Gaara had reshaped his sand to take form as an actual ship that he continued to control with his chakra and strangely enough nobody in the leaf village took any notice as he sailed it towards Ichiraku ramen stand.

Minato looked at the citizens below and asked "Do you normally have giant ships of sand fly overhead or are we under a gen jutsu?"

Itachi shrugged "No but weirder things have happened. Like the time my Mom hit the Hokage monument so hard it split in half."

Sakura blinked "I... I BROKE the Hokage mountain!?"

Sakumo eye smiled, which looked a little bizarre since he was mask less and you could see him smiling anyway, then said "I believe it was because Sai called you a useless hag during training."

Kakashi Sensei tapped his chin "There's that name again, Sai... How do we know him?"

Sakumo grinned showing off slightly fanged teeth "Ah ah Old Man no spoilers."

Gaara hovered his great sand ship over Ichiraku ramen and said "We're here. All ashore that's going ashore!"

Naruto, Haku and Kushina sprang to life diving off the side with the war cry of "RAMEN!"

Sasuke shook his head giving Calcifer some more fuel "Tch Uzumaki's."

Itachi reached into his pack pulling out a ripe tomato "Hey Dad think fast."

He tossed the tomato overboard that made Sasuke quickly shove Calcifer into Sakura's arms with the rushed instructions of "Breakfast six, naps at nine, emergency kunaii are hidden in a seal on the base of the bowl and don't leave him alone with Obito for anything!" That said he leaped after the vegetable shouting, "TOMATO!"

Iruka rolled his eyes "And to think he says Uzumaki's like there's something wrong with them when there's clearly something screwy in the Uchiha's."

Obito, Itachi and Kakashi Sensei protested "HEY!"

Minato looked at his grown up student "What are you being defensive for? You're a Hatake."

Kakashi Sensei sniffed "My eye is offended."

Obito said "Of course it's offended it's MY EYE!"

Kakashi Sensei put a finger to his masked lips "Hush my eye is sensing some disturbance in the force."

Obito glared at him "You know what? I'm not even going to dignify you with a response."

Kakashi groaned as he returned to the delightful waking world with a massive headache, he curled up miserably trying to block out light, Shizuku noticed and said sarcastically "Well look who decided to join us."

Minato asked "How do you feel?"

Kakashi mumbled "Like my summons had a party in my head."

Gaara made his way across deck swaying about until he crouched down beside Kakashi saying calmly "Listen you drank the last of my sake and I would much appreciate it if you refunded me my goods savvy?"

Obito frowned "You want him to throw it back up?"

Rin said gently "I think he means he wants Kakashi to buy him some more."

Obito made an 'O' sound then said "Hey wait! Kakashi can't buy him more he's only thirteen like us!"

Gaara stood up shaking a finger "Ahhh but he's also an adult as well."

He pointed to Kakashi Sensei who felt a tingle up his spine, he calmly closed his book and said "My mask senses are tingling."

Minato looked at him eyes full of mirth, "So your eye and mask have special powers?"

Kakashi Sensei tsked at him "No my sharingan eye senses disturbances such as damsels in distress, cranky Genin and what missions are fine to be late too. My mask senses imminent danger and has never lead me wrong."

Obito said "Apart from the mission where I die of course."

Kakashi Sensei replied "I never said it was good at leading other people."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Don't question the mask young one for it knows all."

Gaara coughed loudly making a 'gimme' motion with his hand.

Kakashi Sensei sighed "Fine I do so happen to have a bottle of sake sealed in a scroll you can have and I warn you mini me no more making deals with the Jinchuuriki. In fact consider this an intervention."

Kakashi sniped back "Intervention not needed I am never doing this again."

Kakashi Sensei shook his head sadly "You say that now."

Shizuku said quietly to Sakumo "Sensei don't you find it weird that your Dad is arguing with himself?"

Sakumo chuckled "It's actually pretty funny because I know that either way he can't win."

Naruto, Kushina, Haku and Sasuke scrambled back on the boat with large sacks on their backs.


Gaara would have raised an eyebrow if he had any, "And why would I do that?"

Iruka gulped pointing towards the Hokage tower, "That might be why."

On top of the the Hokage tower was an older Naruto that had two tails and a couple of hundred clones and all of them yelled at the time travelers "NO ONE RAIDS ICHIRAKU RAMEN BUT ME! BELIEVE IT!"

Itachi's eyes widened "Haku bro your Dad is super ticked."

Haku said back "Well what do you expect when he's had to deal with Councillors and Chunin exam paperwork all day!?"

Itachi nodded "True, OK I'll bring out the big guns, LITTLE SISTER JUTSU!"

There was pop and some smoke before three girls different ages appeared.

Itachi hurriedly introduced them "The eldest pink one with black eyes is Ai, the second one with brown hair and green eyes is Karin and the youngest with black hair and eyes is Mikoto we call her Miko."

The girls chirped happily "Hi!"

That done he addressed his younger sisters "Uncle Naruto is pretty steamed and these guys won't have a hope of escaping unless we use Ninja tactic 'Niecelings in Distress.' You know what to do so go!"

The girls nodded with a "Yes!" and vanished to locations unknown.

Haku grumbled "I keep telling you that is not a legitimate jutsu."

Itachi said sarcastically "And Sexy jutsu is?"

Sakumo scratched the back of his head "Well Old Man this has been interesting but if you guys don't want your asses kicked by Lord Hokage you better go back to your times and we'll see you later. Shizuku, Itachi, Haku let's go."

Sakumo and Icha leaped off first followed by Shizuku who waved back, Haku fist pumped shouting "Later Gramps, Grams and younger Pops!"

Itachi waved "Later Mom and Dad, come on moron."

He dragged Haku off the sand ship with him before he could protest.

Kakashi Sensei said "Ah Naruto the jutsu would be good right now."

Naruto was swallowing vast amounts of ramen in seconds saying through his chews, "We can't go anywhere until I refuel!"

Sasuke quickly drew out symbols saying "Don't worry Calcifer's got this."

He took the ball of fire back from Sakura standing in the center of the circle with his arm raised.

Minato said "Sasuke are you sure this is wise?"

Sasuke said back "Don't worry we've got this under control, it's just like we talked about Calcifer you can you do it."

Sasuke sliced off an inch of his hair and fed the hair strands he cut off to Calcifer who glowed brighter and the symbols lit up with him.

Sakura stumbled as the sand ship rumbled. "Sasuke kun do you know what you're doing!?"

Sasuke grunted "We're fine and now!"

The world changed around them in a blur of color and sound yet the ship didn't move an inch.

Gaara swished around his half filled sake bottle and said "Perhaps I should take a break from this for a while."

In a few moments more Sasuke lowered his hand and they stopped, they were still over Konoha but it was unknown when or where, Sasuke added a bit of coal to Calcifer "Good work my little star."

Rin and Iruka leaned over the ships rail to try and work out what time they were all in now, Minato also took in the surroundings carefully, Kakashi Sensei glanced around saying "It's strange it's right but it's not right."

Minato nodded "I know what you mean there's something off that I can't put my finger on."

Kushina swallowed down her last bowl of ramen burping happily "Ahhh that hit the spot!"

Kakashi who'd been trying valiantly not to throw up nearly did having watched mother and son devour fifty fix bowls of ramen between them.

As such he rolled over to the side trying to breath in some fresh air when something caught his eye.

He asked aloud "Hey when did that Yamanaka girl start wielding a sword?"

Everyone except Gaara charged over to his rail to see what he meant and sure enough walking next to Sakura, who had strange looking gloves on, was Ino holding a sword with a handle that reminded them of a ten colored ink pen.

Kakashi Sensei said "It's not just them everyone we know as ninja seems to have a strange weapon."

Sakura said "Is that Hinata with a scythe!?"

As they looked around they noted that every weapon was different and when a bunch of monsters with masks rose in the village the people with weapons charged to fight.

The alternate Sakura charged forward punching ferociously at a wolf looking beast then she leaped back to miss it's claws and was firing what they guessed was really tiny kunaii from her gloves.

Ino twirled her sword around clicking the blue slot in place making a wall of ice freeze three monsters in place as Hinata sped through the monsters twirling her scythe that changed into some long barreled weapon that also shot tiny kunaii.

Tenten joined the fight from the rooftops throwing a clawed shape blade that was attached to a long chain in her other hand that she managed to wrap around a tall bird monster and bring it crashing down into the battle was soon over and people resumed business as usual.

Seeing no more excitement the travelers turned to look at Sasuke and Calcifer. Kakashi Sensei sounded amused as he said "Sasuke will you be able to repeat your little trick later?"

Sasuke answered warily "Yes...why?"

Kakashi Sensei eye smiled "Because you seem to have taken us to an ultimate dimension."

Obito was excited "Did you see what that girl did!? She was all like whoosh whoosh BLAM! Do you think I can get a weapon like that before we go home!? Pllleeeaasseeee!"

Minato rubbed his brow tiredly "Obito I don't think that's a good idea you don't even know how they work."

Obito pointed to a group that were training "Yeah I do! Thing is something you press something thing is another thing!"

Rin said "Hey have you noticed that the clothing styles of this place are slightly different as well?"

Kushina said "Forget the clothes! Did you see that girl over there!? She had some massive hammer thing that turned into a hand hold thing that fires explosives!"

Iruka gasped "Is that me grown up!? Look at that I have a pair of gloves with that strange pen color thing at the bottom and when it punched a tree it went on fire!"

Kakashi Sensei patted his head "It did indeed and yes their toys are very nice but have you guys considered perhaps they might not have chakra like we do?"

Naruto yelled "No way! Did you see Hinata move!? She was almost as fast as busy brows!"

Minato said calmly "Be that as it may Naruto no one here is performing jutsu so the weapons are their best asset."

Naruto blinked then snickered and elbowed Obito, "Ass."

Obito chuckled along with him then whispered back "Bottom."

They both laughed oblivious to Sasuke's exasperated look, "Mature you are not."

Kakashi got up slowly trying not to hurl as he muttered back "You've only just figured that out?"

"No I knew from the beginning I just held onto the tiny hope that someday Naruto would grow a brain."

Naruto snapped "I heard that Sasuke you Assbutt!"

Obito bit his lip sniggering again, "Assbutt! That's brilliant! You know what could make it better? Ass Donut."

Naruto repeated "Ass donut?...That's hilarious!"

They cackled like a pair of hyena's attracting attention from the villagers below.

Gaara made an unnecessary ship's wheel out of sand and turned it "I'M TURNING HARD STARBOARD BUT WARY FOR I THINK WE'RE GOING TO BE BOARDED!"

Naruto asked "In english?"

Sakura bopped him on the head "HE MEANS PEOPLE ARE GOING TO JUMP ON DECK YOU IDIOT!"

Kushina stepped between them and growled at Sakura "Hey watch it pinky no-one hits him!"

Naruto cheered "You tell her Ma!"

Kushina turned around and walloped him one sending him crashing into the mast, "Except me of course."

Minato had a sweatdrop as he watched his much younger wife and future son bond in their own way.

Rin asked carefully "Was that really necessary Kushina?"

Kushina cracked her knuckles "Of course it was! A little bit of strong discipline does great things for stubborn boys!"

Sakura whispered to Rin "If that were true Naruto should have been well behaved years ago."

Kushina snarled "What was that?"

Sakura squeaked "Uh I was just saying I think Sasuke kun has noticed something!"

Sasuke indeed was looking to the right with sharingan activated "It seems we have visitors."

Not a moment later alternate Sakura, Ino, Hinata and Tenten landed on deck with their weapons at the ready.

Alternate Sakura demanded "Who are you and what do you want with our village?"

Kakashi Sensei said "Wouldn't it be more polite to introduce yourselves first?"

Ino smirked "I don't see why not since you're going to loose anyway. We are team HITS and we're going to kick your butts."

Obito snickered, "Butt."

Naruto soon joined in laughing with him as the alternate girls prepared themselves for battle.