Hi, Nakili here! I decided to write a different type of fanfic, I was getting a little tired of writing fanfic for pokemon, and the other stories will be continued when I get the time to write for them. Anywho I started watching Stoked and really like Emma and Ty, but he's so clueless. Lol so why not start something new?

Anyways please enjoy this story and look forward to the next chapter.

NOTE: I do not own stoked, but it would be cool. (maybe) lol

Two love clueless!

Episode one: Mr. clueless idiot...

"Hi Ty!" squealed Emma as her crush entered the DR. Ty glanced at the red headed waitress and thought really hard. Emma started to feel very disappointed all of a sudden. It had been two weeks already since Emma started working at Surfer's Paradise and Ty still couldn't remember her name.

"Um Hi...." he replied, still thinking pretty hard. Suddenly he was smacked in the back of the head by his younger sister Lo.

"Her name is Emma, remember? Honestly Ty you can be so dense sometimes." Said Lo as pushed her brother to the side. Lo walked over to her friend Emma.

"Hey Emma, let's go before the witch comes." Said Lo as she pulled Emma away from Ty and headed to the kitchen.

"Eh? But---"Emma was lead to the kitchen by Lo. She didn't even get to finish greeting Ty.

Ty stood by himself in the DR. he rubbed the back of his head where Lo had smacked him. He then looked at the direction where his sister and Emma had gone. It's not that he meant to forget Emma's name, he was just to busy working with his surfing videos to pay much attention to other things, but he did wonder why he forgot her name.

"Lo! Why'd you do that?" asked Emma as she pouted at Lo.

"Come on Emma, seriously my brother is a clueless idiot; all he cares about is surfing. You really need to find someone better." Said Lo as she looked around for the "Witch" also known as Kelly.

Emma frowned, ever since the day she had told Lo her brother was cute, Lo would tell her to do better. Emma couldn't help it; there was something about Ty that got her attention, if only she could get his.

"Good she's not here, I'm off to get some breakfast." Said Lo as walked out the kitchen door. Before she stepped out all the way she turned to face Emma.

"Emma, you've been really nice to me, I'm looking out for you and I don't want you to get hurt." She said and smiled.

When Lo let, Emma stood by herself and thought for a moment that maybe it was time to move on.

"Ty, he's just a pretty boy. I should move on but..." Emma had a flash back.

She remembered the first time she met Ty, she was forced to propose to him as part of a test, and it was really embarrassing. Even though she proposed and he declined, he had said to ask him again in ten years. That made her wonder if she got his attention. Then there was the time that he had complimented her dress, well not really hers but that wasn't the point. But since then, he hadn't really spoken to her. She even wondered if it was because she had spilled her soda all over his date, which was a total accident. Emma sighed.

"Hey why are you just standing there? You have costumers waiting! Get back to work!" shouted Kelly as she entered the kitchen dragging Lo along.

"Let go! I'm going I'm going!" said Lo as she got loose from Kelly's grip. Kelly glared at Lo, and then turned her attention back to Emma.

'Hello, you have costumers, you should be gone by now!" said Kelly as she snapped her fingers at Emma.

"R-Right on my way." Said Emma as she headed out. Kelly wasn't really a nice person, but she was the boss.

Emma looked around for costumers, but the only person there was Ty. He sat by himself at a table near the corner of the DR. Emma felt her heart race. She looked around once more before heading over to Ty. Just as she was about to go to him, two girls walked in. Emma decided to attend them instead of Ty. She hoped that Ty didn't notice her, but to her dismay he did. He took a deep breath and released it.

"Of course, she must be mad at me. I forgot her name." said Ty to himself. He felt guilty and felt like he should apologize.

"All right what do you want?" said Lo. Ty looked up to face his sister. Ever since their father had forced Lo to work at the hotel, he enjoyed annoying her, not as much as their younger brother though.

"I'll just take a coffee." Said Ty as he glanced Emma's way without Lo noticing.

"Fine, but just so you know, you better give me a good score so I can leave this job." Said Lo as she left. Ty rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't really matter if she gets a good score or not, it's all up to dad to decide." Thought Ty. Just then he saw Emma coming out of the kitchen with an order.

Emma was coming out of the kitchen with the girls' order. She noticed that Ty was still there and she wished he'd leave already. He was making her really nervous, so nervous that she didn't see a chair in front of her. She ended up tripping and all the order landed on her and the plates broke. Everyone in the DR was taken by surprise including Emma herself.

Ty saw Emma trip. He looked at her concerned, but when she looked at him and their eyes met, he quickly turned his head and looked the other way. He wanted to go over and help her, but there was something that wouldn't let him. Just at that moment Lo had come out with Ty's order when she heard the crash.

"Oh my gosh Emma are you okay?" asked Lo as she ran over to a stunned Emma.

"Yeah I'm okay." Said Emma. But deep down she felt horrible and embarrassed.

"Great you broke another set. How many is that now?" scolded Kelly as she looked at the mess.

"Lo clean up this mess, and you go get yourself clean up and get here as soon as possible." Said Kelly as she went to attend some costumers.

:"Yes Kelly." Said Emma as she got up. Lo put a hand on Emma's shoulder. Emma looked up.

"Don't worry Emma, I'll make sure that Kelly doesn't get you fired." Said Lo. Emma smiled at her.

"Thanks Lo, you're a real pal." Said Emma as she made her way out of the DR. Before she made her way out, she looked at Ty once more. Their eyes met again, only this time Ty looked at the table.

"He's avoiding eye contact..." thought Emma as she let. Her heart felt like it was breaking. Ty was being selfish.

Emma was passing the aquarium when she heard her name called out by Johnny. Johnny worked at the front desk and he was her friend, he was a really nice person.

"Emma, what happen to you, you're a mess!" said Johnny as he studied her. She had coffee stains all over her, pancake syrup in her hair, she was just a complete mess.

"~sigh~ I had another accident, I wasn't watching where I was going and her are the results." Said Emma. Johnny nodded his head, he cared deeply for Emma and he didn't like seeing her get hurt or get strikes.

"Don't worry Emma, everyone makes mistakes, so don't let it get to you. Besides think about this afternoon, we're going to go surfing." Said Johnny, he really hoped that would cheer her up. To his surprise, Emma gave his a huge smile.

"You're right Johnny, this is nothing! As long I look forward to surfing then this is nothing!" said Emma. She felt really fired up, she was starting to feel like her old self.

"Thanks Johnny, you just made my day!" said Emma. She would hug him, but she was dirty and she didn't want to get him dirty. Johnny felt himself blush, the way Emma smiled at him made him feel really good. He only wished that Emma would notice him instead of Ty.

Ty had always been clueless toward feeling from girls that like him, and Emma was no exception. Johnny knew all that and he wished that Emma would move on and forget Ty. Ty was never going to change; he would always remain as the clueless wonder of Surfer's Paradise.

"Well I better go clean myself up, see you later Johnny." Said Emma as she waved good-bye to Johnny who could only smile.

"You did it man! You made her day!" shouted Johnny as he did a victory dance. He was really happy.

"Ahem, you have a job to do." Said Bummer, the hotel's manager.

"Oh um right my bad." Said Johnny as he nervously smiled. Bummer was a really strict, mean person that made Johnny really nervous sometimes.

"Ty, you saw Emma trip, didn't you?" asked Lo as she set his coffee down. Ty didn't say anything. He just sat there staring at the table.

"Why didn't you do anything to help her? She could have gotten hurt." said Lo as her voice began to raise. Ty still didn't say anything; he didn't know how to respond.

"Ugh, I've had it with you! You mess with girl's heart to much, you know that." Said Lo as she slammed her hands on table. Ty looked at his sister confused; he didn't know what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" asked Ty as Lo rolled her eyes at him.

"Think about, you always lead girls on without noticing and you end up breaking their hearts," said Lo as she glared at her brother. Ty seemed somewhat shocked at this, but he still didn't get what Lo was getting at.

"You are so clueless; you're leading Emma on without realizing it, IDIOT." Said Lo. Ty's face was filled with shock, but he regained his composer.

"Don't be silly, I do not." Said Ty as he looked at the table.

"Let's see do you remember will you marry me?" asked Lo. Ty fell silent as he recalled that moment.

It was part of Kelly's challenge. She had told Emma to propose to Ty, but he didn't understand why Lo brought that up. He gave Lo a confused look.

"Do I have to spell out everything to you? You told her to ask again in ten years, that made her excited." Said Lo.

"I didn't mean anything by it." Said Ty.

"Sure you didn't mean anything by it, but Emma is the type of girl to get excited by it. Then there was the time you told her, that her dress was cute." Said Lo. Ty narrowed his eyes.

"Like I said, I didn't mean anything by it, and the dress did look cute on her." Said Ty. He could feel himself get frustrated.

"I give up, enjoy your coffee and remember, give me a good score." Said Lo as she walked away from Ty.

"You'll never understand a girl's heart." She added.

Ty looked at his coffee. He felt so frustrated, but he didn't understand why. He didn't get why Lo brought up Emma or all those things he did to her.

"I think I should just stick to surfing, I'm getting frustrated." He said to himself. He leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"This is going to be a long summer." He added.

To be continued....

Well that's all for now. I tried to keep everyone in character, but I don't know if I did. The other characters will be showing up in the next chapter so please look forward to it. Please review and let me know what you think or if I need to fix anything. That would be really nice.


Episode 2- gatherings make you realize...

The gang is going surfing, Ty decides to go with them to film, but as he watches everyone he realizes something. What is it that he realizes?