I am participating in The Twilight 25, a challenge to write twenty-five one-shots &/or drabbles based on predetermined prompts within a three month period. I'm participating for fun, as well as using as a learning experience. I would love your feedback.
This is a drabble, a standalone piece of fiction that is comprised of exactly 100 words. I will be writing both one-shots and drabbles.
Look at me! I did it!!! I finished!!! Holy crap. This has nothing to do with Fireflies or maybe it does. Read it however you would like to. Thanks to Kristi for her suggestion! Leave me some "wow I never thought she'd finish (that's what he said)" love!!!
The Twilight 25
Prompt: Play
Pen name: distantxdream (LJ), 118 (FFn)
Pairing: Bella/Edward AU AH
Rating: T
His sweaty body hovers over hers. His arms are shaking with the strength it takes to hold himself in this awkward position above her.
"Bella, just move your hips a little. This is really uncomfortable."
She begins to shift her hips, but then remembers that she shouldn't be making this easy on him.
"What?" He says through his teeth. His breathing is becoming labored, and he doesn't think he can last much longer.
"No." She repeats, and just to torture him she shakes her hips from side to side.
"Right foot red, fucker!" Emmett's voice bellows in Edward direction.