I know I should be working on Blood Secrets or RDE, or even another chapter for Kink Meme. I even have a couple others that need typing but I wanted to get my mind off of them all for a bit, since FF . Net isn't working right now. That may not make sense to the rest of you but it does to me. This may not be dedicated to any specific pairings but I'm going with the pairings already decided in Blood Secrets. And I'm carrying over my ideas of hunters and what Zero is, but it shouldn't be too confusing.

"Kuran Kaname x Kiryu Zero

Kain Akatsuki x Aido Hanabusa (I know they're cousins but if a pureblood male can knock up his sister I see no reason a couple cousins can't nail each other!)

Ichijo Takuma x Shiki Senri"

The theme Omega was created using a random word generator. I know that these were for the 1scentence LJ community or something like that but I don't promise to make them all one sentence.

Theme: Alpha

01 – Comfort: It was a comfort to Hanabusa to know that no matter what trouble he got himself into, Akatsuki would be there with him through it all.

02 – Kiss: Every time Senri watched Takuma's lips quirk into a smug smile, he remembered the first time the other had kissed him- and that it was that same smile he'd received when he'd been literally kissed speechless.

03 – Soft: Akatsuki was often amazed at how soft his cousin managed to keep his skin, though he never thought to complain about it as long as he was the only one allowed to touch that skin.

04 – Pain: Zero realized the pain of bloodlust was something one really never got used to, even if you got better at hiding it, but when he felt the familiar aura of a certain pureblood approaching he figured he'd never have to get used to it.

05 – Potatoes: Zero loved cooking, really he did, but peeling potatoes had never been so hard as it was now, with Kaname pressed against him from behind nibbling on his neck and when he nicked himself from the distraction the pureblood wasted no time in licking the wound in apology.

06 – Rain: Rain was something Zero really loved because it made the air feel alive and brought out all sorts of new scents. Kaname loved the rain too- if only because he got to help warm the freezing silvette when he came back inside- dripping wet and shirtless.

07 – Chocolate: For Hanabusa, chocolate was a gift given on Valentines' Day by the Day Class girls and he'd always made it a point to get as much as possible, though it had never meant as much to him as it did when a box was dropped on his head while he was sleeping and he opened his bleary eyes to see Akatsuki standing over him with his hand extended.

08 – Happiness: Senri had never been one to show much emotion, so he constantly found himself wondering how he ended up with the one vampire who seemed like a never ending well of happiness.

09 – Telephone: Takuma often considered crushing the telephone when it rang for Senri because it meant the other was going to be leaving him for a while to go work. Since he couldn't do that though he simply settled with giving the small brunette a hickey everytime he had to leave, heedless of Senri's complaints of needing to cover it later.

10 – Ears: One of the few pleasant discoveries Kaname had made early on in their relationship was that the multiple piercings made Zero's ears very sensitive.

11 – Name: When he was younger Hanabusa was occasionally teased for the meaning of his name, now that he was older Akatsuki had come to make him appreciate it more by running the petals of a rose bud along the skin of his neck, whispering that it suited him nicely.

12 – Sensual: Zero had never thought of himself as sensual, Kaname disagreed heatedly when he once walked in while Zero was doing his stretches to prepare for his solitary sparring practice, saying he'd never witnessed such grace.

13 – Death: Death was something that Kaname was more than familiar with, but as he held Zero in his arms after the hunter had woken from another nightmare of his parents murder, he decided to share his own parents' death and help them both heal.

14 – Sex: It wasn't an act that had ever crossed Hanabusa's mind- sure he flirted a lot, but those were all human girls that he couldn't really be with- then he accidentally walked in the bathroom while Akatsuki was standing on the bath rug drying off from his shower. Now he couldn't get that once distant idea of sex out of his mind.

15 – Touch: Physical contact wasn't something Kaname had a lot of experience with, as a pureblood he was mostly kept at arms length. For Zero it was just a matter of keeping others out of his personal space. So when the hunter walked up out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around Kaname's waist, the brunette truly treasured the touch.

16 – Weakness: Takuma's kindness was often viewed as a weakness, Senri always saw it as a strength. After all, it was that kindness that had him standing by the blond's side despite the fact that he honestly couldn't stand the idea of going to a meeting that he didn't even know what was going to be talked about at.

17 – Tears: Back when the three blond noble friends where children and their abilities where developing they'd learned that Hanabusa's tears froze after he and Ruka had gotten into a fight. Akatsuki hadn't ever told anyone that he'd kept those tears hidden in his room- glaring at what they represented and promising that his cousin would never cry tears of pain again.

18 – Speed: Vampire speed often came in handy, but more often it was used for fun as the group of friends played a childish game of tag at Takuma's insistence.

19 – Wind: Zero loved riding Lily, it made him feel free to have the wind caressing his skin as they moved swiftly across the school grounds- it never hurt that the other students often freaked at the sight of the so called "wild horse from hell" running around with the angry prefect on her back.

20 – Freedom: He felt confined by the rules of vampire society but Kaname smiled despite how much he hated it, because he always found freedom in the presence of a certain silver hunter.

21 – Life: Life was something he'd been prepared to endure, and eventually end, after he'd been bitten but he hadn't been allowed to keep that mindset for long after Kaname had learned from Yuki that he was still a tad suicidal on lonely nights.

22 – Jealousy: Hanabusa had been a little jealous of Zero when he'd discovered the silvette's relationship with his beloved Kaname-sama. That feeling died when Akatsuki got angry and shouted that he'd always been jealous of Kaname before he kissed the stunned little blond to answer what he'd been jealous of.

23 – Hands: His hands were shockingly soft, Senri thought as Takuma gave him a back rub- with all the sword fighting Takuma did, he would have figured there would be callouses on his hands.

24 – Taste: Zero was addicted to the taste of Kaname, not just his blood, but him period.

25 – Devotion: The nobles of Cross Academy were utterly devoted to Kaname, though some were loyal out of true friendship most were because he was the pureblood who ruled him. There was one vampire who was not compelled to be loyal to him though, and that made Zero's devotion all the more precious.

26 – Forever: Kaname had once thought he wanted to spend forever with Yuki, but he'd come to accept that he didn't want to hide a part of himself for the rest of his life. Now that he had Zero, who refused to let him hide behind a mask, he knew who he really wanted to spend forever with.

27 – Blood: In vampire society there was two meanings for blood: one was for food, the other was to create a connection with a loved one. Since the creation of the blood tablets the first meaning had been mostly canceled, so when Akatsuki asked if he could taste Hanabusa's blood and offered his own in return, the small blond knew they had something special.

28 – Sickness: Vampires were immune to most human sicknesses but they had a few of their own to worry about, so when Senri came down with a fever the whole dorm knew about it and none dared to stand in the way of his blond lover's fit when someone stupidly said: "He'll get over it."

29 – Melody: Kaname hadn't known hunters were inclined toward singing so he was pleasantly surprised when Zero began a song while be played a melody on the piano.

30 - Star: Senri had once thought of buying a star for his blond lover but the blond walked in on him while he was researching the idea and said they should get one together to share their love with everyone.

31 - Home: Takuma had come to the conclusion that home was not so much a place to live as it was a feeling, so when he was told to go home by an annoyed vampire in the Night Class he went and plopped down on Senri's lap.

32 - Confusion: At first Zero wasn't sure what he was feeling for the pureblood, after all he was sure he loved Yuki. Kaname had already decided that he didn't love Yuki as he thought he did and decided to help Zero clear up his confusion.

33 - Fear: The fear of being bitten was one he never thought would leave him, so he was more than a little surprised with himself when his head tilted back and he begged for Kaname to sink his fangs into him.

34 - Lightning/Thunder: Hanabusa had gotten over his childish fear of storms ages ago, but that didn't ever stop him from using it as an excuse to sneak over to Akatsuki's bed and curl up with the taller blond whenever thunder made the windows shake and lightning created creeping shadows.

35 - Bonds: Zero had despised the Blood Bond he'd had with Shizuka Hio, his new bond with Kaname was entirely different though, making him feel loved instead of owned.

36 - Market: Going to the market was not something Senri would have done on his own but Takuma had this odd way of convincing him to do the most unusual things.

37 – Technology: The advancement of technology meant that a lot of hunter charms had now been replaced with other things, like swords and bows being replaced with guns. That didn't mean that the hunters didn't still train in the old way, as one vampire found out when an idiotic statement nearly got his head hacked off by a violet eyed hunter who'd pulled down one of the swords on the wall.

38 - Gift: Akatsuki raised an eyebrow at the little box resting on his pillow before he gingerly picked it up, wondering if one of the Day Class girls had managed to sneak into the Moon Dorm, but his worry melted away and a smile touched his lips when he lifted it to his nose and caught the scent of lavender.

39 - Smile: The first time Takuma saw Senri give a genuine smile, he wanted to smile too, but he also wanted to boot Rima- the one who'd made him smile- out of the room to have Senri all to himself.

40 - Innocence: Kaname found it interesting that for all his knowledge worldwise, Zero was quite innocent when it came to intimate matters- this pleased the pureblood since he knew he would have hunted down anyone who had taken that innocence before him.

41 – Completion: He hadn't realized how something was missing until Senri found completion with Takuma.

42 – Clouds: Senri enjoyed watching the clouds with Takuma, even though they rarely watched the clouds and spent more time watching each other.

43 – Sky: The color of Hanabusa's eyes reminded Akatsuki of the morning sky, though the blond disagreed and Akatsuki couldn't change his mind because the tall vampire could never get the sleepy blond to stay up and watch the sun rise with him, though he swore that one day they would see it together.

44 – Heaven: Curled up together, spent and drifting off to sleep, felt like heaven to the two vampires who'd spent so much time at war with each other and the world.

45 – Hell: Being betrayed by his twin and watching his parents die had been painful, transforming into a vampire one day at a time had been hell, Zero was thankful he now had someone to hold on to through it all.

46 – Sun: Akatsuki loved to watch both the sun rise and the sun set, he knew he'd love it more if he could get his cousin to watch it with him- getting him out of bed was going to be difficult but the tall noble managed to succeed one sun rise by spiking the blood tablets with more than a little caffine. Of course, the rest of the vampires in the Moon Dorms weren't happy but he'd been too careful to get caught.

47 – Moon: Kaname couldn't help but admire how the moon's light shone off of Zero's fair skin and silver hair.

48 – Waves: The sound of the ocean's waves was one of the most comforting sounds to Hanabusa, but Akatsuki's heartbeat would always be at the top of the soothing sounds list.

49 – Hair: Kaname hadn't been sure what to think when he'd walked in to find Yuki cutting Zero's long hair into short spikes, but the impish smirk the teen gave the stunned pureblood looked so much more in place when surrounded by wild silver spikes.

50 – Supernova: Hanabusa was a scientific genius. He could tell you all the steps of a star's life and the chemical composition of each stage, so when Akatsuki tried to explain the feeling of realizing you were truly in love and loved back as a supernova in your chest he blanched at the thought of having that inside him. Akatsuki just laughed.

And for those who don't know, for Alpha 11- Name- "Hanabusa" means "petals of a flower." And for 38- Gift- Hanabusa loves the scent of lavender.