
A tall blonde woman parked her car next to the other two. She frowned, but then she just shook her head, her shoulder length hair brushing against her.

When did Ami got a BMW?, she asked herself.

She got out of the car and into the house, looking around.

No one home. She frowned again.

Where is that girl now? she thought to herself, while throwing her purse into the couch and walking to the kitchen.

No one there either. She went to the living room again, thinking that maybe she could take a nice shower before making dinner, and making her way to the stairs.

And then she saw it.

She went down and grabbed it, shaking her head. I swear I don't know where she gets this things. Good will?, she thought to herself, making her way up.


Haruka nuzzled her face against the girl's neck, hugging her close, and let out a sigh.

They were both laying naked, the sheets covering their bodies from the waist down. It was already getting dark outside, and they had spent the entire day just laying there. Ok, maybe more than just laying there...

"Oh, I forgot!" Michiru exclaimed "Mamoru wanted me to tell you thanks for the push, and that he won't murder you?" she repeated her brothers words. And when the blonde just laughed at that, she frowned "Did I miss something here?"

"Oh yeah" she answered her, still smiling.

But when Michiru kept on looking at her with a questioning expression, she kissed the tip of her nose, getting on top of her again.

"Don't worry, I'll explain later" she said, now kissing her neck "I have better things to do right now" she added.

"Oh yeah?" Michiru asked, giggling happily at the blonde's soft caresses.

"Yeah" Haruka answered, before crushing her mouth to hers, meeting on a deep, passionate kiss.

But the door suddenly flung open, startling both girls and making them grabbed the sheets to cover themselves.

A tall blonde woman entered the room, holding Haruka's old jeans in one hand, the other on her hips. Her dark green eyes looking at said jeans, and frowning.

"Sweetie, could you explain to me why on earth you keep wearing this thing? It's just so..." she looked up, and then her eyes went wide open "Haruka!" she exclaimed.

"Could you knock?" the younger blonde asked, sitting up on the bed, and covering the naked girl next to her with her own body.

Michiru just buried her face on the blonde's back, blushing furiously and incredibly embarrassed.

The elder blonde looked down on them, now both hands on her hips.

"Haruka, baby, I understand you're young and having fun" she started "Really, I do. But could you not use my house as a hotel? I really don't want to have a parade of naked girls coming and going, and the neighbors complaining about loud noises..."

"Mom!" Haruka exclaimed, blushing now, and just as embarrassed as the hiding girl behind her.

"Oh, please!" the other woman exclaimed, rolling her dark green eyes "I'm not stupid, sweetie. And I'm your mother, remember? So don't tell me you two were just playing doctor here..."

"Mom! Please!"

"It's ok, like I said, you're young, so..." she stopped, and looked at the aquamarine haired girl hiding behind her daughter "You can stop hiding in there, sweetheart, I won't bite you" and when Michiru took a peek from her position, the elder blonde smiled warmly at her "You'll have to forgive me for coming in like this. But I do believe my daughter's usually more careful with her conquests..."

"Mom!" Haruka yelled.

Her mother blinked at her "Yes, sweetie?"

"Zip it!" she yelled again. And when her mother just looked at her, she let out a sigh "Thank you!" she exclaimed.

She turned to look at Michiru's blushing face, and then she smiled nervously at her mother.

"Actually, mom" she started "I'd like you to meet Michiru" she said, pointing with her hand the embarrassed girl behind her "My girlfriend" she added, smiling proudly at her mother.

Again, her mother blinked, completely surprised.

"What? Really?" she asked. And then a wide smile came to her lips "Oh, my baby has a girlfriend?" she asked, one hand going to her chest, and walking up to the bed to look at Michiru.

"Um... hi!" the aquamarine haired girl said, face still blushing deeply.

"Oh! This is so wonderful!" the elder blonde exclaimed, sitting on the bed, by Michiru's side "Let me take a good look at you" she said, putting one hand under the girl's chin "Oh, you're pretty!" she exclaimed, now looking at her quite surprised looking daughter "Oh, you did good, sweetie, you did good. She's so pretty!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Tenoh" Michiru mumbled, embarrassed.

"Oh, please, call me Chieko!" the woman exclaimed happily.

"Mom..." Haruka started, again shielding the naked girl with her own body, and getting her away from her mother. It was quite a difficult task, considering both girls were trying to cover themselves with the sheets.

But her mother completely ignored her "I do hope my daughter's treating you right..."

"Mom!" Haruka yelled again, now getting really annoyed "You're embarrassing me..."

Chieko blinked, and looked at the blushing faces in front of her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie! I'm just so happy!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands "You never brought a girlfriend home before!"

She got up from the bed, walking towards the door, still looking happy.

Haruka just rolled her eyes at her mother. And people asked her why she was crazy? They never met her mother...

"Would you two throw some clothes on and join me with some tea?" Chieko asked, turning around on the door and looking at Michiru "I want to hear all about you!"

And with that, she closed the door, leaving the two embarrassed, naked girls alone again.

"Crazy woman!" Haruka exclaimed, letting herself fall back to the sheets.

She closed her eyes, but then looked up at Michiru's still pretty much blushed face, and she winced "Sorry about that" she apologized, pointing at the door.

Michiru looked back at her, and then smiled "She seems nice" she said "I like her"

The blonde just rolled her eyes again "You can have her if you like her"

The younger girl went to kiss her softly, naked skin brushing against naked skin.

"You want to trade mothers with me?" she asked, playfully kissing her lips.

Haruka frowned at that "Ok, you can't have her" she said, her hands going to caress the soft bare back of her girlfriend "What should we say to her? About how we met?"

Michiru frowned "The truth?"

"Hell no!" she exclaimed "She'll want all kind of crazy details, and want me to wear all those damn dresses for her, and then she'll have me tied down to a chair putting all kinds of weird stuff on my face in no time!" she said, looking quite terrified.

Michiru giggled at the image in her head.

"I'm sure it's not that bad..." she said, caressing the blonde's cheeks "Besides, you looked pretty on those dresses"

Haruka blushed at that, but answered her non the less "Well, I'm not telling her that, ok? I have a childhood trauma because of that crazy woman down there!"

The aquamarine haired woman pouted at her "But you looked so hot..." she purred.

The blonde smiled at that, one eyebrow going up "Really? How hot?" she asked, teasingly.

Michiru returned the teasing smile "Really, really hot" she answered, before letting the blonde crashed her mouth to hers.

"Are you two coming down here or what?" a yelled from downstairs interrupted them. "You can ravish each other later, 'cause right now, I want details!"

Haruka growled, and Michiru giggled.

"You know what? You can have her!" she exclaimed, getting up from the bed and putting her underwear on "She's all yours!"

Michiru didn't say anything to her.

Instead, she just giggled, and then followed the blonde's example, getting dress herself. But before the blonde could open the door and go down stairs, she grabbed her hand and kissed her on the mouth.

They broke up the kiss, and Haruka smiled down at her.

"Not that I'm complaining, but.. what was that for?" she asked, noticing Michiru's mischievous smile.

"Future reference, just so you know" she answered, walking to the door and taking the blonde's hand in hers "I'm not done with you yet"

Haruka grinned at that "I'm taking your word on that one"

"Please do" the aquamarine haired girl said, walking to the stairs "I'm nowhere near done with you"



Thank you all for reading!! Hope you liked it!