Wow, thank you to everyone who has reviewed this~! I really, really appreciate it! I'm also glad there are more Prutaly fans, ahaha! XD Thanks again and enjoy!


Italy turned over so he could face the older nation and sighed from exhaustion. He closed his eyes and snuggled his head in Prussia's chest. The other's eyes widened a bit, and he smiled widely. Italy was just so…childlike in his actions. The German couldn't help but admire how cheerful he always was, Feliciano's bubbly personality, his care-free intentions…it instantly cheered him up! His face went back to being emotionless when Italy looked up at him. His coffee coloured eyes seemed to shine as he tilted his head and smiled. Prussia grinned back down on him and stroked the Italian's soft, silky hair. Italy flushed a bit, but leaned into the feeling, purring very softly. "H-hey…Italy?" Gilbert decided to ask now, it seemed like the perfect moment. "Mm?" The Italian sat up and looked at Gilbert, his big eyes full of curiosity. "Do…do you like me?" Prussia's heart pounded, palms beginning to sweat. Italy laughed softly. "Ve, of course~! You're one of my favourite people!" The crimson eyed nation couldn't help but smile; he suddenly felt needed for once. Only Italy could give him such a feeling…. His thoughts were interrupted when the brunette asked, "Why?" Gilbert managed to chuckle light- heartedly. "Because.." he said, leaning closer. "I like you, too…a lot…" Italy's breath quickened, the older nation's statement seemed innocent; but it was the tone…the low grumbling voice that got to him. His cheeks pinkened slightly, and nodded. "Wow~ Thanks, Prussia!" but his voice cracked, and his red face was enough to show that he liked Gilbert a lot, also. The German, sensing this, smirked and took the Italian's willowy hand, placing it on his shoulder. The Northern country's eyes widened and he absent mindedly began to outline along the German, mind in a mist of confusion and interest. His fingertips lightly traced the Prussian's neck, up to his jaw line and the brown-eyed nation giggled in delight. "You feel soft…" he murmured, feathery touch growing lighter as he paused, and placed his hand back onto its beginning point. Gilbert's eyes scanned over Italy's pale, elegant face and he grit his teeth, eyebrows knit together as he considered asking. Finally he said, "Hey Ita-chan? Want to know what an awesome kiss is like?" Feliciano felt his face grow hot and his hand tightened its grip on Prussia's shoulder. He swallowed, trying to gather back his composure. "I…ve..w-well, I guess…" he smiled shyly and felt Gilbert's fingers gently against his thin neck, supporting him. The other smiled and leaned forward catching Italy's soft lips in his own. The German climbed over him and pinned Feliciano's wrists down lightly, not wanting to hurt him in any way. Italy felt his shyness overcome him as he leaned up mouth opening for Gilbert, who in turn slid his tongue in, playing around and savoring the sweetness of Feliciano's mouth. He broke away, catching his breath and gazed at the Italian. "That was just a sample~" Prussia smirked, murmuring in a low tone as he playfully rubbed up against Feliciano. The brunette blushed severely and felt his throat lock. "What's the matter Feli…cat got your tongue?" Gilbert stroked the boy's cheeks, and pulled him up to his lap. "N-no..I just have never kissed like t-that…" The Italian replied softly, and closed his eyes, partly from embarrassment. Prussia hand lifted Feliciano's chin, forcing him to look at him. "Do you…want more?" The German asked, grinning. Italy murmured in reply, "…not ready y-yet…" Gilbert's shoulders sank in disappointment, but he rubbed his cheek against Feliciano's shoulder. "Mm, we'll wait then, ja?" When he felt the other nod, Gilbert set Italy on the carpeted floor and stood up himself. "Want to go get some dinner? I know this great place!"

"Mmm, so good~!" Italy twirled the last of his noodles into a fork and tasted more of the Italian cuisine. Gilbert, on the other side of the table agreed by 'mmm-ing' as well. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw it on the table beside his empty plate. He placed a check along with a tip onto the table and helped Italy up, wrapping his coat around the Italian's fragile shoulders. "Okay Ita-chan, why don't we go get some of that gelato I've been hearing so much about!" He said, once they were outside. Italy jumped up and down and hugged Gilbert, wriggling his hips around excitedly. The German blushed a bit and resisted his urge to grind back, although Italy didn't mean to, he was just happy. He chuckled and slung his forearm around the boy, leading him to a quaint Italian ice cream shop. "Yeah, I'll take a large chocolate, with one of those wafers, please." After he received the delicacy and paid for it, Gilbert sat Italy down beside him at a table. He easily scooped up a spoonful and smiled as Italy's mouth dove for it. "Is it good, Feli?" he asked. Italy nodded mouth watering for more. Prussia licked the back of the spoon, finding the rich creamy taste almost as awesome as himself. He fed more to Italy and chewed on the wafer happily.

Feliciano yawned, and Gilbert instantly stood up, picking the Italian up and stepping outdoors. He walked quickly to the brunette's house and carried him up to the bed. Prussia looked at Italy still dressed in his clothing and flushed. "Here…uhm," he picked up a neatly folded pair of pajamas up and helped the almost asleep Italy out of his shirt. "…" Gilbert felt the other's warm skin against him, and shook his head, trying to rid himself of such thoughts. He gently pulled the soft top over Feliciano and began to unzip the other's shorts, doing his best not to look too much. "Invade…invade…invade…" kept crossing his mind, but somehow he managed to pull up the pajama bottoms without looking.

Italy climbed into his covers, still a bit awake. "Uhnn…thank…you.." He whispered, speech slurred. Gilbert smiled and ran his hand over the Italian's hair slowly. "Anytim-" His gaze lingered on the other's curl, and he avoided it, not wanting to distress the Italian.

"Gilbert…come back tomorrow…kay?" Italy asked, barely awake. "Of course…I will." Prussia answered, pressing his lips against Feliciano's cheek. He watched the brown eyed nation until he was sure the other was in deep slumber before leaving.