I do not own Naruto but I DO own all the OCs.

It all began one evening after dinner. All of us Akatsuki members were in the living room and I was blasting Taylor Swift's "You Shoulda Said No" on my boom box.

"Hey, Katsu-chan, un," Deidara said.

I looked at him. "Hmm?"

"Where do you get all your stuff, un?"


"Y'know, boom boxes, CDs, DVDs, Playstation 2, Wii, un."

"Oh. I use a warp tunnel to go to Tokyo."

"Huh, un?"

"I've never taken you guys to Tokyo?"

Everyone shook their heads one by one.

"Tokyo?" my roommate Sasazuka asked.

"Never been there," my roommate Mimiko said.

"Girlfriend, you've been neglecting your friendship duties again," my other roommate Rekkami said.

I sighed and headed for my room.

"Where are you going, Katsu-chan," Kisame asked.

"To get a place to stay," I replied. "You do wanna go right?"

An abundance of 'yeahs' followed the question.

"As I thought," I said.

A little while after I had turned on my computer, my punk/goth boyfriend, Izuru, walked in.

"Yo," he said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much," I replied. "You better pack you bags though."

He began to suck on one of his two bottom-liprings as he always did when he was confused or angry.

"We're going to Tokyo," I said.

"What?!" he asked. "You are kidding."

"Um, no."

"How'd you get you self into this?"

I pushed a strand or my neck-length purple hair behind my ear. "Can I explain after I finish the preparations?"

"Fine. How much should I pack."

"I dunno."


"Who knows what's gonna happen. Remember who's going."

Izuru gave an annoyed look as he left the room.

"Sorry," I mouthed.

It was definently not going to be a normal trip.

This is just the prologue but thanks for reading everyone. :)

~Katsuki Shizenno