Disclaimer: I do not own anything from FFVII. Though taking a few of the yummy men would be kind of fun!  Hee. This is my second fan fiction, so once again… no flames please. Sorry if some characters seem out of character. Still trying...

Adult content and violence. You have been warned. Lemon was going to be a one shot, but I wanted to get it out before tomorrow. I dunno why… but here is part one. Part two will be out tomorrow. I promise. Along with two new selections from my other works. I've been a busy bee the past few days and just been needing some sort of an outlet. So here goes…

A small crumpled form of the ninja was left by the dirt path, discarded like yesterdays trash and yet all she thought was this was not such a pleasant way to start a weekend. A few hours have gone by since Vincent found her letter stating her intent to go further up the mountain by herself for some special materia. He cursed himself under his breath while he moved with cat-like abilities letting his legs and heart lead him to where he thought the girl might be. Hoping to the gods above, praying that he would not reach her too late, not again... Didn't she know that the mountains alone were dangerous, let alone to a female with out an escort? Why did she always have to prove to herself and others that she was just as tough as the rest of them? Why? If things were easier, if she was a little bit more softer he would not be in this place franticly looking for her. No, if she was even a little bit softer he doubts that he would have any sort of feelings towards her.

There she was curled in what looks like a little ditch off the dirt road leading up the mountain with tracks all around her. Not animal tracks, footprints of humans... He so wanted to go to her, but he could not let his guard down for a second of he would not be able to get both of them out of here alive. '...not like this, please gods, Leviathan, anyone, please do not take her away from me...'

He moved quicker shifting his feet in the undergrowth of the trees around him, carefully making sure that he kept off the sticks and dry leaves. A brief survey of the nearby areas gave no signs that anyone else but them were here, which meant one thing... they had what they wanted and left her for death. But death will not come for her, not if he could help it. He will save her. He has too. So many things left to say, conversations postponed due to a battle needing to be fought. Words left to say to sum up the way that he just could not live without her. So much left unfinished and for once he wants get his happy ending.

"Yuffie? Yuffie?" He tried to wake her carefully, but he was starting to get frantic by the second.

"Yuffie. Yuffie?!" He practically screamed down to her while those wonderful storm colored eyes fluttered before gazing up at him.

"Vincent?" She meekly said trying to focus those grey onto red but failing.

"Yes. What happened?"

"Four guys..." She muttered before wincing holding her hand to the red stain on her chest. His eyes widen while she whispers.

"Caught..." Breathe. Breathe. Wince. Gasp. "...me off guard." Vincent holds his breath for what is to come willing his hands to move and take a look at the wound under her shirt gold claws rip the thin material while he stares down. Three long gashes across her right side starting near her collar bone and ending just shy of her navel, three deep slits showing fatty tissue of her still developing breast and pearl white tips of her rib cage. Vincent lets out a grunt upon seeing the wound while his hands fumbles into his pocket pulling out his mastered cure materia. "Could have..." She breathes in slow hallow breaths now, moist from most likely a punctured lung. "...just asked me..." Breathe. Breathe. Gasp. Wheeze. "to take off... my clothes..." Well at least she was coherent, or so it would seem.

"Cure3" He whispers to the green orb while it works as best as it can. He knows that if she wants to make it she needs to get to a hospital fast, but if he can heal some of it now it could save her some discomfort in the move.

"I...finished them off..." Breathe. Breathe. "But not before they got a good hit in..." She winces at the newly exposed flesh.

"My apologies, Yuffie. I have to." He says trying to hold back the panic in his voice while she stares up into him. 'Where are the bodies?' He wonders while she gasps and shakes in his grasp. Then that's when he sees them...

Four bodies lay not even ten feet away from them a few of them missing various limbs or even a head. He glances once more to survey that they are all indeed dead but notices one still twitching. Vincent raises Death Penalty without thinking and stares down before silently placing a bullet into his brain. Red splashes with grey matter squirt out the back of a very big hole while the man jerks violently before rolling to a side and stays down. 'Good.' She raises a bloody hand up to him and turns him so that he can face her.

"Knew you'd come for..." She blinks trying to form the next words carefully.

"Always." He ends it and never before has he ever meant something in his whole life then that simple word. Packing gauze pads into the somewhat healing wound. His cure only worked by lightly fussing the flesh together again, she would still need stitches, antibiotics and rest before she would recover. First aid kits always came in handy when she wanted to take these long weekends into the mountains to discover new and improved materia, so right now he is thankful that he always kept it on his person.

She blinks a few more times before they roll back up into her head.

"Yuffie... Yuffie! Stay with me, Yuffie" He calls to her while picking her up bridal style and running through the trees like a bat out of hell.

"Hn..." She replies before looking back up at him. "Vincent..." Isn't going into shock wonderful, she couldn't feel anything below her neck right about now.

"Does it hurt?" He asks.

"What hurt?" She replies. No, this isn't good. He runs faster.

"How about now?" He says.

"Hn. No..." She replies. Not good at all. He races through the wilderness weaving out of trees not even giving them a second glance. His red eyes locked onto her grey ones while he tries to continue their conversation as he nears the hospital.

"Just stay with me, Yuffie" He begs her. "Please, stay with me."

"Always, Vinnie..." With that her eyes roll back into her head and she fades into darkness.


Five days later she awakes to a strange white room. Eyes take a while to focus while she tries to rub them only to get her left hand caught on something.

"What the...?" Tug. Tug. 'Ow.' She whimpers noting the sharp pain in her left hand. "Oh..." She finally realizes that she is hooked up to an IV unit. "Well, fuck."

"Took the words out of my mouth." A low voice echoes around the room while she shudders. Only one man could make her feel terrified and aroused at the same time and that was Vincent Valentine.

"What...happened?" She asks quietly rubbing her eye with her other hand.

"You were attacked. I found you and brought you here." She nods before sitting up only to be pushed back down gently by him. "Lay still. The doctor will be in awhile. If you tear another stitch they will not let you go home soon."

"Define awhile." She grumbles. Waiting was never Yuffie's strong features, taking turns, waiting in line, pretty much anything that was not 'go go go' was not for her. Ten minutes roll around, then another five more, and another five more then another five more when finally the doctor comes in only a hour after Yuffie Kisaragi woke up, though by this point Vincent is already having his hands full trying to keep the ninja on the bed and not getting dressed.

"Hello Doctor Lee." Vincent speaks letting his eyes glare at Yuffie hoping to keep her still with a look, doubtful, but it was at least worth a try.

The doctor gave a nod before eyeing up the young lady. "Good morning, Miss Kisaragi. I am Doctor Lee and I have been taking care of you..."

"Yeah that's great. So when can I blow this popsicle stand? Hn?" Eyebrows up hands crossed over chest sternly, or well... as sternly as she can being as her arms simply have to hover over her body and the motion to move those arms hurt more then anything.

"At least another night, though I would prefer if you would stay at least two." She states before clicking her metallic pen and going back to writing down notes on her chart.

"Pfft. Like that is gonna happen. Come on Vince. Let's blow this joint." She coos before flopping those legs over the sides and grabbing the bar to hoist herself up.

"Yuffie." He states letting everything he needs to say in that one word. She gets it. She always did. Weird how that was, like they are some how connected on some other frequency or something.

"No, Vincent. I am not staying any more than I have too. I'm up and able to mo-" She shot up and her legs quake at the sudden weight of her not yet used to carrying her just yet. BONK! Her head meets with the metal bar on the other side of the bed as she tumbled back into the sheets. Paper gown slides up reveling nothing underneath while Vincent coughs some and turns his head away catching the slight peep show she didn't mean to give. "Ooops." She grumbles from her place back on the bed while hands smooth out the wrinkles of her gown and go back to their starting positions. Oh yes, she will be trying this again.

"Miss Kisaragi, this wouldn't be the best time to test your body right now. You need to rest and recover. That wound was a killing shot and you are lucky that Vincent was around to save you."

"I'm always lucky to have him around, doctor" She snarls back adding a bit of a bite to the word doctor. Psh, she didn't look like any doctor that she knew. Doctors are suppose to be old, wrinkly, and smelly. At least, that was almost every single doctor she ever went too was. Not this tall blonde bombshell in fuck me heels. No, defiantly not any doctor that she would go too. Storm grey eyes glared at the woman at her bed side and noting how close contact she was to her partner. No, Yuffie Kisaragi did not like how close Doctor Lee was standing by Vincent, not one bit. Oh that jealousy bug just so happens to come at the oddest times. With Shelke... With that waitress... With that other girl... and the other one... and the other one after that. But, ever so mopey Vincent never noticed anyone, never noticed any girl a side for the close net of friends, herself included.

"Vincent. I'm leaving. With or without your help." With that she hauls herself up onto her once nimble feet and pulls the IV out of her hand. 'Though with your help means that I at least will be dress somewhat normal...'

"Miss Kis-"

"Call me that again and I swear I will stab you with that pen of yours."

"..." The horrid doctor blushes and leaves quicker than lightening.

"Yuffie." He says to her nearing her letting hands hover around her should she need him.

"Save it Valentine. I'm not staying here anymore than I have too."

"But, Yuffie..."


"Fine." He sighs before finally giving in. His one weak spot will always be her. He just can't help it and not cave when she pushes him. "I'll agree to this on one condition."

"Name it."

"You dress yourself."

"What?!" She didn't think of that one. Pain erupted when she simply got up from the bed and she really didn't want to think about bending down for underwear let alone socks. She whines some before trying to think up a way out of this ruse.

"How about this..."

"No, Yuffie. You cannot barter out of this one."

"You didn't even hear me out."

"I know you..."

"Pssh. Just listen will you? God, you can be a pain in my ass sometimes, Valentine." She pokes him in the chest to make her point known.

"Fine." He caves once more.

"How about I get assistance for dressing, buuuut..." She continues rolling her eyes when he starts to say something. Her hands shoot up and cover his mouth while she finishes the rest. "I take it slow for a week." She grins. Bet he didn't think about what she would do when she got home, huh?

"Agreed." He simply says before turning to go get the nurse.

"Where you going?"

"To get the nurse." He simply states wondering why she had a death grip on his arm all of a sudden.

"Nooo. That will take forever. I want out of this jailhouse, now."

"How are you going to..."



"You are going to help dress me, Vinnie." She chuckles some before wincing at the sudden pain.


"Sure you can. Just help me put on my clothing. You did remember to grab another shirt right? I am betting some gil on the fact that they shredded my shirt even more when they got me in here."

"Just let me get Tifa." He asks.

"Is she in the hospital?"

"No, she is at home."

"No can do. Not waiting. Hurry up Vincent I'm not waiting any longer so either you start putting clothes on me or I'm just simply going to strip right here then you will have to deal with a naked Yuffie Kisaragi." Brow wiggle to add to the joke while she rolls her shoulders some letting the thin cloth drape just on her frame. Sun kissed flesh showed more while the paper gown just barely hung onto bony shoulders. Vincent had to take a deep breathe and try to remember other things, anything other than the sight of a naked Yuffie in front of him.

He quickly scrambles for clothing while she just stands there sturdy like a tree, or he hopes she is. He grabs the paper bag that Tifa brought over with fresh clothing and weapons newly cleaned. Hey he had to have something to do to past the time. He has never dressed anyone so he doesn't know the first thing to do. Panic starts in him, or was it something else. Maybe it was the fact that within the last six days she nearly died twice, did she not notice the burns from the AED?

"Yuffie, I do not think that I am able to do this."

"Not think. Just do." How very Yoda of her she was, yes. She slides back onto the bed and lets those long legs dangle off the side of the stiff mattress.

'Cid in the hot springs. Naked. With Cloud, and Rude, and Reno. Cold water. Math equations. The square root of pi? The last book that I read.' He gulps again before moving to place the black underwear on. Slipping her feet into them and sliding them up her calves letting a few finger tips graze the back of her thighs. Heat fills the room and his pants get just a tid bit more uncomfortable. 'More things that I'm not turned on by. Cid and Barret mud fighting. Cloud in a dress. Cloud in a swimsuit barely there letting the world see all his..' Okay... the moment has past while he stops moving his hands up her legs.

"Why Vincent are you blushing?"

He clears his throat and looks her dead in the eyes. "Can you pull them up the rest of the way?" He asks ignoring her comment as best as he could.

"Can you hold me up?" She smiles sweetly this time milking the moment for all it was worth. Can't say that she did not enjoy his hands on her legs even if it was for a few seconds she would live a lifetime in those few seconds that he touched her in any way. Vincent simply nodded going back to his monosyllabic ways grunting a yes while he pulled her up quickly while her hands worked pulling those past thighs. Finally one part of her was covered he could rest somewhat better. Though she still was in a paper gown and it was cold in the room...

Gentle this time he places her back down on the bed moving to grip her shorts from the bag and working her feet into the holes. He could feel her eyes on him as he shifted up sliding those into place but for this time she stood up on her own letting him cover her delicious rump. He was in complete terror not wanting to show any sort of signs that he thought of her in any other way than a friend, a partner, or companion. He partly wanted it to be done and over with while the other side of him wanted to be the one to take its time with her. Placing kisses on legs and thighs, stomachs and shoulders... pretty much anywhere just as long as it was her body.

Yuffie however, was having the time of her life. Not every day she has a beautiful man dressing her, making her very skin hum with his slight contact. Hell, it was Vincent... her heart always went crazy when he would enter the room. For five years she pined for him, moving from just a simple crush to full out madly in love with him. The last three years she kept it tightly under lock and key, wishing for a day when he would finally break free of his dead lovers hold, wishing for the day would come when he would confess his true feelings for her.

She knew, how she could not know his reaction to her. Yuffie spent a lifetime, or so it would seem, memorizing that face, etching every single feature to memory, imprinting his tender tones into her mind wanting to find the day when he would look at her like she was his world... but, now it was more of a primal lust. Not love like she craved so she would not offer herself up on a plate... just yet. Where there was lust there also could be love. She figured out long ago the reaction of a man to a nearly naked female. Though, thankfully she never had a chance to test out that experience. Yuffie was rather content with that though. If she could not have her first time be with the man she was so hopelessly in love with then she would make do without it.

Tifa has tried to explain the birds and the bees to her when she was 16, only to find out that it was rather late in the game. Hey, not like she got around or anything. Just noticed the fact that more and more guys started to pay attention to her once breasts showed up and those long legs filled out to complete the curves.

Shorts were on now all that was left was her shirt. Bandages from breasts to ribcages were still tender and he really did not want to damage her anymore than she already was. He slipped the tank up and over her head and helped place her arms inside the holes like a toddler. She might complain later, but still the fact was that he wasn't done and she just wanted more time with him on her body.

"Finished." He said while she opened her eyes not realizing how close he came to her. If she leaned further in she was sure that she could kiss him... She could feel the pull of his lips enticing her to fall, but once she got the courage to move he leaned back and helped her up out of bed.

"Let's go home, hn?" She squeaks while he leans forward to scoop her back up into his arms and exit out of the room's window. Neither wanted to chase down the doctor for dismissal forms.