Chapter 30:

Epilogue - A Little Problem

"Oh! I'm sorry Carlisle" I said as I wiped a bit from his hair and ran off.

I caught up with Rosalie on the third floor. I was about to catch her when she jumped down to the next floor. I shoot a whole tube of paint at the ground on the first floor and followed after. I knew I probably looked and was acting like a mental person but . . . she could've killed Bella!!

Just as I expected, she jumped down to the first floor right on the puddle and slipped onto her butt. I jumped down after her, landing as well in the puddle of paint.

"You're so dead Rosalie" I said as I tried to grab her.

The problem was she kept slipping away. When she managed to get up, I jumped on her and brought us both back down into the puddle of paint. Now I got Alice's vision. Eventually, the rest of the family arrived to see me nearly killing Rosalie. The thing was that Rosalie had big heals and she kept stabbing me with them.

"Edward?" Bella asked softly as she came up to us.

"Hold on Bella" I slightly heard Carlisle say and saw him pull her back. "Edward!" Carlisle called to me.

I knew I was already probably dead but I tuned him out subconsciously. It wasn't until I felt 2 strong pairs of arms around me that I realized what was happening.

"Edward" Carlisle said sternly in front of me as I struggled.

"Edward, what's wrong? What happened?" Bella asked as she walked in front of me and stroked my face.

At her touch, my anger dissipated.

"Oh my gosh, Bella" I said as my knees gave out.

Emmett released me and let me crumple to the floor.

"Hey, it's okay. Come on, let's get all this paint off you . . . you look like you just jumped into a pool of paint" she said as she giggled, an amazing sound.

"I'll be right back" I said as I zoomed upstairs and took a quick shower.

I finally got all the paint off and dressed in another pair of paint free clothes. When I walked back down, Rosalie was gone but Bella was waiting.

"Much better" she said as she hugged me.

"EDWARD ANTHONY MASEN CULLEN!!" Esme called and I turned slowly to her.

She normally didn't get angry or yell.

"Look at our house!" she said and as I looked around, I admit, I was amazed.

The walls and some furniture were splattered with a mixture of Blue, Pink and Green paint.

"Clean it up right now mister" she ordered.

"Yes mom" I said as I grabbed some rags, a bucket, a mop and began the clean up.

It was actually pretty quick. I was done by the time Rosalie came down again. I skipped Rosalie's room though and even added a bit more paint. Just a little pay-back gift. I put away all the stuff angrily and went back to the kitchen table.


Edward looked so adorable when he came back to the table. You could tell he was annoyed because his eyebrows were all scrunched up and he had the crease in his forehead but it looked so cute! He came over to me and smiled as he lifted me up and placed me on his lap.

Once I was perfectly situated, he glared at Rosalie. Everyone was already seated when she came in. Her eyes widened as she saw there were only two seats open. One next to Carlisle and once next to Edward. Everyone stared at her until she finally sighed and sat next to Edward. Carlisle cleared his throat before standing up again.

"Can you two explain to me what just happened and while, Edward, you just tried to murder Rosalie" Carlisle asked. "I know you two don't always get along but this was . . ." he trailed off.

"Actually Carlisle, I had a perfectly good explanation. Near the end of our game, Bella had practically won when someone sent her a text making her leave her house. Then someone kidnapped her, tied her up and put her in a tree. We looked for her for hours and it even started snowing!" he said and I gasped.

"It was snowing, wow, I must have been out cold" I muttered and Emmett suddenly burst into laughter.


"Get it, out cold! With the snow and all" he explained and everyone gave a small chuckle for his benefit.

"Anyway, when we finally found her, she was in hypothermia. We took her home and that was when you got that random call from me. I was going to ask you for help but then I realized I would have to . . .explain, so I just made up some excuse and hung up and worried about Bella"

"Eventually she got warmed up and woke up, scalded her tongue" he said as I pushed him playfully "but was fine. We didn't know who the culprit was . . . until now" I said as I turned to Rosalie.

Everybody gasped and turned to Rosalie. Wait . . . she did it . . . I thought we were . . .better.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand. I was just pissed that you were beating me and got too competitive" she amended.

"I forgive you Rosalie but why were you losing . . . I don't mean it in an offensive way but you've known Emmett a lot longer than I've known Edward" I said trying to make it sound like a normal question but it still came out accusing.

"Well you see Bella" she explained as she looked at Emmett. "Emmett wanted to add an extra challenges he hid my arrows in ridiculous places. One was in the ground. The other at the bottom of the lake and the last one stuck to the highest tree" she explained.

I had to laugh, Emmett was . . . wow.

"Rosalie, no matter how competitive you get, that behavior is unacceptable. I want the keys to your car" Carlisle said sternly and Rosalie's mouth dropped.

She muttered for a while before finally surrendering her keys.

"Edward, no matter what happens, we don't kill our family . . . well, to that extent. You have to learn to control your anger. I want the keys to your Volvo" Carlisle said and I swear Edward would be having a heart attack right now.

"Carlisle . . . don't you think that's a bit . . . strong. I mean, it just got a new paintjob and all so . . . " I trailed off. "He also has to drive me home as well"

Carlisle looked at us for a second before sighing.

"We'll talk about it later" he said and then got up "Now, how did you guys end up in Super-Walmart?" he said as he sighed.

"I had to go shopping and they sort of came along" I explained.

"What happened at Super-Walmart?" Esme asked.

"Well, we sort of all got arrested" I mumbled and she gasped.

And so we explained again. When we finished she reprimanded everyone but Edward and I because technically, it wasn't our fault. When we were telling her about what happened to me, she laughed delicately. Once we finished, I tried to keep back the yawn that came up but I wasn't able to.

"Come on, you must be tired, you've had a long day" Edward said as he stood up.

"I'm not—" but was interrupted by a huge yawn which totally ruined my contradiction.

"' Night guys!" I said as I headed upstairs knowing it was pointless to fight him and I was sort of tired.

Edward followed behind me and Alice behind him. She dropped a new pair of pajamas I had never seen in my life before heading back down.

"Alice!" I called but I just got a tinkering laugh in return.

I grumbled slightly, much to Edward's amusement, as I walked to the bathroom. I took a long shower, letting the hot water unlock my tense muscles. I washed my hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo which unsurprisingly was in their shower and then took it out slowly. Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the shower.

I put on the clothes Alice left for me, and I had to admit, they were kind of cute. I brushed my hair and then blow dried it slightly so it wouldn't drip. I walked to Edward's room when I was done. He was laying across his huge and unnecessary bed. He looked up when I came in, his golden eyes soft and loving.

"Come here" he said for I was frozen at the door.

I put my old clothes on the floor and climbed into the bed. I snuggled against his side, breathing in his amazing scent. I fell asleep minutes later, to my lullaby being sung softly in my ear.

* * *

I woke up, curled up in Edward's arms.

"Hi" I murmured sleepily.

"Hey sleepyhead" he said as he sat up.

I smiled as I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You know, I had a very weird dream last night" I said in his arms.


"Yeah, I was being chased my giant burritos and cinnamon buns when suddenly, they began singing Barney's I Love you song and Barney appeared in my dream and began telling me to sing with him. I got so freaked out I began throwing paint at him and . . . I'm crazy aren't I?" I asked as I saw his face, trying to hold in his laughter. "Go ahead, let it out" I said as he chuckled.

"You had some long and weird days, you have reason to be crazy" he joked. "I was wondering what you were dreaming. You were mumbling all night about burritos and cinnamon buns. Then suddenly, you started yelling something about Barney and paint" he said as he chuckled.

"That means everyone . . . no!!" I said as I ducked my head, my face red from embarrassment. "We have to play that again though" I said after I thought about it.

"Really?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah, it was fun . . . sort of. The dares were hilarious, well, most of them at least and when I'm like you, all beat you guys even harder!" I said evilly and did my best evil laugh but I ended up practically chocking.

"Maybe Little Ms. Evil" he said and we laughed together. "We've got a little problem though" he said suddenly sullen.


"Well, Carlisle made up his mind yesterday and . . . we're all going to therapy" he said quietly and my eyes widened.

Vampires in therapy . . . that was . . . bad. I feel bad for whoever their therapist is going to be. Wow, Carlisle was really . . . wow. Wait!! He said 'We've got a problem' And'We're all going' . That meant it also included . . . me!


The End

The Valentine's Day Dare Hunt

By: JMFanficQueen

Sequel Coming Soon : All Because of Walmart



Hey Guys! IT'S OVER!!! *Cry, Sniffle, cry* It was an amazing journey and I can't believe it's over. Yes, for all you skeptics, this sadly is the end. 30 chapters exactly and I made the last extra long as my parting gift. I wanted to make the ending interesting so I added paint, a fight and the descion. Yes, Carlisle decided and the Cullen kids are going to therapy. This is going to be fun. A whole 'nother comedy. I love you guys all, you were amazing and supported me the whole way. I would like to thank all my reviewers:

Cutemary102, Gembeclou, kselzer, twihard22, BellaCullenMad, vampsrulewolvesdont, Daybreak96 StopTheMadness, Cullen4life1996, Rubi, sheeiur22, Elizabeth0416, Bethany, Nessie96, MrsSadhbhPattinson, Twiiliighter, daniellecarter2014, C.U.L.L.E.N X, MrsRobinson1985, Aneesha Bains, sunrisejli129, teamalice4ever, salamin, twilightfang66, xooxhannahoxxo, gosta gagger, Emma, fanpire113093, HBGPrivateSkoolPrincess, charley444, Sara Maher, Were-Vampire101, adma845, BABYKOOL12, sillyroxy, Mrs a cullens friend!!, , adicted2twilight, maximumride1fan, Ceilidh, Emo, EpicPic, Twin 1, Cullen Babe411, chissyyy, PunkGirl087, CallieCullen13, .-geekyfaerie, BlinkYourEyes, and all my anonomus reviewers (???).

I couldn't have done it with out you guys. You stuck through with me, and here we are at the end of my staory. No worries, as I said, the sequell All Because of Walmart is coming soon. It will actually be posted next Friday/Saturday/Sunday. I will post 3 chapters because the first 2 will be an alternate beggining for new readers who didn't read this story. I hope you'll like it and I hope you check it out. So, I have a very busy next few weeks but I'm determined to try to stay on track. If my updates are a bit late, I'm sorry. I promise they will never be up later than a SUnday (Which is rare if I even get it on a Sunday) They set the release date of the movie companion the day before the movie comes out. Remember to reserve your tickets, the theaters will be full!

Days until Eclipse Premier: 82 Weeks until Eclipse premire: 10 and 5 days Movie Companion Comes out June 29th The Second Life of Bree Tanner: June 5th

Save the Dates! Love you all and thanks you so much

=^.^= JMfanficQueen =^.^=

For the last time on The Valentine's Day Dare Hunt

This 9th day of April, year 2010