A/N: This is a big disclaimer, so I'm going to write it big. EVERYTHING WRITTEN HERE IS MEANT IN GOOD HUMOR, AND THERE IS GOOD REASON FOR ALL ACTIONS WHICH TAKE PLACE. YES, IT IS PART OF THE PLOT, AND YES, IT IS ALSO MEANT TO BE FUNNY. Please, please, don't take offense to anything. And thank you, Skip! Skip is always very helpful. Go read her stuff in thanks!

XI: Something is Very Very Wrong

"Ohayo gozaimasu, Chi-chi-san!"

"Who is this?"

"Wer?? Sie weißen!"

"Who is this!?"

"Hahaha. Just messing with you, Chi-chi. This is Vegeta."



An uncomfortable pause.
"So why exactly are you calling..?"

"It has come to my attention that my humble girlfriend has been very short with you and has caused you some emotional distress regarding one Namek informing you upon your husband's return."


"And I said to myself, 'That poor woman! She doesn't deserve this travesty! That sexist pig deserves to be taken down a peg or two.' So I called you up and am now prepared to invite you upon a most amazing adventure."

"What exactly would that be?"

"That fantastic world of shopping! I have a credit card with your name on it! Actually, it says Bulma Briefs, but I think you get the picture. Am I correct?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"BWAHAHAHA! You shouldn't trouble yourself with petty questions like that, they will get you no where. Just think of it as..a display of gratitude for the Saijin race's most appreciated companions. Kakkarot misses you, so please accept this and let us spend a day together while we can."

"I don't know..I'll need a babysitter."

"I'm sure Piccolo can handle that."

"I am not letting that green man take care of my boy again!"

"Touchy, touchy. What about that cue ball...ah...now what's his name...?"


"Yes! He'll do. Now it's settled. Until later, Madame Chi-chi."

As Chi-chi hung up the receiver she thought to herself how that was most likely the oddest phone conversation she had ever participated in. She shrugged it off and stepped toward Gohan's room, knocking on the door before entering. Her baby boy looked up from his studies in curiosity, "Yeah, mom?" As Chi-chi gazed at him she smiled warmly - her baby boy wasn't that much of a baby anymore.

"I'm going to go out," she declared, stepping back towards the door, "I was going to find a babysitter, but I think you can take care of yourself and Goten. You're all grown up now, Gohan. ...Well, there's some food in the fridge and don't cause any trouble while I'm out, okay?"

Gohan laughed, giving a thumbs up, "We'll save all our mischief for when you get back."

Thoughts of her husband ran through her head as Chi-chi readied herself to go out in public. Naturally, this meant a change in clothes - multiple times - a fixing of hair, and a touch of make-up. As she finished preparing, she heard the honking of a car horn. 'I guess that's Bulma,' the black-haired lady thought to herself. She grabbed her purse and ran outside to find Vegeta waiting for her, and in a convertible no less.

"Hey there," he said, leaning over and opening the door for her, "Hop in. Bulma and Kakkarot are waiting for us." Hesitantly, the mother of two entered the vehicle, eyeing the Saijin suspiciously. Every time she had seen the older man he'd always been wearing some type of battle suit, but now he was donning pleated khakis, and a casual, rust-colored button-up shirt. A simple pair of Ray Ban(R) sunglasses adorned his face, making him look, oddly enough, like a week-end golfer.

"Buckle up," the brunette said before releasing the emergency (/parking) brake, putting the car in gear, and flooring it. Chi-chi squealed just about as much as the tires as they took off - that is if the tires had been on paved road instead of the dirt one they were zipping down on. Within moments they were leaving the country side and merging onto the highway in the most undignified manner. As Vegeta demonstrated exactly how to perform offensive driving, Chi-chi did something akin to clawing at the dash and shrieking like a cheerleader. She had never felt that her life was at more risk, even when some ugly (or in the case of Vegeta and some of the androids - just brutally sadistic) deranged individual - most likely an alien - threatened to conquer and/or destroy planet Earth.

They arrived at the mall short minutes later, and by then Chi-chi had lost count of how many moving violations the prince had enacted. He whipped into a handi-cap spot, parked the car, reached into the glove box. He removed a proper rearview mirror disability tag. "Y-You're not handicapped," the lady stuttered as she got out of the car, wondering if she would be able to walk properly.

"Sure, if you don't consider being an ex-homicidal maniac a handicap," was his response. He locked the doors, but didn't bother putting up the roof. Instead he spent his time guiding Chi-chi in the direction of her spouse.

It was a tearful reunion for them all, as Chi-chi cried enough for the four of them. "GOKU!" she screamed, pouncing on him like a rabid wolf that hadn't seen meat in three weeks.

"Hi Chi-chi!" Goku replied, giving her a hug even though she was desperately clinging to him, "How are things?"

Chi-chi beamed with pride and joy, "Oh, they're alright. Gohan's doing well in school, and Goten - that's your second son by the way - he just started the seventh grade!"

Goku blinked hard, then finally yelled, "I have another son!?" Vegeta snickered, but quieted himself when Bulma shot him a nasty look.

"Yes, Goku," Chi-chi explained, "Don't you remember..." She leaned in and whispered something, Vegeta's ear literally twitching as she did so. As the younger woman continued to speak with Goku, Vegeta's ability to resist laughter began to rapidly deteriorate.

He ended up bursting out laughing, "Kakkarot, you dog!" Except for some reason this phrase seemed to make him laugh even harder.

"Ah...Vegeta, I don't understand why that's so funny," Goku mentioned, tilting his head to the side.

"And you shouldn't have been listening to our private conversation!" Chi-chi scolded him, pointing her finger accusingly.

"Pardon me," he said with sarcasm, giving a small, elegant bow, "Now are we going to have a 'Bitch-Whine-Moan-and-Complain-at-Vegeta-Fest' or are we going to shop?"

Bulma shook her head, "Whatever, Vegeta, you hate shopping."

Vegeta slowly began walking off, "No, you're mistaken. I don't like shopping for or with anyone but myself. But I'll make an exception today."

"And why are you going to do that?"

"Because," was all the response she got, and, giving in, she followed after the prince before he got too far away. Consequently, Goku and Chi-chi headed after Vegeta as well, both of them, as well as Bulma, pondering the brunette's off-beat mood. They soon caught up as Vegeta had stopped in his tracks. "I have no idea where I'm going or what any of these stores hold," the Saijin admitted, putting his hands in his pockets leisurely, "so I guess you ladies will have to lead the way." Bulma grinned and began taking over as the leader figure, guiding them towards the outlets which she knew herself and Chi-chi would highly enjoy.

Standing about two hours of torture, the two Saijins were very relieved to be able to finally leave the store, even though they both had sacks of merchandise to carry. For warriors of their strength, however, the bags felt like nothing. Even still, Vegeta was becoming obviously more and more restless. "Woman!" he called out to Bulma who was walking behind him and talking heatedly with Chi-chi.

"What!" she called out, annoyed by his intrusion.

"I want some Saijin-Male-Only time! You and that woman of Kakkarot can sit on this upcoming bench and watch your possessions at your leisure!" informed Vegeta in a very professional tone.

"Uh..sure," Bulma said, taking a seat while Vegeta and Goku set all the new belongings down.

"So now what?" Goku asked innocently, quite taken aback by Vegeta's good behavior.

"Hm. This way," the prince instructed, heading in what appeared to be some random direction, disappearing around a corner and out of sight, which is exactly what he wanted. As soon as Vegeta was certain neither of the "wives" could see them, he gave a sigh of relief. "They can be so uptight!" the older man pointed out, glancing back and forth into the shops to see if any of them interested him.

"Well..I guess so," Goku hesitantly admitted, scratching the back of his head. They walked for a few minutes without a verbal exchange.

Finally, Vegeta spoke again, "Let's go in here." The next thing Goku knew, Vegeta was bounding all across the store looking at the variety of clothing. "Holy shit! Would you look at this? I didn't know they made clothes like this! Look, Kakkarot! Iridescent! Now if that isn't the shit..." the prince gestured to the item in regard, "Damn, times have really changed."

Goku leaned in and murmured, "Hey, could you keep your voice down? There's a kid here, and his mom doesn't look too pleased with you."

Vegeta stared at Goku and shrugged, saying simply, "Well, I guess the bitch can be mad at me all she wants, because by the time any kid hits the fifth grade nowadays they know all the curse words and the latest gang slang. So you know what? She can cry a fucking river and drown in it for all I care." Abruptly the prince turned his attention back to the clothes, humming a tune to himself as he browsed.

Glancing at the lady who was now glaring at both of them, Goku pulled on Vegeta's arm and lead them toward a more secluded spot to talk, "Vegeta, what has been up with you? You've been acting very strange all day."

"I'm just trying to enjoy myself, Kakkarot. Is it so wrong to want to buy something for myself? Or attempt to make up for my misbehavior - i.e. trying to blow up Earth - to you, my woman, and your woman?"

Goku frowned slightly then shrugged, "I guess not..."

Vegeta lightly squirmed out of Goku's grasp, "Then let me look at this wacky shit, ok?"

Goku smiled, chuckling slightly, "Okay."

Vegeta tossed him a look over his shoulder, "You buy something too. I want to see you wearing something other than that bright orange crap and stuff your woman has bought for you." Before Goku could reply Vegeta began talking to a sales clerk. Twenty minutes later, the two full-blooded Saijins walked back towards their significant others, carrying a bag of clothing each.

"I feel so weird," Goku admitted, pulling on his shirt.

"You look fine," Vegeta assured him again, then smirked, "You have to admit it feels good getting out of clothing you wear day in and day out."

Goku nodded in affirmation, "It definitely feels awkward to wear new shoes."

Vegeta, for no apparent reason, then declared, "Yeah. Socks are the shit, man." He then raised his pant leg up and hopped on one foot, extending his left ankle, "Check out mine." Goku was amused at the sight of his rigid, ever scowling ally wearing a pair of black and green vertically striped socks. "Vertical stripes make you look taller," Vegeta announced, and then decided to add, "I can't wait to see the look on their faces." They came around the corner, neither of the women looking up.

Meanwhile, outside, a person casually walked up to Vegeta's car, tried to open the door, failed, and then cursed, "Damn!" The figure promptly stormed off.

Meanwhile, Vegeta and Goku were approaching Bulma and Chi-chi, both quite anxious to hear what the females would have to say regarding their new outfits. They came closer and closer, but still the pair did not look up. Finally, they were standing directly in front of them. After overhearing a good seven minutes of conversation, Chi-chi suddenly stopped as she realized there were two gazes fixed upon herself and her friend. "What?" she asked, then looked up and froze in place. Bulma turned as well and soon found herself speechless, her jaw dropping. "W-what in the world!" Chi-chi hollered, standing up and examining her husband, "Where are your clothes!?"

Goku opened up his bag and showed his normal outfit, "I still have it. I wanted a change, Chi-chi. I like these clothes, I picked them out."

"..." was all his wife could muster. She took in his grey leopard fur panel shirt with dice shaped buttons, his silver 32" wide pant legs, and then the black leather boots that poked out from underneath the pants. Bulma had a similar reaction to Vegeta with his black fishnet shirt that had PVC on the arm and chest, his black leather pants, and his matching black combat boots.

Finally Bulma had the courage to say it, "What the fuck did you two do to yourselves!?"

"If you don't like it I would kindly suggest you filling out a complaint form and submitting it to my mailbox in which I will respond in a timely manner when it is most convenient to me," Vegeta responded curtly, picking up Bulma's bags, "Now I'm hungry, so let us dine." By his body language alone the others could tell the conversation was over. The Saijins were going to wear what they wanted to wear, and that was that. Of course, this didn't mean that they had to like it. An uncomfortable silence ensued on the way to the Food Court, and then continued on while they sat themselves down. Bulma and Chi-chi immediately arose again, finding themselves sorely disappointed with their mates.

"We'll go order," Bulma said, and then they were gone. Vegeta drummed lightly on the table, knowing that the wait would be long, and undoubtingly boring. All he had for entertainment was Kakkarot and he was currently staring at some speck on the table with a blank expression on his face. Then something caught the prince's eyes. A tail. A white tail. Kakkarot's tail, to be exact. A mischievous grin slowly spread across Vegeta's face, and he caught Goku's attention, "Hey, Kakkarot."

"Hmm?" the young man looked up at him.

"Your pants are like a mirror, I can see myself in them."

"I'm partial to silver myself!" Goku said, making a noise that was strikingly, or frighteningly, like a giggle.

"Err...right," Vegeta said before standing up, "Look, I have to go to the bathroom. Kakkarot, come with me."

"Sure thing, Vegeta!" Goku responded, not at all stopping to think that the entire situation was off. Goku hadn't had to use a public restroom often, so he wasn't quite aware of all the unwritten laws regarding them. They headed down a long hallway towards the restrooms, which the only reason Vegeta could tell why they'd make it such a long walk is to torture the poor people and damage their bladders. Either way, it didn't really matter because Vegeta's bladder wasn't demanding immediate release. Finally, Vegeta pushed open the door and stepped inside. It was deathly quiet, and no one was occupying any of the urinals, which did seem a bit odd to Goku considering he knew the mall was full of people and this seemed likely to be a busy place. His thoughts regarding the where-abouts of others was thrown out the window as Vegeta suddenly hauled off and socked him. Crying out in surprise, Goku tumbled into the nearest wall, shattering the tile.

"Vegeta! What are you doing!?" Goku shouted out, half hurt, half angry. The prince spun around to make a roundhouse kick, but a hand reached up and stopped him by grasping his calf. So instead he leapt in the air and kicked with his other foot, his steel-toed boot connecting with Goku's jaw enough to hurt, but not enough to damage. "What the!?" Goku screamed, scrambling to his feet as he began to get very frustrated with Vegeta's behavior; but the instant he was up Vegeta had pounced, and they both went careening to the other side of the room, Vegeta growling low in his throat. They struggled briefly, but every time Goku was gaining the advantage, Vegeta would overtake him with grace and ease. Agitated beyond comprehension, the taller man grappled his ki and turned Super Saijin, successfully giving himself the upper edge. And that is exactly why he was so surprised when Vegeta knocked him to the ground and pinned him there.

Breathing hard, Goku wondered what Vegeta's next intentions were, "..Vegeta?"

There was a wicked gleam in the brunette's eye, "Kakkarot."

And then suddenly, a stall door opened and a man came out. Vegeta looked up and the man stared in shock. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" the prince roared, instantly making the man flee back to the safety of the stall. With the diversion out of the way, Vegeta focused back on more important matters.

"Vegeta, wha-" Goku never got finish his sentence.


Bulma and Chi-chi approached their unattended bags and began to grow very angry. "Where are they!?" Bulma seethed as she nearly slammed their huge order of food down.

Chi-chi set down the other half, "I don't know, but I hope they have a good excuse for just leaving all our stuff unguarded!" Bulma nodded in agreement and began to prepare the table for lunch, Chi-chi helping. After a moment, Bulma glanced up to see the two heading towards them.

"Oh, here they come," the blue-haired lady announced, standing up straight and crossing her arms. When they got within ear shot she demanded, "Ok. So where did you two go?"

Vegeta shrugged and grinned wide, "I just had to use the restroom."

Bulma raised an eyebrow and tapped a finger against her forearm, "And what about Goku, hmm?" All three of them looked at the other Saijin who stumbled into the booth, looking dazed.

"Goku, honey, are you okay?" Chi-chi asked in concern, leaning over and placing the back of her hand against his forehead, "You look a little flushed." Goku affirmed that he was okay, despite his trembling body.

Meanwhile, at the Son Household, there was a knock on the door.