Hi there! I'm back! Seems my mind keeps working on new ideas, and well, here's a new one!
As usual, I don't own anything. I swear, I'm broke! Sailor Moon and all those beautiful, cool, GREAT characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi. So please don't sue me! Only this story belongs to me... (I'm pathetic, I know!)
Anyway! If you haven't read my first story, then please go to my profile and at least read my "Haruka note", so I don't have to write it again. 'Cause that's what I'm going for, again. I actually like having Haruka in hot outfits!
I will be updating this story, but slower than last time, 'cause like I said, I'm broke, and so I have to go to class to at least try to learn something and be able to earn some coins in the future (hopefully). So be patient!
What else, what else? Oh yeah! This is a Haruka-Michiru story, and they're both lesbian, so you've been warned! Don't know if I'm gonna make a lemon out of this yet, but the kind of conversations going on here are the main reason for the rating. (you'll get my point on later chaps... trust me!)
Again, all the character will be making an appearance. I think. Still working on that, and I might change something on the way... And of course my favorite characters are the ones that are actually gonna be here the most (besides the ones I need for this story). It's my story, I can do what I want!
Anyway! This story is just plain crazy, but hope you like it anyway!
A short blonde haired, green eyed, tall woman, dressed in loose jeans and a wide black t-shirt, who by all means looked like a man, spat the coffee she had just drank right into the face of the person sitting across from her.
"Nice" he said "Really nice. Thank you for the coffee shower, I really needed that"
He was tall, as tall as his friend. He had piercing blue eyes, black raven hair, and he was wearing a black casual shirt, and dark jeans.
And he was currently cleaning the coffee off his face with a napkin.
"You deserved it!" she exclaimed back at him "Are you crazy?"
"No, I'm desperate" he answered her, looking quite relaxed "There's a difference"
"Why me?" she demanded.
"Because you're my best friend!" he exclaimed, now getting a little exasperated over his friend's behavior "And friends help each other, right?"
"Yeah, but, why me?" she asked again, now pointing at herself with both hands. Green eyes wide open.
"Well, you're a girl, right?" he joked.
Of course he knew she was a girl. Quite a beautiful one, at that, when she actually let herself look like a girl at all.
Which of course, was close to never.
He had known her for almost three years now, and he was sure he could count with one hand how many times he had seen her wearing a skirt.
Ok, maybe he had seen her wearing a skirt more times than that, but still! She was everything but a sweet little lady on a skirt and high heels!
He had been surprised out of his skin when he had first found out that the tall blonde was, in fact, a girl. A very strong, incredibly fast, short tempered girl.
They had shared a couple of classes in high school, and met up occasionally at the library with a bunch of other students to try and understand their homework. And he had been absolutely convinced that his study buddy was a male.
But then he had gone to the school tracks to cheer on his love interest of that moment, some redhead he really didn't remembered the name of, and that's when he had found out.
There, on the tracks, right next to his love interest, was a tall, thin, young person he hadn't recognized at first. But then he had looked again. Green eyes, soft pointing nose, and that nonchalant, obnoxious smirk he could recognize anywhere.
And there was a nice, very real, pair of breasts attached to the chest of that tall thin person. And that's how he knew.
Of course, she had laughed her heart out when he had gone to tell her that. Or, more like he went to her and asked something like 'You're a girl?' with the most incredulous look upon his face.
So, yes, the blonde had laughed right up to his face.
That same blonde was now sitting in front of him, three years later and high school long gone, and they were both having coffee at a dinner. And she was looking at him as if he had just said he could see pink flying elephants dancing around and telling him to kill the president.
Really, what was so weird about him asking his best friend for a favor? Granted, it was a really big, big favor. But still!
"So?" she asked again, still not understanding his point.
"Come on! Help me out here, will ya?" he exclaimed.
"But why me?" she almost yelled "Why don't you ask Rei, or Minako?"
"Because I don't really know Rei that much, and if I ask Minako, Kunzite will punch the daylights out of me in a heartbeat!" he answered her.
"And what exactly gave you the idea that I won't?" she demanded, now putting one fit close to her friend's handsome face.
He knew damn well she was more than able to knock him dead. He's seen it before...
Not her punching him, of course -and he was thankful for that, because he actually like his nose-, but her punching some other pretty big guy.
"Because you love me too much" he joked. But when she narrowed her green eyes at him, he quickly added "Come on! Help me on this one! Please!" taking her hands on his, and giving her a pleading look.
"Why me?" she wanted to know again "Ask Usagi! You've been drooling over that girl for almost a year now! And she's head over heels, completely crazy about you! Only God knows what she sees in you, but, you know, whatever..."
"I can't ask her!" he exclaimed, getting really annoyed now "It's not exactly an ideal first date, and you know it! Please, I beg you!"
"You're not answering my question!" she yelled again, exasperated "Why me?"
"Because I trust you, alright!" he finally exclaimed "I trust you, and I know you're not gonna fall for my gentleman act and hang off my arm with a freaking love sick expression on your face by the end of the weekend!"
"You got that one right" she mumbled.
"I know!" he exclaimed "And I know you won't freak out on my family or my mother, and you're strong enough not to crack down at her and kiss her big fat ass like everyone else does!"
"Like you're just about to do?" she asked, raising a blonde eyebrow.
She looked into his deep, desperate blue eyes, and let out a sigh of defeat. And when she saw him smiling victoriously at her, she let her head down and hit it against the table.
"Don't be like that, it's just a weekend" he said to her "Ok, friday night, and then the rest of the weekend"
"Dear God, kill me now!" she mumbled, face still against the table.
But then she sat straight again, and looked up at the ceiling "No, wait! Kill him! Kill him first! It's his crazy idea!" she exclaimed, as if talking to the Man up there, and pointing an accusing finger at him.
"You're a drama queen, did you know that?" he asked her, rolling his eyes, but still amused.
"And you're this close to be a very dead man" she answered him, narrowing her eyes at him, and putting her index finger and her thumb together, shoving her hand at his face.
He gulped, and smiled innocently at her, hoping, praying, that she wouldn't back down on him. He really needed her, and there for, he needed to be on her best side.
"If we survive this, I'll owe you" he said, in a soothing tone of voice.
"'If' we survive?" she repeated, green eyes going wide "What do you mean 'if'? Just how insane are they, exactly?"
"You don't really want me to answer that one" he said, shaking his shoulders "Trust me, it's better if you don't know"
"Why do I get the feeling that this is gonna be the longest weekend of my life?" she asked, rhetorically, looking up again "What did I ever do to deserve this? Is this because of that little incident with the priest's daughter? Is that why you're doing this to me?" she continued, babbling now "I didn't know she was his daughter, ok? I swear! And she practically raped me! Ok, I kinda let her... and I actually enjoyed it... a lot... but still!"
"What are you talking about?" he asked her, smiling now, and actually intrigued about his friend's words.
She looked back at him, and narrowed her eyes "Shut up, this is your fault"
"No, according to you and what you just said, this is about you and some poor priest's daughter, doing the nasty..."
"You're just about to ruin my reputation, and now you're laughing at me?" she asked him "Honestly, how badly do you really want me to kill you?"
"Ok, ok! Chill!" he said, raising his hands "I was just saying.... And I do appreciate you doing this for me" he said, smiling at her, and feeling somewhat sorry for dragging his friend down with him.
But he had no other way out.
She let her head fall to the table again, and groaned. Great, just great!, she thought to herself.