After sleeping safe and sound in a small thicket of trees Ratchet had found for us, we woke each other up and started to get ready to head to New Bark Town.

"Wahoo! New Bark Town, here we come!" Derrick yelled.

"Would you shut up? My ears hurt!" Maggie screeched. I sighed. It was too early for all of this bickering.

After getting everything sorted out, we all got out of the forest in a matter of minutes, and hopped down a good few ledges as Derrick suggested.

Upon reaching the bottom, we were all wore out. "Guys, can we stop just for a minute or two?" Maggie whined.

"Nope. We gotta keep going." Ratchet said.

So, we did. We got to the very edge of the town, and weren't really impressed with what we saw. A few houses scattered here and there, one large building a few meters in front of us, and overall there was nothing to this town. Except for maybe that large building. But who knew?

"Guys, get low." Rachet said. We did so, and he continued to talk. "That's a Pokemon Laboratory right there. We can't get caught, understand?" We all nodded. We then proceeded to crawl our way around the lab, and narrowly make it onto Route 29.

"Whew... that was close." Matt said.

"Shut up! There's still Trainers and such around, you moron!" Ami yelled. Oh great. Here comes a full blown argument...

"Excuse me? I think if anything, they'll see you first, you stupid, obnoxious, pink thing!" Matt, by this point, was slowly raising above the grass. A few Trainers looked over to where we were standing, and grabbed Pokeballs. Hoping to avoid them, I snuck over to a nearby bush, and tried my best to turn invisible. Not sure if it worked or not...

"How dare you! You're nasty, slimy, green, and have gross tangle things hanging from your underside! How can they not recognize you first?" Ami continued to yell. Derrick heard the crunching grass underneath the Trainers' feet, and warned the rest of us. Ratchet flew up a tree, Derrick hid behind a tree, and the three Glameow cowered in a bush nearby the one I was hiding in. The still-nameless Slowpoke just went behind a rock.

The Trainers got closer to Matt and Ami, and one threw a Pokeball. Ami saw this, fortunately, and ran away. Matt, however, just hovered there.

"Matt! MOVE!!!" I yelled, to no prevail. Matt still hovered there... and the Pokeball went right past him. He kind of turned his head to the side, wondering what the heck just went by him. Turns out they wanted a Corsola, not a Carnivine.

Ami was just about to the forest when she somehow felt the Pokeball behind her. She turned around, and something miraculously... weird happened.

She fired off a Water Pulse, just in time, and the Pokeball was sent flying back... and it hit Matt. The Pokeball fell to the ground, and before I could even scream, the ball flashed red and that was it. Matt was gone. Still shocked and in fear, Ami continued to run into the forest, not stopping once. The Trainers walked away eventually, happy with their rare catch, and that left it to us.

Ratchet was the first out. "That's two down." he said. Derrick shook his head. "There's still hope for Ami, though."

"Do you think we should go and find her?" Maggie suggested, her lackeys nodding their heads.

"Of course we are." I said. Everybody looked at me as if I was speaking Latin.

"Where the heck do you think she's at?" Derrick said. I shrugged to the best of my ability, and headed towards the forest. "She's in here, and that's all I know. Are you all coming, or not?"

Ratchet was first to follow me. Then it was Maggie, her lackies, Derrick, and finally when the Slowpoke realized we were leaving, he followed behind.

First off... I guess I should apologize for kinda abandoning this story. I've been so caught up in things that I forgot about , and moved onto other stuff. But don't you dare think I'm quitting this site. I've just been working on other stuff...

If you'd like to read my more crappy fanfiction that I've been writing, head on over to Quizilla. My username is SodaDreamer. Since I've been getting into the Sonic the Hedgehog series lately, I've been writing some of that and getting feedback there before I start on here.

And lastly, I wanna dedicate this chapter to somebody. It was this girl's story that inspired me to put my ideas of a Pokemon story together, and write it to upload on this site. This story was called Open Happiness. It is no longer on this site, for she deleted it, but I still think about it every time I write about Pokemon. And the user who wrote that story is no longer on here either, and even though she will probably never, ever see this, I just wanted to thank her and dedicate this chapter to her anyway.

FOBsessed12, you've inspired me in ways pretty much unimaginable, and thank you for that :]

I'm also still accepting characters, if you'd like to submit yours. The form is a few chapters back.