Okay Ed, relax. Breathe. Come on! You can do it!

"Brother?" Al found me. "Brother, relax" he got me to sit down. "Is she-?" "Yeah, Brother, Winry's on her way here right now. Mustang called a while ago while you were pacing like mad!" "Oh...okay…"

The guests started to arrive. Elysia Hughes came, too. She's 7 years old now. She's obviously very excited to be a flower girl for the third time. First with Mustang and Riza, second with Havoc and some other girl, and now, Winry and me. Her mother, Gracia, followed her and led her to sit down while waiting.

The church filled up quickly. Teacher was here with her husband and adopted daughter, Mizuki (who is also a flower girl). Fuery, Breda, Falman, Armstrong, Ross, and Brosh were arrived in their military uniforms even when I told them not to. Havoc and his wife…Al's girlfriend, Hanako…Granny Pinako…etc.

Then, Mustang's son, Maes, came running up to me and said "A message from the Fuhrer! Your bride has arrived Fullmetal Alchemist!" Haha... "Got it." I smiled at him.

The music started. Winry probably booked a whole orchestra for this wedding. Al pushed me from my seat to the altar.

The main doors of the church opened. Winry walked in time with the music. Her veil was covering her face, but I can see a smile through it. She walked to the altar alone, as she requested. I took her hand when she was close, and the wedding began.

Winry's POV

We said our vows to each other.

We were bound together forever before God.

We were wed.

The reception went smoothly (though my face couldn't take anymore smiling for the cameras).

Ed looked a little irritated from all the photos being taken.

But I don't care anymore. I'm happy. I'm Mrs. Edward Elric.

Ed's POV

We got into the car I "borrowed" from former-Colonel Bastard.

All Winry could do was smile at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

We kissed and set off for our honeymoon.


[was it crap? sorry. the next chapter will be about the kids they'll have. until then, PLEASE REVIEW *puppy-dog eyes* I'LL GIVE YOU A COOKIE IF YOU DO!! :D]