A/N: Ahh… So, the last chapter was depressingly short; this one probably won't be much better if at all. I got super confused because the 4th chapter was posted late, so I'm behind a day, and I feel like I completely missed the 22nd, not just story wise either, but IRL… I don't know how to explain it, but I figured I'd get in the 6th chapter short and sweet, to make up for the lateness and shortness and whatnot. Hopefully the 7th chapter will be longer. I apologize because this all happened due to me sleeping in half the day and television distractions (MLP: FIM; I have no regrets xP). Lolz. Le-sigh… Okay, here we go.

Italics is the thoughts or dream sequences

Bold italics is the surprise voice

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own any part of the Bleach franchise and make absolutely no profit whatsoever off of writing this story. No matter how much I wish I did.

Claimer: I do however own the OCs portrayed in this work of fiction. Sadly, I also gain no profit but faithful readers from the creation of these characters and the shenanigans they may get into throughout these stories I write. x3

Chapter 6: Haruko Meets Komamura

Haruko's P.O.V:

I left early and made my way back to the desert grounds Byakuya and I had trained at yesterday to wait for Komamura-taichou. When I got there, I decided to start working on my sword skills, just to improve my style and technique a bit. About 10 minutes later a large shadow blocked out the sun overhead. I bent my neck back to look up and see what had blocked out the sun. It was none other than Komamura-taichou himself in all his 10ft glory… I gulped, and fell to the ground in shock gasping as I hadn't realized he was that much of a giant on TV.

"Haruko, Satomi, I presume?" Komamura-taichou questioned in a deep rumbling voice.

I don't know if I was over exaggerating or if it was just because this was my first time up close with him, but this was terrifying… yet soooo cool!

"Hai, Komamura-taichou; it's nice to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to train me."

I got up quickly and bowed in respect. He looked down on me, and pulled out his sword, making me gulp in fear. He stabbed his sword into the ground in front of him and sat down facing it. Without saying a word, I imitated Komamura-taichou, waiting for any further instructions.

He didn't say anything for a while, just sitting there, staring at his sword as I watched him.

"Concentrate on your Reiatsu and focus your energy. Embrace your element." Komamura-taichou spoke suddenly, surprising me.

"H-Hai…" I muttered, closing my eyes trying to concentrate.

I could feel Komamura-taichou's Reiatsu, the heat of flames tickling my face. I dared to crack open an eye, seeing roaring flames licking the rock Komamura-taichou leant against. My eyes widened, and I stared in awe, before feeling the temperature rise. I looked behind me and saw that there were light flames growing around me as well. "Wow…." It was simply amazing…

Komamura-taichou opened his eyes as well, and was currently watching me as I watched the fire around us. Mine wasn't nearly as large as his of course, but, I suppose that was good, meaning I had some small semblance of control over it. It really was fascinating, all of this; just being here and learning with Shinigami. 'It is wonderful isn't it, Haruko?' "Who said that?" I asked, looking around me, catching a figure standing on the rock behind Komamura-taichou.

'Do you really need to ask? You already know the answer to that, young Haruko.'

It must be the spirit of my Zanpakutō…

'Can you not speak my name?'

"I don't know… I'm sorry, tell me who you are." I responded to the voice. I couldn't even tell if it was male or female. I've always been able to see spirits clearly before, but I can't now…

'I am your Zanpakutō, Haruko; you know my name, don't you? Please, call my name.'

I couldn't think of a response to that, I just didn't know; I couldn't call out a name I didn't know. The spirit seemed saddened, disappointed even, as it shook its head, looked down to the ground, and turned away from me. 'I see; it is too early for us to meet.' The spirit spoke softly, before walking away and disappearing before I could say anything else.

I couldn't help the prickling of tears in my eyes, as the spirit left; it stung that it gave up so easily. The flames around me died down a bit, as I stared at the spot the spirit was previously standing in. I dropped my gaze to the ground and then looked up, a determined look on my face and the flames grew bigger than before. 'I will learn your name. We will meet again.'

Komamura-taichou having witnessed the whole ordeal looked on with an approving grin.

"This was a good start. We shall reconvene in two days, same place, and same time."

And with that said, Komamura-taichou got up, retrieved his sword and disappeared in a flash.

I sighed, pulling my sword from the ground and returning to my room, thinking about this new experience and what to do the next time to guarantee a longer conversation with the spirit.

Setsuko's P.O.V:

"Mmm… Ugh, my head hurts; what happened?" I mumbled, sitting up, leaning against my headboard, holding my head. I looked to the clock on the wall above the door and it read 2:15PM… Gosh, how long was I out?

The last thing I remembered was elemental training with Toushirou… Awe, shit; I freaked out on him didn't I…

"I have to go apologize to Toushirou, I didn't even thank him for the training; and I passed out on him… How did I get back here anyway? Did Toushirou carry me?"

I mumbled to myself, blushing at the thought and I started to stand up, before a sudden dizzy rush hit me again, and I fell back onto my bed. 'Maybe, I'll just take another quick cat-nap…' Rolling over and curling up into a tight little ball, I trailed off back to sleep.

A/N: Okay everyone, again; late chapter… Just trying to get something up, so I'm sorry it's so short. I'm going to go pass out now, then after breakfast, I'll spend the day working on the next chapter. I can promise that the 7th chapter will be back to an appropriate length, hopefully back to normal, less angst and whatnot. The next day will just be a relaxation day, and we'll meet Ichigo and his friends soon as well. Thank you for the love.

Ja Ne
