Sonny's POV

I wiped my eyes and sat up. Everyone's speeches made me want to cry again, weren't they done at the freakin' burial?? Ugh. I got up and walked outside onto the balcony. I took out my little ipod nano and put the headphones in my ears. I pressed play and sang along quietly to the music.

"Life is good I can't complain

I mean I could but no one's listening

Your image overwhelms my brain

And it feels good, good good" I hummed the rest and stared into the distance. The rain poured down and you could hear it splattering against the cold concrete. The air was refreshing, since we were out in the mountains. I miss home… I'm not sure if I should stay here with my mom for awhile or go back to do So Random! I heard faint footsteps behind me, but didn't bother turning around. I hoped it wasn't Darren, I don't know if I can talk to him. Whoever it was they didn't say anything. They just stood there and watched me…

Chad's POV

Sonny's already upset about her father, Darren just had to go and make it worse didn't he? I walked slowly towards Sonny and stopped when I was inches away from her. Wrapping my arm around her waist I brought her closer to me. Sonny slowly looked up, like she was afraid of something. When she saw it was me she half smiled and put her arms around my waist. It felt right to have her in my arms. Now, not that she's a prize or anything, I can win her over. "You okay?" I asked. Sonny looked up and shook her head. I took her ipod and checked to see what she was listening to. "Love Song" Was playing, Sara Bareilles… hmm. "Chad.. I think I should stay home. I can't handle any of this." she whispered under her breath. No, Sonny can't leave. She's the only reason I stayed at The Falls. I had the opportunity to get into movies but… I don't know. Sonny is the one that made me want to stay… too bad I didn't figure out I liked her until I saw her with Darren. "No, stay" I whispered, "You can get through this, I know you can…" It was true. Sonny could get through this, if she let herself. "Chad.. Do you think it was my fault my dad died? If he hadn't come none of this would have ever happened."

"Sonny you cant blame yourself for this, it was a freak accident."




I turned around to see Nico and Tawni staring at us. Sonny was still holding onto me, and I was holding her. I quietly pushed her away. She opened her eyes to find Tawni crossing her arms and shaking her head. Nico just stood there and fiddled with his hands. "Sonny, Darren called, just thought I'd let you know…" Tawni said, took one look at me, and walked off. Nico followed. I can't really think of any idea why he was there anyway… but whatever. "So… are you gonna…"

"No. Not now anyway. I don't think I can talk to him." Sonny said.

"Sonny!" I heard from behind us. The people just keep coming don't they!

Sonny turned around and immediately brightened up and ran into the guys arms. He was good lookin', with green eyes and disheveled hair.

"Trent! What are you doing here? I thought you would be in D.C." Sonny exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah I know, but I rushed over as soon as I heard about it." Trent said. "Haven't seen you in a while, you've grown!"

"It's only been a year" Sonny said. Trent replied saying "I know, but it seems much longer. I missed you."

Who is he anyways? Is he a past boyfriend or something? Wait… no.

"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" he asked. Yeah, I wish.

"Oh, no. This is Chad he's a… very close friend of mine." She said, smiling at me. "Nice to meet you, oh, I'm Sonny's brother. Trent." I shook his hand and we talked for awhile. Sonny never mentioned Darren once and they avoided talking about their father.