Stupid Carly, Fredward "Freddie" Benson thought as he stared out at the dance floor. The aforementioned Carly Shay had dragged him to the Senior Masquerade Prom. He agreed, because he thought the invitation promised the view of Carly in a sexy dress, many songs to dance to with her, and possibly an evening spent in a hotel room they'd rent last minute. Oh how wrong he was. Sure, he got to gaze at Carly, who was dressed in a quite appealing red dress that barely fell to halfway to her knees and had a large band separating the tight bustier (which she filled out quite well), and the puffy, crinoline-lined skirt. Combined with gold strappy heels, a red sequined mask, and a classy half up-do, she looked absolutely stunning. The perfect prom date. Not his, though.
Carly had chosen to spend the evening in different company. Which basically meant every man there, but Freddie. She had started the night off with some of Pete Bekins (who was coincidentally Sam's ex), and had moved from him over to the captain of the football team, Rob; class president, Josh; and was currently all over the legendary Hunter. Tall, blonde, and muscular, he was the envy of all guys and the object of all girls. Whispering in Carly's ear, Hunter made it clear that she was the only girl for him, at least until he was "finished". And Freddie had no idea that it was possible to suck someone's face off with the traditional mask in the way.
So Freddie was stuck alone at a decorated table, knowing the blasting music would ruin his eardrums. Apparently, Gibby had gone outside with Shannon, Germy was DJing, and Rueben was home sick. Sam was nowhere to be found, most likely at Guilini's Pie Shop, considering she didn't have a date OR enough money to afford the overpriced ticket.
Some club song started to beat out of the speakers, filling the room in an almost noxious swirling mix of steady, sultry beats. Freddie groaned as he adjusted his red mask. He had planned to dress as a devil, in a way, hoping Carly would play the part of the angel. But Carly turned out to be a demon herself, her tongue down some random guy's throat. And that was the least of his problems. The tux was itchy, his mask kept slipping, his tie was too tight, and Carly was nowhere near interested in him. Why the hell did I come? His annoyance continued until the gymnasium's doors opened, revealing a girl shrouded in the light from the hallway.
She strutted forward, and Freddie's breath disappeared. She was gorgeous. A white dress the color of fresh snow hung on her curves. The sweetheart-cut accentuated her breasts, and fell to a bit above the knee in two layers. She had silver heels that added a few inches to her petite height, and a white satin mask that matched her dress perfectly. The dress showed enough skin to look sexy, but in the right manner to not look…look slutty, as Carly's did. The mystery girl looked pure; her golden ringlets added to that effect.
She seemed to glance around the room for moments, looking for someone, maybe. Upon turning back around, she locked eyes with Freddie and smirked. She slowly made her way through the crowd and seemed to glow in the blue-lit room flashing with green strobe lights. He saw her give the universal invitation: an outstretched hand. Freddie took her hand and was pulled out onto the floor, noting the almost instantaneous shock he felt running through his body from the moment they touched.
The girl confidently strutted to the center of the room and turned around so quickly that her luscious locks whipped gently across Freddie's face. She wrapped her bare arms around his neck and leaned in close. "Care to dance?" Freddie, intoxicated by just her presence, quickly obliged.
They began to dance as more deep music pounded through the room. Their bodies moved rhythmically back and forth, quite often colliding with the other. Freddie was enjoying being this close to such a goddess. The way her body slid around his and contorted in all directions just added to the feeling. He caught sight of Carly pressed up against another guy. I wonder what happened to Hunter… Honestly, though, he didn't give a damn about Hunter and was instead struck with another idea. Thank you, Carly Shay!
In the heat of the moment, he flipped "Mystery Girl" around so she was facing the same direction he was, and their chests were no longer adjacent. He put his hands on her hips and tugged them backwards to meet his. She quickly caught on. Rotating her waist backwards, she placed her hands on his butt to pull him closer. She then guided his hands away from her hips; one began to travel up, and the other south. The result was an intimate grind that lasted for quite some time. The pair soon moved off the dance floor and into a corner.
After one of the many passionate kisses, the Angel pulled back and looked up. She quickly grabbed her white clutch and started to bolt to the door, leaving Freddie in utter shock. She whipped around quickly to show an apologetic face, but Freddie was more captivated by the too-familiar bright blue eyes and the well-known half-smirk as her mask slid down a bit. Crap.
Sam Puckett sat in her room on a lonely Saturday night. Where were all her other friends? Still at the Prom, even though it was almost two in the morning. She wasn't able to go due to the tickets priced at over a hundred dollars. She had snuck in for a few minutes though, and the time she spent inside was a rush. She danced, partied, and had a good time until she remembered that Rodney could only sneak her in for an hour.
What a night! Sam was shocked to see what had gone on around her. Carly was all over so many guys, she'd probably grinded and made out with every guy in the senior class! Gibby and Shannon were passionately kissing on a bench outside, and of course Gibby had his shirt off. Germy had stopped sneezing long enough to play some good music. And Freddie was nowhere to be found. Ehh. He was probably in the bathroom crying because Carly wouldn't dance with him. Ha.
Sam did accomplish something for the night, at least. The moment she walked in the door she caught the eye of a handsome guy. He had chocolate brown hair and was dressed in a sharp tux, blood red tie, and a deep red satin mask. Her dress, bought off the sale's rack at Jessica McClintock, had enticed him too well. In the first few moments following her entrance they were already on the floor and dancing with each other. The dancing soon turned into grinding and grinding soon turned into making out. Sam felt so bad leaving the poor guy, and because it was a masquerade, had no idea what he looked like. He did have such sparkly brown eyes, though.
Sam fingered the white satin mask as she gazed at her matching white dress that hung in her closet, slightly rumpled. What a night.