Author's Note: This is the third story in a four part series called "Ancient Magics." If you have not read the preceding entries in the story, "Hatred" and "Bedfellows," some of the characters in this story will be unfamiliar. A small guide to the original characters I've introduced can be found on my profile. Each part of "Ancient Magics" may be read independently. While reading the previous stories will enhance your appreciation of this story, it is not necessary to read them to enjoy this story.


A light snow had fallen across the city of Gyrfalcon, giving the city an ethereal glow in the pale blues of twilight. Kahlan stood before the leaded glass windows of Anclara's office; a warm mug of tea cooling in her hands as she watched the city's workers busy themselves lighting the gaslights that illuminated the streets every night.

Behind her Zedd and Anclara sat before the office's fireplace, their conversation as warm and pleasant as the fire within. Kahlan had tried to involve herself in their discussion – she herself was certainly a topic of conversation – but Zedd and Anclara had so much history between them that much of their back and forth went over her head.

It didn't help that her thoughts were preoccupied with worries about Richard. He was several days delayed, and she prayed he had only been sidetracked by the sort of heroics that Richard always seemed to stumble into, and not something worse. She pushed the thoughts from her head before they could turn darker. It would do her no good to allow her anxiety to escalate to real fear, so instead she sipped at her tea and watched the city.

There was a sharp knock at the door and Kahlan turned, startled out of her reverie. Anclara called out permission to enter and the door swung open, revealing Gyrfalcon Hall's major domo Derwin and a second man. He was threadbare and ragged, with fresh bruises and scuffs. He was a few years older than Richard, with a long drawn out face framed by dirty brown hair. His head hung low and he held his cap in his hand.

"Mistress Anclara, I apologize for the interruption," Derwin began, "but this man just arrived at the Hall with urgent news for the Mother Confessor."

Zedd turned in his seat and glanced at the door. His eyes went wide as he recognized the man. "Sebastian!"

"Master Wizard," the man responded with a nod. His eyes went immediately to Kahlan, and the look in them told her that he bore bad news. "Mother Confessor, it's the Seeker. He's dying!"