Disclaimer: Alright I'm back again with another story, and hopefully one of the best stories I give you. So I'm not going to talk a lot this time, well for right now anyway. So I don't own Yugioh GX, but I do own my OC's and whatever else I might throw in here. Well it's time to get on with the story, and thanks for reading.

Me: Alright I'm back with another great story

Jaden: Dude like seriously

Me: What?

Jaden: How many stories are you going to put out?

Me: (Shakes head) don't worry me got this…Trust me

Jaden: Ok….If you say so

Me: Good now on with the story


It was that time of the year again, and this time it was going to be a lot different. Duelist all over the world was coming to this event, just to see which one would be named the king of games.

"Man I'm so ready for this." Rakaia stated as he paced back, and forth in the Slifer room he shared with Jaden, and Chazz.

"You're not the only one." Jaden said with a smirk as he looked up at the sky, and felt the breeze coming from the wind, that was blowing through his hair. "This is going to be one hell of tournament." He said again as he turned around to look at his two friends.

"Yea considering that this time, every duelist in the world is coming." Chazz said as he leaned against the wall with his arms folded. "Besides this way I can prove, that the Chazz is the best duelist that ever lived." Chazz stated confidently, as he smirked.

"Yea in dream world." Rakaia stated as he picked up his deck, and started going through it.

"Dream world?" Chazz repeated as he got off the wall, and stood in front of Rakaia, and grabbed him by the shirt, and lifted him up to his face.

"Let's get something straight kid!" Chazz shouted." I'm the best….Got that!" He shouted again.

"Yea the best one that's going to get their ass whooped if you keep grabbing me by my shirt." Rakaia snapped back, as he gritted his teeth, and glared at Chazz.

"You dare mock the Chazz." Chazz stated as he glared back at Rakaia.

"You bet I do!" Rakaia shouted as he balled up his fist, getting ready to bash him in the face.

"That's it." Chazz stated as he was about to bash Rakaia In the face, but Jaden interfered, and grabbed Chazz's hand, and stopped it in midair.

"Guy's!" Jaden shouted as he got in-between the two duelists." Can you two at least wait till the tournament start before you start showing off." Jaden said as he looked at Jaden, and then Rakaia.

"Why wait!" Chazz responded as he glared at Rakaia, still holding him by shirt.

"Yea I can whoop his ass now, and then get a nap in before the tournament even starts." Rakaia snapped back as he got ready hit Chazz again.

"You two I swear." Said a voice, as the three turned their attention to the door, and noticed the Oblisk girls, walking in the Slifer room.

"Alexis." Chazz said slowly.

"What's up Alexis." Rakaia stated as he waved his hand, and smiled while Chazz was still holding him by the shirt.

"Hey Lex." Jaden said as he smiled at his lover, as he walked up towards her, and was met with a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Jay." Alexis said with a smile, as she looked over at Chazz, and Rakaia.

"Rakaia…Luna's looking for you." Alexis stated as she looked at the Dragon duelist who was still in the grip of the Black hair idiot.

"Really..." Rakaia stated as he was about to walk away from Chazz until he realized that Chazz still had his shirt in his hand.

"Chazz…Off." Rakaia stated as he glared at Chazz who glared back.

"Make me." Chazz stated with a smirk.

"I SAID OFF!" Rakaia shouted as he grabbed Chazz's arm, and flipped him over his head, slamming him into the ground hard.

"There." Rakaia stated wiping his hands, and walked off.

Alexis and Jaden couldn't do anything but chuckle at what just happened.

"Alright so where is the girl of my dreams?" Rakaia stated as he smirked, and folded his arms.

Alexis just smiled back at him." She's waiting by the beach." Alexis stated as she looked at her best friend, and her boyfriend. "You guy's." Alexis stated as her eyes slowly fail to the ground.

"Yea." Rakaia said happily.

"What's wrong Lex?" Jaden asked." You ok?" he asked again.

"Yea it's just..." Alexis sighed, and brought her head back up to look at the two duelists." It's just this tournament that's starting tomorrow." Alexis said.

"The tournament?" Jaden said thinking on why the tournament would have Alexis down.

"It's…It's nothing." Alexis stated finally as she shook the thought out of her head.

Jaden just looked at her, and could tell something was bothering her.

"Alexis." Jaden said slowly as he looked at her trying to figure out, what was wrong with her.

"It's nothing really." Alexis stated waving her hands in her defense.

Rakaia quickly looked at Jaden, and Jaden already knew what Rakaia was thinking.

"Alright Alexis." Rakaia stated as he gave her a questionable look. "If you say so." He stated as he started walking towards the door.

"Rakaia." Alexis stated slowly, causing Rakaia to turn around quickly.

"Yea what's up?" He said as he looked at her with a bit of concern in his eyes.

"You need to talk to Luna." Alexis stated as she looked back down at the ground again.

Rakaia turned around, and looked at Alexis confused at what was going on.

"Alright…But why did you say it like that…What's going on?" Rakaia asked as he was now becoming worried about the situation.

"Yea Lex it's not like you to be depressed before a duel, and especially a tournament." Jaden added as he looked at his girlfriend with worry in his eyes.

Alexis just looked at Jaden, and small smile appeared on her face, and then as quick as came, it faded. As she looked into her boyfriends eyes, and then back at the ground again.

"Jaden." She said slowly." We have to talk." Alexis stated slowly, causing Jaden to worry a bit more not knowing what this is about.

"Talk?" Jaden repeated, as he took a quick look at Rakaia who looked just as confused as Jaden did.

"What for?" Jaden asked concerned as Alexis took one look at him, and then turned her head, and looked towards Rakaia.

"Rakaia you better go." Alexis stated." Luna's waiting for you." She said with a touch of sadness in her voice.

Rakaia looked at Jaden, who gave him a confused look, but nodded his head in approval for Rakaia to leave, and find out what was going on from Luna.

"Alright." Rakaia stated as he turned to run off, but before he did he turned his head, and made a quick glance at the world's favorite couple. "I hope everything's alright." Rakaia stated which caused Alexis, to hang her head even lower, as Jaden put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm gone." Rakaia stated as he took running towards the beach.

"Alexis." Jaden said as he looked at his girlfriend with more concern in his eyes. "What's wrong Lex?" Jaden asked as he placed his hand under her chin, and slowly brought her eyes to meet his.

"Come on you can tell me anything." He said with his usual smirk, which caused a tear to form in Alexis eyes.

"Jaden." She said slowly, now her voice full of sadness, as she couldn't bare to look at Jaden, but she knew she had to.

"Jaden...i got something to tell you." Alexis stated as she looked down to the ground again, now with her holding her own hand for comfort, trying to find the best way to put the words in the sentence she was about to tell him.

"Tell me." Jaden said as he blinked in confusion. "What's up Lex?" Jaden said trying to get Alexis to say what she had to say.

"Jaden." Alexis stated as she took a deep breath, and looked at her boyfriend once again. "I…I….cheated on you." Alexis stated slowly causing Jaden's eyes to widened, and take a step back with a horror look on his face.

"Alexis." Jaden said slowly as he felt a sudden pain come from inside his chest. It's a pain he's not really familiar with, a pain that comes to a lot of people when they find love. The same pain that you feel in your heart, a pain that feels like someone is squeezing the blood out of your heart. Jaden couldn't make it, but he felt it, for the first time in his life, he felt true pain, he felt true agony, for the first time ever, he felt his heart break.

Meanwhile on the beach.

Rakaia was running towards the beach looking for his girlfriend Luna.

"Luna!" Rakaia shouted as he looked around but didn't see anyone." Luna!" he shouted again as he continued to look around, but he still didn't see anybody.

"That's weird." Rakaia stated as he looked around the beach, but still no sign of Luna.

"Hmm Alexis said she be right here." Rakaia stated as he looked around again.

"Rakaia." Came a voice behind Rakaia, but the voice sounded so familiar, it was a voice he just heard not to long ago.

'RAKAIA!" the voice called again, causing Rakaia to turn around, and look in the direction the voice came from, but once he saw who it was, he was even more confused than before.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" The figure stated as it folded its arms smirking at him.

"Come on we got to go get Jaden, the chancellor's about to make an announcement about the tournament." The voice said again.

"Rakaia couldn't believe his eyes, as he looked at the figure that stood in front of him.

"Al...Alexis." Rakaia stated shocked as he looked at the Oblisk Queen that stood before him.

Whoa! Wait a minute. I thought Alexis was with Jaden, but if she is there in front Rakaia, that means wait what is going on, and did they forget that Chazz was still in the room. Find out next time on Yugioh GX!

Me: So what do you think?

Jaden: Suspenseful

Me: Thank you!

Jaden: Oh boy I just hope Alexis don't find out.

Me: Me to if she do you'll have to protect me, when she finds out.

Jaden: Will do? (Yea right you're on your own)

Me: Thanks now everybody please review, and tell me what you think, everyone reviews are appreciated. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the prologue.