I work at an insane asylum.

Actually, more commonly known as a psychiatric ward. I just prefer insane asylum better. Its ok I suppose. Not the average job for a twenty year old college student. Shit, not the average job for most but hey, someone's gotta do it. Plus, it ties into my choice of career pretty well I say. I'm in school for nursing. The way I look at it is, if I can take care of these special fools, I can take care of anyone. Harsh? Not really. I like my job, I really do, (I wouldn't be going to school for this shit if I felt otherwise. I mean c'mon!) but its rough.

My job description; I don't even know what that is. I swear when I "signed up" for this job I was supposed to be a receptionist. I don't have my degree yet so I cant really nurse the folks here; legally, that is. But, for some reason, I walk in and the higher ups immediately go all, "Kuchiki! I need you to monitor patients from rooms 235 to 240 today! Got it?" I'm pretty much confined to watching those same five individuals. Four dudes one chick. They're pretty awesome.

Kuchiki Byakuya. He's first on my rounds. Quiet, monotonic, stoic. My charts say he's suicidal depressive and suffers from extreme hallucination. Story behind that is this whole tragic love story. His wife was murdered. He found her disemboweled in their home. Jesus, it just sounds bad reading it. Anyway, he slipped into a deep depression. Who wouldn't? Started seeing his late wife everywhere, blood spattered and organs spilling. He claims she would blame him for her death every time he saw her. Byakuya apparently skipped out on work a lot; people noticed. That's how he got here. Poor guy had it rough for awhile. Suicide attempts; he wanted to be with her. He doesn't talk to me much, really only when he needs something or I ask him a question. His eyes have a dull, lifeless look though; especially when he's on his medication. He has bad dreams.

In room 236 we have Arisawa Tatsuki. I seriously don't know why she's here. Her records say she used to be some really kick-ass karate champ in her high school days. Story is when she was 19 she was competing on a national level. A couple days before her big meet, she got into a terrible car accident. Screwed up her right leg pretty fucking badly. Something happened at the accident where her leg was trapped, I'm not sure of the details; these charts just give me the bare minimal info. But it ended up as a traumatic amputation and she was left with nothing but a small stump, not even thigh length. She also slipped into depression and had strong bouts of extreme violence and anger towards herself and others. Now, at the age of 29, she has a complete failure to thrive. I feel bad for her, I really do, but I think she should have tried her best to look past that and moved on with her life. Its obvious that karate was extremely important to her, but damn.

Anyways, moving on. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques is the next patient I see. Doesn't his name just ooze sex and masculinity? His problem is a bit more complex. Not much background info on the guy. We are pretty sure he's of German descend or maybe from Russia, but with no real family to contact we just don't know for sure. Before he was admitted here, he was found in the basement of a family owned restaurant down the street. We still have no idea how he got there considering there were no signs of forced entry. The guy that found him told authorities that all he did was rant and rave about some man name Aizen Souske and how he royally fucked him over and was going to kill him. We still can't find this Aizen Souske.

Grimmjow never shuts up about Aizen Souske. It seems to torment him. On more than one occasion I have walked in his room to see him wrapped in his bed sheets, sitting criss cross applesauce, rocking back and forth muttering about damned two-faced traitorous shinigami and how he turned on the people he turned to after turning on the ones that he turned on first. Confusing? I know. We have to heavily sedate him sometimes because he becomes violently angry. Kind of like Tatsuki.

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques is shrouded in mystery. Maybe that's why I'm partial to him. Maybe its his burning electric blue hair (which I know is natural since he has been here for several months and no other color can be seen peeking up from his roots) and matching blue eyes that seem to pierce you when your not even gazing at them. It could be that devil-may-care smile that I only see when I walk into his room when he's not in one of his "spells" and after the meds have worn off.

Another strange thing about Grimmjow. When he's not spazing out and not a zombie due to his medication, he's a pretty cool guy. Rough around the edges a little, rude and foul mouthed that's for sure, but, I don't know. It's weird I guess. I see a normal person beneath his issues. I see normal people beneath all my patients, don't get me wrong. Terrible shit happened to all of them that they just couldn't quite handle. But Grimm is just different. He's real. I don't see any dull lifelessness in his electrifying orbs. I think he is utterly beautiful.

My last two mental cases (hehe, not funny I guess) are Madreme Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika. Their story is a pretty hilarious one, in my opinion. Sad though, they're too young to be locked and chained in here. Fresh out of college; both 23. Anyways, these guys were pretty heavy on the partying and they partied with the wrong bunch. Idiotic fools. Anyways, after waking up from a night of inebriation, intoxication, and fornication they found themselves to be the prime witnesses to a murder. Apparently someone was murdered at the party. While Ikkaku and Yumichika were high and drunk off their asses everyone found out about the murder and ran. The police arrived at the scene in the wee hours of the morning. When a passed out Yumichika and Ikkaku were revived and heard the news, they spazzed out hard. It's weird you know. The reports in both these guys doors (mainly Ikkaku's) say how much they loved to fight and how they were big time members of the local dojos. But they couldn't stand the thought of someone dying near them? Then again, fighting and dying are two totally different things.

Okay, I take it back, there is nothing hilarious about their story but damn if I don't get a kick out of visiting them. Yumichika thinks I'm beautiful. He thinks exactly three things are beautiful here. One is me, yay! One is himself, and the other is his heterosexual life partner Ikkaku. Ikkaku is just funny. He's constantly telling me these awesome "war" stories that are really crazy which always involve Yumichika and this big guy that comes to visit them both occasionally. And he's so passionate about them! He acts some scenes' out for me. When I walk in the room, he never fails to do his "lucky dance". He's lucky that he gets such a kick ass nurse, at least that's what he says.

I know that their estranged behavior is due to the murder. Cause when I walk into their rooms and everything is quiet, they have this far away look in their eyes. I'm sure they know more about the night of the party than they let the police know.

I always go in that order. Byakuya first, then ending with Yumichika. Yumichika's room is at the end of one half of the psych ward, right next to a set of double doors. On the other side of those doors are rooms 241 to 280, I think. I'm not even all that sure how many room there are on each floor. Room 241. I never really see anyone going in and out that room to monitor that patient. I wouldn't even know there was someone in there had I not seen the guy before. It was just last week. He's got these broad shoulders, his height is impressive. On top of those broad shoulders is a slightly thick but sculpted neck. He's got the body of someone who plays sports, probably baseball. On top of that neck is a spiky mess of orange hair. It's so bright! I smiled when I saw it. But that was all I saw. He walked past those double doors and went to his room and lightly closed the door behind him.

Since that day last week I've been trying my damnedest to get another glimpse of this nameless patient that resides in room 241, just beyond my monitoring area. I do my rounds but I find myself loitering outside Yumichika's room sometimes, inching my way past those double doors. But I'm apprehensive. I really want to see this guys face and I have no idea why. Just that glimpse of him, lasting only a couple seconds, got me so curious. I want to see the man behind the pretty orange hair, impressive shoulders and imposing height. I want to know why he walked with a droop in those shoulders. I want to know why the other nurses don't check up on him often. I want to know why I have worked here for over 2 months and am just now figuring out that someone is even living in room 241.


I walk into Seireiti Psychiatric Ward early Tuesday morning and immediately get yelled at in the face.

"Kuchikiiiii! I need you to monitor patients from rooms 235 to 240 today!"

I roll my eyes but put on a charming smile. "Okay sir! Thank you for informing me on where I will be assigned today."

"And Kuchiki, I'm adding one more room to your rounds. Room 241. Patient Kurosaki Ichigo. That's all. Well hop to it girl, don't just gape at me! It's only one more person. It's not like I gave you watch over the whole floor!"

The head honchos voice kind of faded out for me after he said 241. Oh snaps! My mystery man! What did he say my dudes name was? Oh well, I'll figure it out when I get there.

I say another quick thank you and put extra sparkles in my smile before heading off to the stairs.

My heart is beating hella fast. I approach room 241 slowly and gently grasp the chilled metal door handle. I bite my lip and put a little pressure on that door handle.

I take a deep breath and lean into the door.

Curious, I'm so curious.


my first attempt at writing anything for entertainment purposes. im really anxious to know what people think so, if you would, review?