Mewmewlover23: It feels great to back in action!


Mewmewlover23: Sorry for the wait everyone!

Fuji: Welcome back. Where have you've been all this time?

Mewmewlover23: School has been stuff, but it's finally slowing down. Plus, tennis practice has been kicking my butt

Kawamura: Sokka

Momoshiro: But we're glad your back! Right Kaidoh

Kaidoh: Fsssssssh

Mewmewlover thanks everyone! Take it away Oishi!

Oishi: Mewmewlover-chan does not own the Prince of Tennis but she wish she did. Please do your Best Mewmewlover23-chan

Tezuka: Don't let your guard down

Mewmewlover23: Don't worry!

Megumi: I thought you forgot about me

Mewmewlover23: Sorry Megumi

Echizen: Mada Mada Dane

Mewmewlover23: Shut Echizen! Everyone, here's chapter three of the Queen of Tennis! Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Megumi's Troublemaking Fairies and Past

It was a rainy day at Seishun Academy and tennis practice was cancelled for the day. Megumi decided to walk home with Echizen because Momoshiro had detention for eating in class… again. Megumi sighed at the thought. Both students quietly walked in silence until Megumi finally got fed up with the quietness.

"So you live close?" Megumi said.

"Un," Echizen replied.

"I see," The silence continued until they reached Echizen house.

"See you tomorrow Echizen,"

"Ja na," the freshman said and entered his house. Megumi quietly walked home by herself and sighed. She knew Echizen was anit-social, but not to the point when he made it hard for her to even start a conversation with the youngest regular. School life for Megumi was going well. She's become close to Eiji and Fuji since they share all their classes together. Except for one class where she with Tezuka and Oishi. They are good friends as well. Actually, she's become close to must of the regulars, including Echizen. Megumi's just not use to starting conversations with people. She sighed, but smiled. When she got home she was greeted by to flying lights. They turned into small little fairies.

"Welcome home Megumi~" the hyper little fairly said with a grin. She had orange hair and brown eyes. She wore a light blue tennis dress and light pink scarf around her neck. She also wore white tennis shoes.

"Welcome home Megumi-chan," the more polite fairly said. She was wearing a red blouse and white skirt with black shoes. She had black hair and silver eyes.

"Welcome home Megumi-san," The calm fairy said. She had green eyes and yellow hair. She was wearing a chef's outfit and a chef's hat with black boots.

"Megumi, Welcome home," the cool fairly said. She was wearing a purple top with a jean mini skirt and black and purple leggings with black shoes. She had red hair and blue eyes.

"Hey Keiko, Kanon, Hana, Wakana," Megumi said greeting the four fairies. She sat down her bag and went into the kitchen. She began to fixing some tea and her fairies watched over her. They all then went into the dining room and sat down.

"How was your day Megumi-chan?" Kanon asked.

"Fine as usual," Megumi said coolly.

"When can we finally come to your school? I want to meet your new teammate's sooo bad!" Keiko said. Megumi sighed.

"You will as soon as the Formal Guardians send in the acceptance letter," Megumi said taking another sip of her tea.

"Moa! It's taking too long! I want it to come now!" Keiko yelled.

"Keiko, you must be patient. The letter will come," Hana said.

"I know, but it's no fun always wait at home for Megumi," Keiko said pouting.

"I agree. It's really boring with the others gone all day," Wakana said with a sad look. Megumi grabbed her fairies and pulled them close to her and smiled. They smiled back and went back to drinking their tea while Megumi grabbed her bag and began to do her homework when there was a sudden knock at the door. Megumi got up and opened the door and the mailman from the magical world and he gave Megumi her mail and left. She looked through the mail and saw a letter from the Formal Guardians. She opened the letter and read it.

Dear Megumi

On the behalf of all the Magical people from light and harmony, we understand that you sent a request for you're your fairies Keiko, Hana, Wakana, and Kanon to attend school with you. We would like to inform you that your request was approved and your fairies will be attending school with you for now on. Please do your best and if you need any help, please inform us.

From, Formal Guardians of Harunichi

Megumi looked at the letter and smiled. She walked back over to the table she was sitting at and sat back down. Wakana looked at her master and flew towards her.

"Megumi, what are you smiling about?" the fairy asked. She told the fairies what the letter said and they started to jump up and down with excitement.

"So for now on, you guys will be coming to school with me and that means you have to keep yourself hidden and out of sight until you meet the tennis team," Megumi said looking at Wakana and Keiko.

"Why are you looking at us?" the two fairies yelled.

"Because you two cause trouble," Megumi said. The two fairies pouted while Kanon and Hana giggled.

The next day, it was early in the morning and Megumi had called everyone last night and told them to meet at the locker room to talk to them about something important. Megumi was on her way to school when she saw Momoshiro and Echizen wait for her at Echizen house.

"Yo~ Megumi-sempia," Momoshiro said with a grin. Echizen gave a slight nodded and the three began to walk to school.

"Sorry I couldn't walk home with you guys yesterday," Momoshiro said.

"Its fine, Echizen and I finally had some piece and quiet for a change," Megumi said smirking.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Momoshiro yelled.

"That your too loud sometimes Momo-sempia," Echizen said. Momoshiro grumbled something about Echizen and Megumi being alike and Megumi smacked him on the head.


"Watch who you're mumbling about," Megumi said.

"That's right!" a voice said. Momoshiro blinked. He heard that right? A yellow egg with a green tennis ball on it came out of Megumi's bag. The egg popped.

"Keiko!" I told to stay in your egg until we got to school!" Megumi growled.

"No! I'm not going to let this guy say such things about you!" Keiko yelled.

"Oh dear," Kanon said popping out her egg. She had a symbol with a book on her egg and it was red.

"Keiko-chan, please stop," Wakana growled, trying to hold back the angry fairy. Her egg was yellow with a pink music note.

"No way! I can take him!"

"Sigh… how are we related," Hana mumbled. While the fairies were arguing, Megumi was twitching and Momoshiro and Echizen's eyes were staring with their mouths dropped. Megumi finally snapped.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled. The fairies stopped their bickering and Momoshiro and Echizen looked at snapped Megumi. "I TOLD YOU GUYS THAT YOU HAVE TO BEHAVE! IF YOU DON'T, I'LL BANNED YOU FROM COMING TO SCHOOL WITH ME!"

"H-Hai," the fairies said with a little bit of fear in their voices. She knew that it was going to be a long day. Megumi looked over at Echizen and Momoshiro and sighed.

"Let's go, I will explain what's going on," she said. The two regulars nodded and three walk on to club practice. When they got their, Megumi and Echizen were greeted by Eiji with one of his famous death hugs.

"Ohayo, Megumi! Echizen! Momo!" the red head hugging the two regulars.

"Eiji-sempia….. Get…. Off…. Of… us!" Echizen tried to say.

"We… can't… Breath!" Megumi growled. Eiji finally let go with the help of Oishi pulling him off of them. Keiko flew towards Megumi.

"Are you ok?" the hyper fairy asked.

"I'm fine,"

"Hmmm~ who this?" Eiji asked.

"I'm Keiko!" the fairy replied. Eiji jumped back.

"How rude! You shouldn't jump back when someone introduces themselves," Kanon said with an angry tone.

"Maa, Maa, Kanon, I'm sure he's just shocked," Hana said.

"Even so, it was still rude!" she said.

"Sorry about her. She's all about manners and stuff like that," Wakana explained. The regulars were looking at the fairies and then at Megumi. Megumi sighed.

"These are my fairies, Keiko is my sports fairy, Kanon is my polite fairy, Hana is my cooking fairy and Wakana is my music fairy," she said.

"Nice to meet you all!" the fairies said.

"N-N-Nice to meet you to," Oishi said.

"They will be attending school with me starting today. Each represent my talents or part of my personality," Megumi explained.

"Sokka, so you can transformations with them right?" Momoshiro asked. Megumi's eye twitched.

"This isn't freaken Shugo chara!" Megumi said with a glare.

"Then what do you get fairies for?" Inui asked as he was writing down data.

"Everyone in the magical world gets fairies to help them with whatever, they can transform, but they can transform in their caretaker," Megumi explained.

"Keiko-chan, why don't show them?" Kanon said.

"Alright!" Keiko happily said and transformed into Megumi. The regulars looked at fairy with a shocked expression. Even Tezuka was surprised, but still kept his composure.

"The only thing that's different is the personality. Keiko looks like me and sounds like me, but she will act like herself," Megumi explained. Keiko changed back into a fairly and sat on Megumi's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm not a coldhearted person like Megumi-chan," Keiko said laughing. Megumi glared and flicked the fairy off her shoulder.

"Itai! That hurt! Why did you do that?" Keiko whined.

"Your being a nuisance," Megumi said. The regulars chuckled but they shut up when Megumi shot an icy glare at them.

"We also have the power to change into humans as well," Kanon. She turned into a human, which was a huger shock to the regulars. Kanon turned back into a fairy and sat on Megumi's shoulder.

"With that said, that's everything… Oh yeah, they can turn into objects, Wakana, care to demonstrate?" Megumi asked with a grin. Wakana nodded and transformed into a microphone and then transformed back.

"Sugoi!" Eiji said.

"Un, learning about magic is defiantly interesting," Fuji said.

"I agree," Kawamura said. Megumi grinned.

"It looks like it time to start practice," Oishi said.

"Ah," Tezuka said walking out to go practice.

"He doesn't talk much those he?" Hana said. Sweat dropped down everyone head.

"I can see why she's Megumi's fairy," Kawamura said.

"Straightforward type of fairy," Inui said taking data.

"Nee Megumi, look around the school?" Keiko asked.

"That's fine, but don't do anything crazy ok. Hana, you're in charge," Megumi ordered.

"Understood," Hana said.

"I'm never left in charge," Keiko said pouting. On that note, the regulars and Megumi went to go practice and the four fairies began to explore Seishun Gakuen Academy. They were very pleased for the most part and enjoyed having fun in an empty room. Hana tried to get Keiko and Wakana to leave, but the two fairies didn't listen and they end up knocking over some papers and a drink. The drink fell on the papers. The four fairies left without cleaning up the room, and hoped and pray that Megumi wouldn't find out. But…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a man's voiced screamed. Megumi hit a powerful ball passed Kaidoh and flames formed around her.

"I'm seriously….. GONING TO KILL THEM!" Megumi yelled. Shivers came down the regular's backs. When practice was done, Megumi rushed into the school and went upstairs to third year's hallway to see a teacher collecting wet papers. Megumi looked like she was about to kill someone.

"I told them to keep out of trouble!" Megumi said in her head. She then looked around, when she saw the four fairies coming close towards them. Hana then noticed Megumi and stopped.

"What's wrong Hana-chan?" Kanon asked. Hana pointed and the other three fairies turned around to see an angry Megumi coming towards them. They tried to run away but Megumi grabbed all of them in her hand and head to class. Luckily, Fuji and Eiji were the only ones in the class inside the classroom. She began to yell and scream at four fairies as they tired to explain themselves.

"We're sorry!" Keiko cried.

"Please for give us!" Wakana cried.

"You four…," Megumi hissed. She was upset, if looks could kill, her fairies would be barbecue right now. She finally calmed down and sighed.

"I'll fix this problem later, so behave during class," Megumi said. The four fairies nodded and sat at Megumi's desk. As students walked in, Eiji was wondering why nobody else noticed Keiko doing summer salts all over the place.

"Ano, Megumi-chan?"


"Why can't the other kids see Keiko-chan?" Eiji asked.

"One good thing about being a guardian, others can't see when your doing magic unless they know that I'm a magic. You guys can see them because you know my secret," Megumi explained.

"Magic sure is interesting," Fuji said.

"It's more advanced then what it use to be. The magical world finally caught up with current date of time," Megumi said. The bell rang and class began. The fairies were calmer until lunch time we they acted up again. Megumi nearly stuff them into her bag until lunch time and she look exhausted. Flying all over the place, knocking into people, making papers scatter everywhere, you could see why she was so tired.

During practice, things quiet down, as Keiko and Wakana were cheering everyone in the practice. Hana and Kanon were quietly watch the regulars practice and observing them.

"Their good," Hana said.

"Un, Megumi chose a wonderful school to attend," Kanon said. She then looked over at Tezuka who was observing their caretaker. She flew towards him and sat on his shoulder.

"She doesn't show her true skills," she said. Tezuka looked down at the fairy and then looked back at the team.

"Sigh… out all the people I've met you have to be quietest person," Kanon chuckled.


"Please be there for Megumi-chan. She really has nobody to depend on when the other guardians aren't around," she said. Tezuka looked at the small fairy with confusion.

"Doesn't she have parents?" Tezuka asked.

"She hasn't told you?" Kanon said with a surprised look.

"Is there something I need to know?" he asked.

"NO! I'm sorry!" Kanon then flew towards Fuji and hid behind them. Tezuka then looked at Megumi and then walked over to Inui. At the time Inui was taking data on Echizen and Kawamura, but when he saw Tezuka he closed his book.

"What is it Tezuka?" the data master asked.

"What information do you have on Megumi's parents?" Tezuka asked.

"Hmmm…. Nothing actually," Inui said. That was a surprised.

"Nothing?" Tezuka said with a confused look.

"Like Fuji, I can't really grasp any data on her. She a tricky person, plus, I haven't been able to get personal data on her at all," Inui said closing his book.

"She's hiding something then," Tezuka said.

"She is a mystery…. But I'll see what I can find," Inui said. Tezuka nodded and left to continue practice.

That night, Inui did a lot of research on Megumi and her life in America. From what information the girl regular gave him (More like invalided her privacy) and from what Ryuzaki-sensei said. She was definitely a mystery, until he stubbed upon an article that talked about a car crash a few years ago about a couple who die in a hit and run accident. The name has Hikari on it.

"Bingo," Inui said in his head and began his research. The next day, Ryuzaki-sensei, Oishi, Tezuka, and Inui were talking about the line up for the Prefectual tournament.

"So doubles two will be Fuji and Kawamura, Doubles one will be Kikumaru and Oishi, singles three will be Echizen, singles two will be Megumi, and singles one will be Tezuka," Ryuzaki-sensei announced.

"Ah," Tezuka said.

"Allowing Megumi to play singles two would be the best option," Oishi said with a smile.

"She showed great progress with her training and I would like to see more of her skills," Inui said writing the line up in his book.

"Ok, with that, let's discuss the next line up," Ryuzaki-sensei said.

"Before we do that sensei, I would like to know something," Inui said pulling out a piece of paper and handed it to Ryuzaki-sensei. The old woman scanned through it and her eyes widen. Tezuka looked at the old woman with confusion.

"Is something wrong sensei?" Oishi asked.

"W-Where did you find this?" Ryuzaki-sensei asked with a serious tone.

"I found it online yesterday. I wanted to know more about Megumi's past and found that," Inui explained.

"What is it?" Oishi asked.

"The article talked about how a couple died in a hit in run car accident. The couple was identified as Hikari Yasu and Hikari Takara…. Megumi's parents," Inui said.

"… That's…. right…," Ryuzaki-sensei said. Her voice became sad.

"Sensei, I'm sorry, but Tezuka seemed concerned,"

"No, I just heard from Kanon that Megumi hadn't told us something….. From what it seems, I shouldn't have asked Inui to find out. I'm sorry," Tezuka said.

"It's fine…. I just…. Sigh… It's not a memory that I like to remember," she said. There was a silence for a minute, until Oishi finally said something.

"Sensei, what happened?" he asked.

"I can't tell you. If you want to know, ask Megumi. She knows what truly happened to her parents," Ryuzaki-sensei said. She looked on the verge to crying, so the three regulars left and walked to class. Ryuzaki-sensei looked out window and sighed.

"Takara…." She said. Meanwhile, Megumi, Eiji and Fuji were taking a break. They had finished warm up and watched Momoshiro and Kawamura.

"Nee Megumi, aren't you pumped?" Eiji asked excitely. Megumi looked at her hyper friend with a confused looked.

"About?" she asked.

"From what I've heard, the first three matches, I'll be on reserve and you will play," Fuji explained.

"Oh, I see," Megumi said.

"Moa~ you should at least be more exited about the news. This is your debut!" Eiji yelled.

"I understand, but their no point at getting excited," Megumi answered. Eiji sighed and Fuji chuckled. Eiji then noticed Oishi, Tezuka, and Inui walking to the courts and ran over towards them.

"Oishi! Megumi-chan's being cold!" Eiji whined. Oishi nervously laughed, while Megumi didn't pay attention to the red head.

"Isn't true the Megumi will be playing," Fuji asked.

"How did you guys find out?" Oishi asked.

"Horio over heard you guys talking about the line up and told everyone in the club that Megumi would be playing," Fuji explained. Oishi sighed.

"Is it true?" Eiji asked.

"Un, she will being in singles and doubles," Inui said.

"Doubles?" Megumi asked.

"Ah, I wanted to see how well you play in doubles," Inui said. Megumi sighed. She then noticed Tezuka staring at her.

"Is there something wrong Buchou?" Megumi asked.

"Come with me," Tezuka ordered. Megumi nodded and the two began to walk.

"What was that all about?" Momoshiro asked.

"I don't know, but Tezuka looked really serious," Fuji said.

"Could it be….," Momoshiro said grinning.

"Nani, Nani, Momo?" Eiji asked eagerly.

"Could Buchou have the hot's for Megumi-san and he's going to confess?" Momoshiro said.

"Eh! You're kidding!"

"Un, it has to be it," Momoshiro said.

"I don't think that's the case," Kawamura said as he laughed nervously.

"If that's the case, let's follow them," Eiji declared.

"I'm going….," Echizen said before being dragged by Momoshiro.

"Chotto! We should disturb them!" Oishi protested. Even though he knew, that wasn't the case. But, they didn't listen and ran to find Megumi and Tezuka.

Meanwhile, Tezuka had taken Megumi behind the school. The other regulars watched to see what was going to happen. Kaidoh had just finished his run when he noticed his teammates were hiding behind the building.

"Fsssssssh, what are you doing" he asked. They grabbed him and cover his mouth as they listen to the conversation.

"What is it buchou? Practice is about to start?" Megumi said. Tezuka turn around and looked at her with a serious face. Megumi's eyes widen. His look seemed like he was looking right through her, which made her tense up.

"Inui did some research on you due to a request from me," Tezuka said with a serious tone.

"I see. What was it about?" Megumi asked.

"Your parents," Tezuka said. Her eyes widen. She was shocked.

"H-How did you?"

"Kanon said something me about it," he said. Kanon came out side pocket and bowed.

"I'm sorry Megumi-chan! I didn't know…," Kanon began to cry. Megumi pulled her fairy towards her and smiled.

"It's alright. It's not your fault," she said with a faint smiled.


"I knew that I couldn't hide it. Sensei would have pressured me into saying something anyway," Megumi said.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Tezuka asked. Megumi looked at the captain and sighed.

"I'll tell all of you since we're here," Megumi said as she turned towards the corner where the other regulars were hiding. They all came back one by one, with shocked expression on their faces.

"My parents…. Their dead," Megumi said. The trees began to blow and their was a silence in the air.

Omg! What's going to happen next. Sorry for the late update. I've been so busy that I just needed a break from the writing. But never fear! I'll being writing more, so please watch for update! Please Review!