Author Note:

That's right, I'm back! And my spelling, grammar and plot lines have developed greatly. I'm sorry I haven't updated or written any stories recently. In all honesty, I've been pretty busy with college, and I've had things going on around the house - such as moving house! - that I've forgotten about my FanFiction Addiction ;)

But any who, back to what I'm writing to all you lovely's about.

I've re-read and read through my stories a few times, and I've decided, I'm unhappy with all the mistakes and pot holes, and all the other errors in need of fixing. In case you hadn't noticed, its Halloween! And the two fictions on my page are both horror movies!

So, as a little treat for you all, I'm going to and edit them, fill the pot holes, and even might add an extra and plot twist for you all! Who knows ;)

That will mean however that I'm going to remove all these chapters for both stories: The Hills And Hearts (The Hills Have Eyes), and Lost In A Glass House? (13 Ghosts). Within the next 24 hours, the stories will be removed with only this note remaining.

Starting from Monday 22nd October, I will begin re-uploading the stories. Two chapters a day, one in each FanFiction!

If you haven't read Lost In A Glass House, and you enjoyed this one, here's a quick summary of what its all about: (Rated M, lots of lemony goods!)

The Kriticos Family never moved into the glass house. Instead, it was the Addison Family; two small children, a boy and a girl, their mother, and teenage daughter, Bree.

After her parent's divorce, Bree's world is torn apart by her mother's paranoia and her lawyers advice to move in the middle of nowhere. Things begin to happen, and after little sister Emma makes friends with a "dead man" called Dennis, Bree begins to lose her cool. Can Dennis stop Bree from interfering with the Jackal and stopping him from changing her, or is it all too late?