Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matsuei. Which ain't fair!

A/N: YAY! I'm happy to see such positive reviews! Thanks to those who took the time to read AND review. At the end of this chapter you'll need to make a decision. What kind of decision, you wonder? Hmmm...


Tsuzuki pulled himself out of the decadent bath. Rivulets of water ran down the length of his naked slender body as he shivered a little in the cool air. Picking up one of the over-sized white towels, he took his time blotting off the moisture while watching the golden sun dipping below the trees, casting streaks of gold and crimson.

Kazutaka would love it here. He just loves sunsets. All those vibrant colors...orange and red and violet...

Tsuzuki smiled to himself as he always did when thinking of his gorgeous lover.


Tsuzuki jolted out of his reverie and hurriedly threw on the yukata.

"Yeah! I'm out!"

Once tying the sash of the fresh-smelling robe, Mochizuki-san's wife greeted him, bowing politely.

"Did you enjoy your bath, Tsuzuki-san?"

"Oh yeah! I'm surprised there aren't more guests. Do you do a good business?" he asked following her out the bathhouse.

"Yes, we are quite fortunate considering how far we are from the main road."

"Why is that? I'm sure you would do a much better business if you had the exposure of more travelers," Tsuzuki reasoned.

"That may be, Tsuzuki-san, but my husband's great-grandfather started this inn when, back then, the only way to travel was by foot or horse and cart. And this area was quite populated at that time so business was brisk. Today, we've been able to survive because of those long-ago clientel," the woman said, speaking fondly.

"Really? How so?"

"Well, by the guests who have come to stay and would refer their family members and their friends and their co-workers. By word of mouth. Through the years it seemed to have worked out quite well," she said laughing.

"Incredible!" Tsuzuki remarked, shaking his head. "I just happened to stumble my way here trying to get out of the rain! What a stroke of luck that this charming little inn was here!"

"Thank you, Tsuzuki-san! We hope that you enjoy your stay so much that you will refer your friends!"

Tsuzuki laughed. "I'll certainly do that! And just by the bath alone!"

The small woman smiled and bowed. "We have separate bungalows to house our guests," she explained. "I think you will find this amenity most agreeable, Tsuzuki-san. It will feel as though you are the only one living in this little bit of garden."

The brunette was intrigued by this. "That would be unusual for me. I mean, most of the hotels I've stayed at, it was super-extravagant and just about every need was met. An employee seemed to be everywhere at once!"

"Ahh. Well, then this will be a new experience for you, Tsuzuki-san," the woman replied. She led the guardian up to a red wooden gate and opened it wide for Tsuzuki to pass through then latched it shut. "We are almost there. It is a bit of a walk, but when it was first constructed my husband's great-grandfather had intended to give guests a sense of seclusion and safety. Those were dangerous times. Bandits roamed freely."

"I see," Tsuzuki murmured. In the waning sunlight, he could see the vegetation growing just about everywhere and feel how much cooler it made the atmosphere. "I almost feel as though I was back in time."

"It does give that sense, doesn't it?" The proprietress agreed. "It is modest but we do our best and you will find the surroundings, the garden will do much for your peace of mind. Ahhh, here it is."

Tsuzuki could make out a small one-story bungalow with paneled washi paper screens and wooden exterior. The woman approached and sat down on the porch to remove her shoes and straightened up. She then lighted a small lamp, giving off a warm glow.

"Please, Tsuzuki-san" she beckoned. Tsuzuki nodded and removed his sandals. The older woman knelt down and bowed to the brunette, her forehead touching the floor.

"It is our hope that your stay is a pleasant one and that any worries that lie heavy upon you will ease once you step over this threshold."

Tsuzuki bit his lip at the accuracy of those words, bringing to mind his argument with Muraki, his heart squeezing.

"Thank you," he said softly. Taking a breath, Tsuzuki turned around and placed one foot across the threshold, then the other. Behind him, the propriatress rose and retrieved her sandals. The guardian stood still in the seemingly empty room, wishing his troubles did cease and ease his troubled heart.


Tsuzuki gasped sharply.

The woman paused.


Smiling knowingly, she continued down the pathway.

Tsuzuki trembled when the tall white figure stepped out from the shadows and into the waning light of the entrance way. It was! Muraki here and standing so...so...

Tears pricked Tsuzuki's eyes at the sight. Remorse and shame filling his heart, the emotions thick. The brunette blinked back tears and looked for any sign, any inkling to show that his lover was angry or annoyed. There was none of that. Only his gorgeous silver-eyed angel smiling so beautifully at him.

Not angry. Smiling.

Nonetheless, Tsuzuki slowly approached him, his slight frame shivering.


"Asato...you're all right," Muraki said quietly, walking slowly up to the wide-eyed brunette, his arms stretched out. "I'm so glad."

Tsuzuki couldn't take it anymore. Muraki was kind to him! How could the man be kind to him when he said and acted the way that he did! Muraki wasn't scowling or frowning at the slightest and said he was glad that he, Tsuzuki, was all right! He just didn't deserve it.

With a small sob, the guardian launched himself into his lover's arms, closing the gap between them and nearly knocking Muraki backwards in the process.

"Kazutaka! I'm so sorry! I was stupid to have run off like that! I should have just stayed and talked and...and..." he babbled.

"No, no, no...I am the one who should apologize, beloved. And I do. I am sorry," Muraki hugged the smaller brunette trembling body tight. "So sorry that I've hurt you."

Tsuzuki shook his head, and pulled away slightly to look up at his tall lover. "I shouldn't have overreacted. I shouldn't have taken off like I did and not call you! I know you meant to protect me..."

Muraki lowered his head for a much-wanted and needed kiss. It had been far too long since their last and having his beloved back in his arms again, whole and well, he wasted no time. The brunette immediately sank against Muraki's strong frame and wound his arms around the slim waist gladly receiving such a warm, loving kiss. The silver blonde lifted his head and cupped Tsuzuki's smooth cheek surprised to see a tear slip between dark lashes.

"Beloved...don't," he whispered, kissing the droplet away. "Don't. I'm not angry. Not in the least. I'm just relieved and glad you're safe."

Tsuzuki swallowed and nodded, smiling weakly, violets overly bright. "I-I'm not mad either. Just feeling foolish for reacting that way..."

"I was foolish, Asato," Muraki led his lover to the bedding which was laid on the clean floor. A true Japanese bed. Both men sank to the ground, Muraki immediately pulling his violet-eyed lover to him. "Beloved...I..."

"Not yet, Kazutaka," Tsuzuki whispered, overcome with love seeing his lover so desirable and gorgeous. "Not yet. Let's...please...I-I want to...I need you..."

The brunette's hands wandered to the front of Muraki's robe, tugging at the knot. The pale blonde groaned and turned his lover's face up to his, pressing their mouths together, pulling his lover's robe down, revealing that smooth olive-toned chest. Tsuzuki trembled in response, his nipples peaking at meeting the cool air. Muraki broke the heated kiss, panting softly and slid his lips along the brunette's cheek, chin and throat, nipping here and there.

Tsuzuki squirmed, already over-heated and wanting. He tried lifting his arms to embrace and encourage, but found they were trapped between the robes folds and the long sleeves. Whimpering, the brunette fell back against the thick mattress and gasped in pleasure when his lover followed, that skilled mouth latched onto a hot copper nipple. Sucking gently at first, the silver blonde's lips sealed around the bud, his tongue lapping against, drawing it into his warm mouth.


The violet-eyed beauty moaned, his legs falling open, the hem of the robe slipping, thighs exposed. Tsuzuki arched his back groaning at the pleasure of that wicked mouth suckling frantically now, both nipples happy at the attention. Muraki slipped his hands underneath his lover's smooth back for leverage, his silver head dipping lower and settled between those long legs. Lifting his glazed eyes, he again was struck at how utterly beautiful Tsuzuki was in this state. Flushed and panting and wanton. Naked chest slick with his wet kisses, dark hair tossled over hooded violets, mouth parted and breathing heavily. And that...

The silver blonde glided his palms lower, one in front to knead a taut buttock, the other to stroke that beautiful cock. Crying out, Tsuzuki tried again, desperately, to release his arms but could not. Helpless and trapped, the brunette gyrated his hips wanting more.


"What do you...want, beloved?" Muraki asked thickly, licking his lips.

"Your mouth...your mouth..." Tsuzuki begged, his pelvis giving little bounces. "On me...please..."

Needing no more prodding, Muraki swirled his tongue around the sticky crown, once, twice, lapping up the dewy pearls then slid his tongue along the length of the slender shaft, outlining the prominent veins. Slender fingers encircled the pulsating erection as the pale blonde ran open-mouthed kisses up and down the hot flesh. Tsuzuki squeezed his eyes shut, his hands fisting into Muraki's hair, his over-sensitized body feeling every lick and kiss and tender nibble. So relieved his lover wasn't angry, so happy Muraki loved him so passionately caused the brunette to feel the beginnings of climax, of falling over a high precipice.

"Kaz-Kazutaka! I'm...I'm....Ahhhhhhhh"

Muraki, so attuned to his lover's body, sped up his relentless tempo, and created a perfect seal over the twitching cock, soon rewarded with a gush of warm liquid, his lover's sweet essence filling his mouth. Swallowing again and again, the pale blonde latched greedily while Tsuzuki's sweating body thrashed and bucked. When he felt sure the last tremblings were over, Muraki released the spent cock, lips glistening. Lifting himself up, he hurriedly shrugged off his yukata, never taking his eyes off his lover's sprawled nakedness, his lust spiking even higher. Moving on top of him, Tsuzuki looked up dreamily, his arms at last free to clutch his lover's shoulders.

"I love you, Asato," Muraki groaned, his cock seeking entrance. Tsuzuki wound slender arms around his lover's shoulders to pull himself up and into Muraki's lap, his favorite position. The silver blonde immediately helped his lover's efforts and sat back, holding on to the brunette's hips. Smiling, Muraki slid his hands down and grasped Tsuzuki's ass, kneading firmly. With his middle finger he circled the small sensitive opening, loving how the small ring twitched in anticipation. Whimpering, Tsuzuki dug his fingers into the pale shoulders, large violets pleading. Unable to resist seeing his lover's beautiful body at his mercy, the silver blonde rubbed the tender bud, groaning at the sight of Tsuzuki panting, lips parted.

"K-Kazu...taka! P-please!"

Holding tight to the violet-eyed beauty's squirming body, Muraki teased the yawning orifice, rubbing then pushing up to the first knuckle. Tsuzuki moaned loudly, his cock responding and hardening against his abdomen.

"Ooooh, mmmm....y-yesss."

Lustfully, Tsuzuki bounced his hips, begging for that wicked digit to drive in more deeply, The silver blonde groaned, leaning in to suckle and bite a taut nipple. Without warning, Muraki jammed two fingers hard, relishing the slender body going rigid. Tsuzuki's mouth opened wide in a silent scream, his head falling back as his lover thrust his slick fingers in and out. A possessive hand slid up the brunette's slick back to grasp at silk dark hair. Muraki stilled his thrusting fingers, much to his lover's dismay, and with his tongue, licked and kissed an upward path, nipple to throat.


Tsuzuki squirmed against the digits buried deep, inner muscles twitching in frustration. With realization, the guardian wanted more, only his lover's thick, heavy cock pounding into him would do.

In public there is a level of decorum...however, when it is just you and I in the privacy of our home, be as free as you wish to express your desires.

"Kazutaka...p-please...f-fuck me..."

Muraki's eyes widened, then closed in bliss at the explicit plea. Tsuzuki, indeed, was growing more bold. Lifting his head, the silver blonde bit his lip in concentration, sliding out his wet fingers, his weeping cock, hot against his belly and more than ready to take over. Trembling, he guided the thick crown against the puckered bud, sucking in his breath when the tender thing seemed to kiss the tip of it.


Tsuzuki wiggled and eased himself down, panting, his eyes squeezed tight in concentration.

"Ohhh...you're...you're so hard..."

Muraki groaned aloud, his lover's vocalizations arousing him to unbearable heights. Hugging Tsuzuki to him, he helped to steady the quivering body and firmly seat his lover. Breathing hard, both men gazed into each other's eyes, amazed and delighted that there was only this, only this unbreakable connection. Nothing else mattered.

"You...you feel so...Asato...beloved..." Muraki shivered violently, holding his lover tight to him. No words could describe the incredible emotions washing over him, this WHOLENESS.

Tsuzuki understood for it was the same for him. So much love and trust bubbling through his soul, overwhelming him. With a soft sob, he buried his flushed face on his lover's shoulder, hanging on.

"I...I know, Kazutaka," he replied brokenly. "T-this bond...this connection of love and...strength we have...t-there are no words...is there?"

Muraki shook his head, his fingers tightening against Tsuzuki's hips as his lover's tight passage squeezed him so deliciously. "N-no...no words...none. It is...beyond words...beyond anything we can articulate...only this...this passion...which says everything..."

Sliding his hands down the narrow waist, Muraki lifted the brunette from his heated lap then back down. Staring into silver diamonds, Tsuzuki mewled softly and lifted his hips slowly then back down again. It started slow, achingly slow. Muraki tore his gaze from the brunette's to witness his cock being swallowed then released then swallowed again by Tsuzuki's lithe body. In a matter of heartbeats, Muraki growled unable to draw it out and make it last. Not when his lover's violets shined only for him like that, not when Tsuzuki groaned his name like that. Gripping on to the smaller man, the pale blonde broke the leisurely pace and quickened his cadence to one of no mercy, no pause. Tsuzuki hung on and was more than able to meet his lover's demanding thrusts, his own arousal coming to life.

Lust-filled pants and moans and flesh slapping against flesh filled the small room. The brunette's dark head lolled back, eyes rolling in back of his head as his lover pounded into his eager body. So close! Muraki took hold of the brunette's upper arms and leaned forward to lick that slick chest and nipples, pale fingers fisting into dark hair. Gritting his teeth, the pale blonde came hard, his brain short-circuiting cohesive thoughts along with his overworked limbs. He and Tsuzuki orgasmed, clinging to each other and collapsed in a sweaty heap, Tsuzuki sprawled on top, his lover's waning cock buried still.

"Beloved...my Asato," Muraki breathed, his hands holding onto the shaky guardian.

"Kazutaka..." Tsuzuki murmured, weary but unbelievably content. "Love you..."

Muraki closed his eyes. "I love you."

No more words needed.

Violets blinked open. He stilled. Then remembrance sparked his brain.

A Japanese inn. Incredible sex. Muraki.

Smiling,Tsuzuki cuddled closer to his silver-eyed lover. His eyes darted in the dark room and wondered at the time. It must be the dead of night. Only the sound of crickets chirping and running water to be heard. Good. He didn't want to get up. He only wanted to hold and be held by Muraki.

Everything's all right now.

Well, they hadn't really talked yet. At seeing Muraki standing there and waiting for him, Tsuzuki had been overcome with love and need. It couldn't wait. The brunette blushed at his boldness, at the words he used, but couldn't help feeling incredibly pleased. And he knew his lover enjoyed it too.

Tsuzuki leaned up and kissed the pale cheek then stilled upon feeling a feathery kiss on his forehead.

"Kazutaka?" he whispered.

"I'm awake," Muraki said softly. The silver blonde took a deep breath and stretched his limbs a bit. "This bed is most comfortable but I think it is too early to be up, ne?"

"Yeah," Tsuzuki agreed, nuzzling his cheek against the pale chest. "It's a nice place." He bit his lip. He could barely make out his lover's features in the dark room so maybe it'll be a little easier to talk.

"Very nice. Very secluded as well. I didn't know such a place existed," Muraki said, his hand stroking the back of the Tsuzuki's head, fingers lightly massaging the nape.

"Kazutaka...how-how did you know I was here?"

Muraki moved to his side better to face the brunette. The hand that had been massaging his head slid to cup a cheek. "Beyond the gate there is only one direction to go. I walked the cobbled path to the dirt road. I knew you couldn't have wandered into the thickets and wooded areas on either side. You were upset but I believed you kept a sense of your whereabouts."

Tsuzuki chuckled at that. "Well...I did have sense enough to stay out of them, yeah. I wasn't about to hack my way through." A slight pause. The guardian cleared his throat. "Umm, Kazutaka...about...about our argument..."

"Yes. It was good for us to be apart for a bit, Asato. To sort things out and calm down. I desperately wanted to run after you and bring you back, make you listen to my side. But I realized that would have made the situation worse."

"Really?" Tsuzuki digested that for a moment. "Yeah...I mean, I know I would've tried to make you see my side. But I think all we'd end up doing is shouting. Neither one of us would have heard anything."

Muraki nodded, his fingers combing through silk dark hair. "Yes. I believe so."

"So my running off was a good thing!" The brunette joked tentatively.

Muraki chuckled. "In this instance, perhaps. But, please, beloved. Don't make it a habit, ne? I was worried..."

Tsuzuki quickly leaned forward and placed a hand on his lover's cheek. "I won't. I promise," he reassured, his tone serious and sincere. "I am sorry..."

"Shh. I know you are," Muraki scooped Tsuzuki to him, letting the brunette's body lay half-ways over his. He loved the satiny feel of his lover's naked skin. His hands glided slowly over the smooth back, smiling slightly at the twitching muscles. "I think we can both agree that our tempers had gotten the better of us, ne?" he stated gently.

Tsuzuki nodded, his cheek rubbing against his lover's bare shoulder. "Yeah," the brunette sighed, then added in a quite serious tone: "Well, next time you should just concede right away and admit that you're wrong, Kazutaka. Save us a lot of aggravation."

Muraki blinked.

The brunette laughed, his body shaking in his mirth and kissed his bemused lover. "I-I'm sorry...Kazutaka! I-I couldn't....couldn't resist!"

Muraki shook his head, a wide grin on his handsome face. Leave it to his lover to find humor in whatever situation.

"Asato...Asato..." He laughed as well, his spirits lifting. "Well...actually, beloved, if I HAD admitted you were right, we wouldn't be spending the night in this lovely roadside inn, ne? So by not admitting such a FALSITY." Tsuzuki giggled. "That was actually a good thing. Especially when it was quite clear and very obviously apparent...I was right."

Here, Tsuzuki sat up and shook his head wildly. "Oh ho! Kazutaka Muraki, now you know perfectly well that I was...hey! Wha-what are you--mmmph!"

Muraki had bolted upright as well and pulled the violet-eyed beauty to him, kissing him hard, halting any exclamations. Tsuzuki moaned, parting his lips instantly to lap and tickle his lover's mouth. One of the silver blonde's hand stroked the brunette's nape while the other wrapped around the slim waist. Tsuzuki's arms clinging to that muscular body for support. Lifting his head, Muraki softly panted and leaned in again, brushing his mouth against those soft lips. They gazed at each other for several moments merely embracing, listening to the other's heartbeat and the soft patter of rain outside.

Muraki broke the silence, his voice soft and husky, his mouth against Tsuzuki's tender ear.

"I love you, Asato. My love, my own. And you ARE my equal. But it isn't enough to say the words, ne? My actions must reflect that truth. What I did was out of my selfishness. My thoughtlessness hurt you. You thought I had no confidence in your ability..."

"Kazutaka..." Tsuzuki turned his face to make out Muraki's features. His eyes scanned, trying to see his lover's expression in the darkened room. His hand sought and found the other's, needing that anchor.

"You're not selfish or thoughtless. You want me safe, I know that. But I can't be truly safe if I knew you were fighting alone...facing danger alone. I love you. It would kill me not being there by your side. But..." Tsuzuki voice lowered. "But I realize now that I would have done the same thing."

Muraki brows puckered, his hand against Tsuzuki's cheek. "The same...?"

"Yeah! I...I talked to Watari. I needed someone to vent to and he...he said that our emotions for one another in the heat of battle or even at the hint of it takes over, logic goes out the window. And I would've done the same thing. Told you to stay while I gone ahead. Or faced whatever danger on my own rather than have you get involved. It has nothing to do with ability. Just that I don't want you hurt..."

Muraki pressed his lips against Tsuzuki's warm forehead, arms wrapped around the slender body. "Yes." Sighing deeply, both men let that realization settle in. "But we must change that, ne? Together, our powers would be such that anything we faced would be dealt with. Two together is much better than one alone, ne? I know this is true for me and not just in battle, Asato."

Tsuzuki agreed wholeheartedly and showed it by pressing kisses to his lover's warm lips.

Muraki smiled, laid them both down on the thick mattress and returned those tender kisses. For several minutes, they indulged themselves, laughing softly against their parted lips.

The silver blonde didn't want to ruin the happy mood, yet it had to be said. He caught the delicate chin between two fingers, still a bit dark to see clearly into those vibrant eyes.

"And if an enemy proves too much...if it should come to that...we will have the comfort of being together in the next world..."

Tsuzuki blinked, then gasped, understanding, the enormity of the words weighing against his heart. "Kazutaka..." he whispered, then nodded slowly. Swallowing hard, he hugged his lover close. "The next world..."

Muraki and Tsuzuki continued to talk for as long as they could, about the inn; what the garden must look like; how nice the proprietor and his wife were; how in the middle of nowhere it was. Tsuzuki closed his eyes, snuggling close to the silver blonde and soon was fast asleep, happy that things were settled. Muraki smiled down at the brunette, his own heart lighter.

Muraki woke first to the grey pale dawn's rays. Sighing deeply, cool air into his lungs, the pale blonde looked over at the brunette and smiled at seeing how adorable Tsuzuki had wrapped snug in the cocoon of the thick quilt, the dark head peeping out. Sitting up, careful not to disturb, the doctor surveyed the room and noticed a basket by the paneled door. Muraki pushed the cover aside and walked to the basket, peering inside, pleased to discover their freshly laundered clothes. Taking them out, Muraki put on the dark slacks and laid his lover's out on his side of the bedding.

Tsuzuki let out a loud yawn and turned over, his eyes blinking sleepily.

"Good morning, Asato." Muraki leaned in to kiss the brunette's nose and laughed when he scowled.

"Morning, Kazutaka...what time is it?" Tsuzuki sat up and exclaimed at seeing his clothes laid out neatly. "Great!" He reached for the cashmere turtleneck when his stomach growled loudly in the small room. "Oh man..."

"Well, should we rouse someone and see if..."

"Muraki-sensei! Tsuzuki-san?" Mochizuki's voice called outside their room.

Tsuzuki was about to put on his pants but stayed under the covers and nodded to Muraki who opened the door.

Mochizuki and his wife bowed slightly. "Very sorry for disturbing you..."

"It's fine." Muraki knelt by the entrance. "We were just about to inquire about some breakfast before we depart."

Tsuzuki chewed his bottom lip. "Umm, Kazutaka..."

Muraki turned around. "Yes, Asato?"

"Well...we-we don't have to leave right away, do we? I did want to look around the grounds and take another soak in the tub..." Blushing, Tsuzuki gave a knowing smile.

Muraki grinned. "No. We don't have to leave today. And that..." He cleared his throat. "That would be an excellent idea." He turned to the propriatress, smiling. "Would it be possible to accommodate us a few days more? Tsuzuki-san seems to have taking a liking to the place. As have I."

"You honor us, Muraki-sensei. Breakfast will be brought in a few minutes. And umm..." Here the man looked a little embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head. "We have another bungalow that is now vacated. Would one of you like to move there? We're sorry for the inconvenience of sharing one--Ouch!" Mochizuki rubbed his side where his wife jabbed him with her sharp elbow and was now giving him a stern look.

"No, thank you. That won't be necessary," Tsuzuki said quietly. "My husband and I are perfectly satisfied here."

Muraki turned his head sharply to stare in disbelief at his violet-eyed lover.


"That's fine, sir," The wife scurried her own husband away from the bungalow, smiling at the guardian and doctor while pushing the befuddled Mochizuki. "Breakfast in about ten minutes."

A few heartbeats passed before Tsuzuki, disturbed by the growing silence, frowned at his gaping lover. "What?!" he asked hotly, cheeks blooming, his heart pounding at his boldness.

Muraki smiled broadened and closed the paneled door, his eyes glittering intently at the man he loved. "Your husband is very pleased right at this moment," he said, fingers working on the zipper of his trousers. "And now I want to show you how pleased before our breakfast. All right, Muraki Asato?

Now it was Tsuzuki's turn to gape then he grinned and nodded still blushing, lowering violet eyes.

"You've got ten minutes, Tsuzuki Kazutaka..."


A/N: How was that? I hoped that satisfied AND I get some reviews! :)

Okay, it can end here which I originally planned and it would be a nice ending, I think. However, I want to know from you faithful few...do you want an epilogue? It will pick up on just how pleased Muraki is with Tsuzuki and you know what that means! :) Afterwards, conversation and bathing, nothing of great significance. Just playful banter and a relaxing soak in that tub built for ten. Sound good? Let me know! Until next time! :)