A/N his is it people. The very last chapter. I find I am a sap after all. I want you all to know, this ending is so... them. Bella and Edward here have elements of me and my husband, so they way they did things is the way we did things. I'm happy with it, I hope you are as well.

There is no way I could've done any of this without my wonderful beta Nic. She is the cheese to my cracker, and I can honestly say there isn't another person on earth I would have to be my beta.

Disclaimer, I own nothing of the characters, but the storyline and all that? Yep that's me. Don't steal, Karma doesn't like it.

Chapter 22~ Epilogue


Time flew by from the night Edward and I finally told each other how we felt. After a few days in bed, we finally emerged from my house to face our obligations. His software launched on schedule and was, of course, a big success. The press touted him as "The Next Steve Jobs" and went wild over his new look. Sadly, I found myself setting my DVR to record every interview and picking up all the magazines that held a photo of him.

Eventually the time came when it was time for me to leave for my tour I'd never minded doing store signings, but was always a basket case with interviews. This time, I was proud of how well I handled the interviews. Alice was a dream, too. Teaming with Esme to set newspaper and magazine interviews to ease my mind before hitting the camera ones, and phoning to tell me how great I was each day, she kept me sane during the entire ordeal.

Overall, I was proud of myself for how much better I had handled this round of press, and deeply grateful to Alice for helping me to realize my full potential. Shy, bumbling Bella was gone, replaced by a confident author who was able to focus on her book and getting the word out about it.

The only downside to the trip was how much I missed Edward. With our recent admittances of our feelings, and the fact that he had never been, at that point, more than just a cab ride away, the absence was hard on the both of us. I kept my phone firmly in hand, or next to me wherever I was that I could get away with it, texting or talking to him as often as possible.

Still, I missed his arms around me at night when I went to bed.

There was one surprise early on in my junket. In the Chicago interviews before leaving, I was shocked when the reporter from the Times, an energetic young man named Seth, asked me how I felt about Lauren's change in jobs.

"So, Isabella, what are your thoughts on the change of position of our own Lauren Mallory? I understand she had some harsh criticisms about you at the literacy auction." He turned on a mega-watt smile, something that would have been flirty if he hadn't already made reference to an ex of mine named Adam.

"I don't know what you mean. I hadn't heard of anything about Lauren changing jobs." The surprise in my voice was evident. Honestly, I hadn't given her another thought after the article came out. She was low on my list of priorities.

"Yes, apparently several people had an issue with her 'attack' on you and your talent. The editors changed her position from the society column to the weekend gardening section." He looked at me over the rim of his tortoiseshell glasses and we both burst into laughter. The thought of Lauren walking around gardens, looking down her long nose at everything, made me laugh.

"Thank you Seth. You've made my day." We chatted through the rest of the interview, and I was surprised at the ease I felt with him. When he asked to grab a coffee, I didn't hesitate to accept.

No one was more surprised than me to spot Alice's assistant Jake standing in line at the Starbucks Seth and I went into. After greeting him and introducing Seth, I was almost blinded by the sparks that flew between the two. I ordered my latte to go, and left them to ride off into the sunset together.

The rest of my tour was fairly standard, and I enjoyed not panicking with the thought of every interview. I missed Edward though, so much more than I thought I would. The calls and texts helped, but I missed his all-encompassing hugs. Whispered longings over the phone didn't compare to how I felt when I was near him.

My last stop was Seattle, and while I'd planned to spend a long weekend there with my parents, I was exhausted when I arrived. I was already thinking of ways to get home early. I was so distracted with my scheming at the baggage claim that I ran into someone, almost knocking them over.

"I'm so sorry!" I said in a panic. I felt terrible, until he turned around and...

"Edward! What…"

I didn't get another word out before he swept me up into a huge hug, swinging me around like we were in a movie. I laughed with delight, so happy and overwhelmed to be holding him again.

He set me on the floor, cupping my cheeks in his hands, before leaning over to kiss me thoroughly. After a few titters from the crowd, we parted, and proceeded to grab my luggage. Asking him how he was there kept bubbling up on my tongue, but he'd smile or wink at me, or kiss my fingers, and all thoughts would fly out of the window, save for how excited I was to see him.

After hailing a cab, he told me he'd missed me, and so he coordinated with Esme and my mom to surprise me. He told me that after a couple days there, we'd head down to Vegas, where he had one last interview for a magazine. The time spent with him would have been fabulous on its own, but he also had plans to cash in one of the vacation packages he won by heading down to Mexico for the rest of the week. Sun and time away with him sounded absolutely amazing after the whirlwind tour we'd both recently finished.

When I asked how he'd done it all, he said only one word that explained it all perfectly.


The meeting between Edward and my parents went better than I thought. He didn't bat an eyelash at Renee's tube top, booty short and knee high boots combo, and dad left his weapons in the lockbox for once. Thankfully, we didn't spend too much time with them, just dinner at their house and a movie. No way was I going in public with my mother dressed like that.

Vegas was wonderful, and a couple of phone calls teasing Alice that we got married by an Elvis impersonator, then not answering her back for a while was the icing on the cake. I did eventually call her back, especially after I found out that she'd been the one to pack my bag for the trip.

Mexico—no, scratch that. Mexico with Edward was magical. We both had a pale day-glo for the first day or so, but then a little color set in and it was all I could do to take my eyes off of him. We frolicked and played like children, and spent a good amount of time in bed.

We also began talking about the future. It was both exhilarating and scary to make long term plans like those. He laid out a year long plan, showing me he'd put a great deal of thought into it. If we were both in agreement, after six months of being together, we'd move in together. It worked nicely, as his place was bigger, and we'd be able to rent my place out. After a year, we'd decide whether or not to move forward.

While his plan was cute and well thought out, I knew it wouldn't work. After thinking it over, I decided not to tell him that, and just let him figure out on his own that you couldn't put a timetable on relationships. I had no doubt we'd live together and get married one day, but I was confident it wouldn't happen according to Edward's plan. There was no way I was going to let it happen like that.

Our relationship so far had been wonderful and surprising, and I wanted to keep that easy-going tone we had already established. Putting a time-table on love was just...well, depressing.

It turned out that I was right. Three months later, he was begging me to move in with him. I couldn't stop the grin on my face as he pointed out all the reasons for me to live with him.

"You're over here all the time as it is, Bella. It can't be productive for you to have to go home everyday to work and then come all the way back here. Most of your things are here already, so it'd be a snap to move you here."

"Edward, you said we should wait until we were together for six months before we moved in together. I don't want to upset your plan." It took all I had to repress the laughter that was dying to come out.

"Screw my plan," he growled, pulling me close to him and nipping along my collarbone to my neck. I never should have told him how weak in the knees that made me. "Move in with me, Love. I want you here always. Come, let me show you something." He took my hand and led me upstairs.

He opened one of the bedroom doors on the second level. I knew it once housed his home office, before becoming a catch-all for his extra computer parts. He'd cleaned it out, and added a desk and bookshelves. They were beautiful, but held only one book.

"It's for you. The book is yours, too. You just need to fill up the rest of the space." With my heart pounding, I walked over to the shelf.

When I saw it was the Orwell first edition from the auction, there was no stopping the scream of excitement that came from my lips. I wasted no time running to him, jumping in his arms.

"Yes." I peppered his face with kisses while promising to move in. "This weekend. We'll move it all in, okay?" He showed me how okay it was by bending me over my new desk to christen it.

Four months later, after a surprise trip to Hawaii (yet another idea of Edward's. I was really beginning to love the freer side of him.), we were immersed in Emmett and Rose's wedding plans. The girls had deemed it girl day, and we all took the day off and spent it nailing down details for their surprisingly small and simple wedding.

After all the work, we met up with the guys to play. Howl At The Moon wasn't the best place to talk, but the people singing and the raucous piano music made it a great time. The noise level didn't stop Alice from bugging me and Edward about our recent trip.

Excitement from secret trips and all the...fun, we'd had buzzed through my veins as I told her how we'd had a wonderful time. The air, the sun, surf and sand had relaxed us so well, spurring the both of us to act a little crazy and reckless. Vacations were fast becoming one of my favorite pastimes, and I was grateful that we were both able to take off at a moment's notice when the whim to struck us. Not to mention that the unexpected trip had brought on a new idea for a series of books for me.

And something more.

Alice and Rose listened raptly as I described how, one morning, Edward had woke me up with breakfast in bed. Only under the plate wasn't breakfast.

It was a ring.

The girls screamed, and we stood jumping in a circle and hugging before they admired the gorgeous piece of jewelry. Alice ran up to the pianos and paid an obscene amount of money for them to play "Going To The Chapel" for us. We laughed and danced around, drunk off the buckets of drinks we'd consumed, and the love we'd all found. The boys just shook their heads and laughed.

Edward strolled up to the piano men, and after a brief conversation he walked back, grinning at me. I smiled back, happiness flowing through me. He was mine. I now had proof he was totally and completely mine, just as I was his.

"While I just congratulated the newly engaged couple, the groom-to-be has an announcement." After that announcement, he played an ominous tune on the piano. Alice whirled around to glare at Edward, and we smiled sheepishly.

"Read to make a fast exit?" he murmured in my ear. I nodded. I did not want to deal with Alice's wrath once she found out what we'd really done on vacation.

"Edward wants you all to know that they did not get engaged on vacation."

A chorus of "Awwww no's" rippled through the audience. Rose turned her glare on to the both of us, and I snuggled deeper into Edward's side, grabbing his hand for the inevitable mad dash away from her wrath.

"They got married!"

Cheers went up throughout the bar, and we looked at our friends warily.

Shock was the most dominant feature over all four of their faces. The guys recovered first, grinning broadly and nodding their approval.

The girls, however, took a little longer. They smiled a little, but mostly, they couldn't get rid of their incredulous faces. I didn't understand why they were so surprised. Edward and I had said time and again how we didn't want to have a big wedding. We were both private people, and the ceremony we'd decided on had had been perfect, and completely us.

We didn't plan on marrying so quickly, but the magic of Hawaii had totally swept us off our feet, along with an eagerness to make me Mrs. Edward Cullen. We planned to have a stateside ceremony for our friends and family, but the one in Hawaii was exactly what we wanted: simple, private, and beautiful.

I knew Alice would get over it eventually, and I watched as the shock left her face. Waving a quick goodbye, I grabbed Edward's hand and bolted for the door.

"Bella Cullen!" she roared at the top of her lungs. I turned, wary until I saw the huge smile on her face. She ran over to us, grabbing first me, and then my husband, into huge hugs. With a small kiss to me, then Edward, she demanded details at lunch tomorrow. We quickly agreed before turning once more for the door. Our pace was languid this time, easy and simple as we left the bar and headed for home.

"Let's go Mrs. Cullen."

I'd never get tired of hearing that.

A/N I'm happy at the ending. Are you? Let me know. Will I post again? I have another story I'm working on, but I need to get it down before I start posting, so I don't leave you all hanging like I did for this one. Thank you, every single one that's read this and stuck by me. It's been a hell of a ride!