A/n Hellloooooooooooo! Hello my lovely readers:) Okay just to make sure so there is no confusion both Mitchie and Shane were shot I was planning to explain later on in this chapter :) I'm thinking about creating a new story so fingers crossed ima be updating more and maybe you can check out the other story? Sorry about not updating in so long its just a lot has been going on I hope you understand. I also made a Twitter for you guys :) Follow me?

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March 17, 2010 :( R.I.P. We'll forever miss you:(

"I used to be love drunk But now I'm hungover Love you forever Forever is over We used to kiss all night Now it's just a barfight So don't call me crying Say hello to goodbye (oh yeah!) Cause just one sip (oh yeah!) Would make me sick I used to be love drunk But now I'm hungover Love you forever But now it's over." Love Drunk Boys like Girls

Jason's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep that night. I don't think anyone of us could. The doctors aloud us to stay in the waiting room due to the fact that they don't know what is going to happen to Mitchie and Shane. Word must of gotten out that we were here cause paparazzi had started to form outside. They hospital did there best to keep them outside and had called in the cops to try and get them out of here, it worked till more and more started showing up.

God. These people don't give up!

It was about three in the morning when they started going home. Nate had Caitlyn embraced in a hug while he held her as she cried into his lap.

I was always the positive guy. And truth be told I'm not so sure how all this happened so fast.. It's just confusing. Nate tried to explain it but Caitlyn couldn't take it, I guess its haunting her. I looked over to the window to see Joanna sitting there just looking outside at the rain. Her head rested on the glass. I got up and walked over to her.

"Hey." I whispered.

She must have been deep in thought cause she jumped a bit then relaxed when she noticed it was me.

"Hey." She whispered back.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked taking her hand in mine.

She took a deep breath. "All of this.. It just hit me that something bad could happen any minute that could cost you everything. That things can go from bad to worse in a blink of an eye..... That you could lose the one you love."She looked into my eyes.

I took her in my arms. "Any minute can go from bad to good from good to amazing. You gain things as you lose them. I love you Joanna."

She looked up into my eyes and smiled. "I love you too Jason." As corney as it sounds my heart skipped a beat, that was the first time We've ever said this.

I was leaning in to kiss her when the doctor came in...

"Mitchie, and Shane had mad it through surgery. Their both going to be fine. You can go see them if you like, we put them in the same room." As soon as she finished that sentence Caitlyn had ran into the room where Mitchie and Shane were now in.

Mitchie's P.O.V.

I Had been asleep while I heard voices around me.

"But I don't wanna wake them need to sleep!" Caitlyn whispered yelled at Jason.

"I'm awake." I mumbled.

"So am I." Shane whispered from besides me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I believe the hero should tell you himself." Caitlyn said pointing at Shane.

"Shane?" I asked. "What happened?"

"Well what's the last thing you remember happening? Cause you were coming and going all at once." Nate said from across the room.

"Well. . . I remember being on the roof with Cait. Then , I heard a gun shot and the next thing I knew I was falling in pain,luckily Caitlyn caught me before I fell off. Thanks. Then after that everything went blank. . . What happened?"

"Well. . .After you were shot we couldn't keep hidden anymore. He found us on the roof. Believe me he was not happy. He dragged you knowing I would follow into the building. He was confused and didn't know what to do next then he took something out of his bag, a couple things actually. He pointed the gun at me and told me to take you outside or we would both die here. Once we were both outside he poured gasoline on the base of the building, then he carefully lit a match and threw it into the gasoline. The building instantly caught on fire." Caitlyn told me.

"Meanwhile. Me Shane, the police department were going crazy searching for you two. We weren't too far behind you guys at this point." Nate said.

"Well during this time he took out something from the bag he had been carrying. I couldn't tell what it was at this point. He took us into the middle of the forest and only now could I realize what he had in his hands. He had two large needles in his hands, we now found out that it had this drug in it that slowly shuts down your body, in a very painful way , I might add." Caitlyn added. "I was terrified, I had no clue what was going to happen as soon as I was about to give up on hope. Your Superman over their came in and saved the day. He came a little bit too late though. Zac snatched you up and stabbed your leg as soon as he saw Shane coming."

"Shane being the aggressive and protective person he is nailed into him. He punched the shit outta him. That's when I decided it would be best to get both of you out of their. That's when he took something out of his back pocket, it all seemed to happen in slow motion. He took out his gun and aimed it at Shane. He froze. Caitlyn stopped breathing and I yelled. As he shot him." Nate said.

"He realized that now would be a good time to get me and you out of there so he screamed at me to get you and myself lunged at Zac and fought for the police heard the gun came with guns drawn towards the scene. The ambulance was waiting their for you and they took you and Shane here together." Caitlyn said.

"You guys went through all that . . . For me?" I asked.

"Yes Mitch. We love you." Jason said from the side of the room.

"We really do Mitch." Joanna agreed.

"Shane?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He whispered.

I sat up and slowly moved my body to face him. I winced. and Caitlyn moved in closer. "Ummm . . . Guys can you give us a sec?" I asked.

"Sure thing." Caitlyn said winking at me.

And they walked outside the room.

"Shane. . . " I whispered.

"Yes Mitchie?" He said facing me as well.

"I'm sorry. For ever getting you into this whole mess. Shane, I love you and I want to spend my life with you and no one else, making you happy. Your my hero. You saved me. Thank you." I said.

He smiled. "Mitchie. I love you, with my whole heart and more. I know it sounds corney but your my shooting star. Your once in a lifetime. And I don't wanna lose you. I wanna spend the rest of my life making you as happy as possible." He said.

He made my heart flutter in my stomach with every word he spoke. He was the only guy who has ever had a effect like this on me. Call me crazy but I think I've found my soul mate.

"I love you, Shane."

"I love you too, Mitchie."

Jason's P.O.V.

We sat outside the door talking quietly to each other. Joanna sitting on my lap and Caitlyn on Nate's her head rested on his shoulder for support.

Joanna played with my hands.

"I can't believe this is all happening. . . It's so unreal. . . Like it's some over dramatic episode of Deggrassi." (A/n I love that show xD )

"I know . . . But at least it's all over now. Maybe things can get back to normal." I said.

"Hopefully . . . Mitchie's strong and everything but I doubt she can take much more."

"I know . But she has us. We can get her through it. At least Zac is in jail." I said.

"True. She'll sleep a lot better at night knowing that.

"Where's my baby?" Connie raced into the hallway. She spotted us and ran over.

"Where is she? How is she doing?" She frantically asked.

"She's fine. She's in their. She and Shane are having a talk. That's why we're out here." I said.

She nodded and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mitchie's voice rang out.

Connie didn't hesitate in walking right in.

Connie's P.O.V.

I walked into my daughters hospital room and immediately ran to her side.

"Honey, How you doing? Are you in any pain? What happened!" I asked frantically.

"I'm fine mom. Just a little bit. Long I tell you later? Cause I'm really tired." I nodded.

"Sure hun." I said taking her now very pale face in my hands. I kissed her head. "Your father couldn't get down here. I'm going to go call him and tell him your alright he was worried sick."

I took out my phone and walked out of the room.

Mitchie's P.O.V.

As soon as Connie left the room Shane turned to me.

"You okay Mitch?" he asked.

"Yeah. Shane. Never been better." I lied.

Truth was I was beyond tired, and felt like I was hit by a truck. The pain killers wore off and I wanted to just scream out in pain . . . But that I couldn't do. Instead I just pressed the button that would release more medication into my blood stream.

"You sure your okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah. I'm just tired." I admitted.

"Get some sleep, had a crazy day."

"I don't think I can. . . " I whispered.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Cause. . . I'm scared."

"Mitch. You'll be fine. He's in jail. For 10 ta 20 years. And I'm here. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

His words relaxed me. "I love you Shane." I whispered, before closing me eyes.

In Mitchie's dream. . .

I was sitting all alone in the cold. I looked around and it was just beginning to snow. I sat on the cold hard ground, it was full of dead grass and patches where there was no grass at all. There was something I recognized about this place, Which sent shivers down my spine. When I finally found out where I was the voice who haunts me spoke from behind me.

"You thought you could get away?" He yelled. I stood up looking all around in the darkness I couldn't find his face, or where he was hiding.

"What do you want!?" I screamed. Tears starting to form.

"I thought we already talked about this." His harsh voice said.

"Please. Please. Just leave me alone." I cried.

"Sorry. No can do." And the gun shot echoed in my head.

"No. . . NO! NO! Go away! Leave us alone. NO! NO!!!!" I screamed. I was being shaken.

I was being shaken.

"NO!" I yelled. I gasped. My eyes were blurry from tears. I found myself in Caitlyn's arms as she was waking me up from my nightmare.

"Shh . . . Shhh . . . Shh. . ." She whispered as I cried into her arms. I could feel everyone's eyes on me throughout all this. I didn't care anymore. I couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.

"Mitchie. Please. Calm down." She begged.

After about 10 minutes I stopped crying. Caitlyn still stayed by my side. And Shane had tried to make his way over as well.

No one said anything. It was all quiet. The eyes of all the people who cared about me stinging with concern. They all stared with sad eyes.

I avoided eye contact and just stared at the base of the bed. I whipped the tears away from my cheeks.

How was I ever going to get over what happened? I'm terrified as to what else could and probably will go wrong next.

A/n Review!!! And follow me on twitter!!!!

Starstruckklutz ----