This is part of a law enforcement!AU series I've been posting on LJ and yG. It follows the original "Call of Duty" and "Blackmail" in the sequence, and will mean a lot more if you've read them, but it's not absolutely necessary. Future parts may jump around the timeline a bit as inspiration hits, and if they're not all-out pron I'll be adding them here as new chapters.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: dood, fanfiction. Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and the characters and universes therein are the property of Disney and Square Enix. I receive no remuneration for this work; it is a parody and as such utilizes the Fair Use clause of the Copyright Act.

Call of Duty: Qualifications

"I was at the range earlier during your qualifications. It looked like your prone position needed a bit of work, Strife," Leon says evenly, though one dark brow is raised just slightly and his eyes put something more behind his words than just the surface meaning.

"Hn. A brief demonstration, sir?" Cloud offers just as casually, smirking because he knows he did just fine in all the positions and he knows exactly what his commanding officer is hinting at. He flicks the lock on the door behind him, and, since the blinds have already been closed on the window between Leon's office and the main area, takes the initiative and steps between Leon and his desk, leaning back against the sturdy wood with his arms folded over his chest. "I'd hate to fail because I'm getting rusty. Sir," he adds pointedly, because he knows it riles Leon to have rank involved when they're doing...this. The man is unfailingly reliable and prefers balance in all things, something Cloud respects very much, but maybe someday he can get Leon to see the appeal of a slightly less even playing field.

Leon narrows his eyes briefly, and slides his hands up the outside of Cloud's legs, over the weapon holstered on his thigh and up under the gear around his waist to grasp his hips. He pulls him in closer, so that Cloud's knees are on either side of his slightly spread thighs and the blond has to balance his hands on Leon's shoulders to keep from falling into his lap completely. Not that that would be a bad position, either.

"I don't have a silencer here, Officer," he says. "Do you think you can keep your volume under control?"

Cloud pretends to think about that for a moment, then moves his hands to the arm rests and leans in even closer, pushing Leon further back into his seat. For the span of a couple heartbeats they're frustratingly close to the kiss they both know they can't ever share, and then at the last second Cloud diverts to brush his lips against Leon's cheekbone and then his ear.

"Can you make me?" he murmurs, voice going soft and sensual without really trying. It happens so easily, this chemistry between them. It's effortless, quick-moving like wildfire and just as unstoppable.

Leon's fingers tighten on his hips, and he growls low in his throat, heated promise and steely threat all in one. "On the floor," he commands, and it's very clear it's the man speaking now and not the Sergeant.

Either way, Cloud wastes no time obeying.

Cloud is out the door twenty minutes later, looking just as calm as when he walked in, or maybe a little more relaxed and probably a little smug to anyone who knows him well enough. Fortunately there isn't anybody who fits that bill besides Lockheart, and she's off today so the changes go unnoticed.

Leon remains for another five, and then goes to get some ice to soothe the incriminating bite mark located on the stretch of skin between his right thumb and forefinger. He really did ask for it, trying to muffle Cloud with his bare hand. He probably should have had the presence of mind to at least use one of his gloves, but the sting is a pleasant reminder of their secret, and for that, he can't bring himself to mind all that much.