Title: Windows
Author: emily64cooper
Rating: Pg-13
Characters/Pairing: Parker/Hardison
Summary: He really shouldn't have left the window open.
Author's Note: Takes place after 2x08 - The Ice Man Job. Written because Parker was obviously mad at him, and they never resolved it.
Prompt: 13. I want to hurt you.

Hardison spots her as he walks into his bedroom. Parker's sitting on the outside ledge of his window, legs swinging back and forth.

"You shouldn't have left the window open. You're dumb," she says simply. She swings herself inside and leans against that window, facing him. "What if someone snuck in and like, left you a bomb?"

He shuffles through some drawers, not looking for anything more than a distraction, and shrugs. She moves to sit on the edge of his bed. It's more comfortable than she expected – he did always say that geeks didn't sleep at night – so she scoots herself to the center of it and sits with her legs crossed. "Besides that, though, you are indeed, very, very stupid. Very, very, very, very, very stupid."

He turns to her, slightly miffed, and leans against his dresser drawers. "Really? I'm stupid? 'Cause you kinda hafta know at least a little bit to hack into all the shit I get into for us and not get caught."

Her eyes narrow to slits. "Don't you dare take that tone with me, Hardison. Especially not after today. It's that same stupid, fucking ego that got us into that shit with the Russians! You could have been killed. I could have been killed!"

"We're fine now, aren't we?"

"That's not the point! Someone other than you is good at what they do, Hardison. That's how we got out. And that same someone should get credit where it's due, shouldn't they?"

She's referring to his "borrowing" of her accomplishments, and he knows it. He slips into the accent of his ice man persona, knowing it'll push her over the edge. "You take the stories you can when they're available to you, savvy, love?"

"Oh, I so want to hurt you right now," she hisses. She moves to stand in front of him, but he overpowers her and flips her against the wall. And now they're breathing heavily and he's got both her arms pinned, and when did he get strong enough to overpower her? It's a recipe for disaster, the ingredients consisting of the anger and fear from today's job and the ever-present pent-up sexual tension.

"You should know about personal property just as well as I do, Hardison! Those jobs were mine, and you-"

But suddenly his mouth is over hers, bruising it, and the anger has flown out the window, leaving fear and passion in its place.

"We should have been dead," she whispers when they break. "You would have been dead."

"Yeah," he says, nodding. "But I'm not. I'm right here."

"I don't want you to be dead."

"I think I'll be alright. My schedule's pretty death-free this week. Next week, though," he jokes.

She smiles, a very happy, not-psycho, Parker-esque smile, kisses him softly, then jumps out the open window.

Hardison smirks, rolls his eyes, and returns to his living room, all the while muttering about that crazy lovable woman.

1 week, 5 hours, and 48 minutes later

Alec Hardison returns to his apartment from a particularly stressful job, which landed Nate in the hospital yet again.

As he moves to his room, he hears no tell-tale "beep-beep-beep". He sees neither countdown nor flashing red light.

And as his apartment goes boom in the night, Parker studies the scene from her rooftop vantage point. Three men try to fly away on ropes, but are caught by the police before they get too far. She looks back at the burning apartment and sighs.

"Stupid man. You shouldn't have left the window open."