Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matseui. And I don't know why.

A/N: Hi all! It's been a long time, ne? Okay, I started this a while back and debated whether or not to bother posting it. Well, I'll soon find out, ne? Enjoy!

Two men walked down a cobblestone pathway arm-in-arm. A light wind gusted, brushing their hair across their brows and causing the brunette to huddle closer to the taller man who smiled and wrapped his arm around the brunette's waist.

Such a perfect night for walking, Tsuzuki thought, leaning against his silver-eyed lover as they strolled on. Actually, any time was perfect. No matter what the season, the sky was always picturesque, the landscape breathtaking. And tonight was no different. But it definitely helped that Muraki was here, Tsuzuki decided happily.

His silver-eyed angel.

They walked on in silence, taking in the sights, observing the different people passing by. At the approach of the little town, Tsuzuki smile widened and he squeezed Muraki's hand. He so enjoyed seeing the different shops and the wide courtyard. And he never tired of browsing the bookshops for the latest novel they could read together or tea shops for that special exotic brew or conversing with the shopkeepers and hearing the latest gossip. Though they spent a majority of their vacation in this small village, they would be moving soon to a new residence. It had to be done as Muraki wanted to change houses every few weeks, to set up new spells and shield barriers at each new home. Since Muraki's kidnapping there was more of a need to keep up this diligence.

But it wouldn't be forever.

He felt Muraki squeeze his hand in return and he looked up, violets glimmering in starlight.

"What are you thinking, beloved?" the silver blonde asked quietly. Muraki didn't want to intrude on private thoughts but he had watched his lover's face for a while and noticed the brunette's puckered brow.

Tsuzuki let out a little sigh. "Just that I'm going to miss this place when it's time to go," he mused, resting his head against the taller man's shoulder. "But it isn't permanent, ne?"

Muraki rested his cheek on the dark head. "No, beloved. Not permanent. We WILL come back sometime. I've grown fond of this little place myself, seeing it in a different way, seeing it with you," he replied, kissing the top of the dark head.

Tsuzuki warmed at the sentiment, snuggling closer. "And we have a lot great memories here. I'm sure the new place will be nice..."

"It will, Asato. The residence IS in an older part of the district and while it's true we will be a little more isolated, it proves to be that much more secure," Muraki explained. "I just want us to be safe..."

"I know, Kazutaka. I understand, I do." Tsuzuki reassured, looking up. "Besides...as long as I'm with you...I'm home."


Muraki stopped and turned his lover to him. Before the guardian could blink, his chin was tilted up and his lips smothered in a warm kiss. Blushing, Tsuzuki clutched at the silver blonde's shoulders and returned the kiss, completely forgetting the outside world, that they were in a public place, passersby coming and going. Lifting his head slightly, Muraki slid his lips along Tsuzuki's jaw and nibbled the tender ear. Tsuzuki closed his eyes blissfully, the sounds of the everyday world muffled and distant. Only his lover's warmth and kisses registered in his brain and senses.

Abruptly, Muraki pulled away. "I'm sorry, beloved," he apologized, a bit flustered.

Tsuzuki blinked, his violets wide and somewhat dazed.

"Huh? Why?"

"The surroundings..." Muraki said apologetically, his hands busy straightening the brunette's coat collar. "Will you forgive me? Hearing your sweet words coupled with those vibrant violets of yours...I lost my head."

Understanding and a slow smile lit the dark-haired guardian's face. With a swiftness that took Muraki by complete surprise, Tsuzuki threw his arms around those broad shoulders and kissed his lover fiercely. For two or three heartbeats, Muraki stood shocked, his arms at his sides. Then a deep growl tore from his throat and those arms pulled Tsuzuki to him, kissing him back with the same intense fire. A minute or so passed and panting softly, Tsuzuki broke away, amethysts half-lidded and starry eyed, a satisfied smile on his flushed face.

"Will...you forgive me? I lost my head..." he breathed, flushed and heart pounding at his bold move, loving the thrill he felt.

Muraki grinned broadly, completely delighted. "Asato Tsuzuki...you surprise me yet again," the doctor marveled, silver eyes sparkling. He kissed the blushing cheek twice. "What's come over you?"

Tsuzuki shook his head, light-headed and free. "I...I don't know. I just...I just...and you...standing there..."

Several high-pitched giggles cut into the brunette's words and he turned his head sharply to see four teenage girls laughing and ducking their blushing faces behind their hands.

"Oh, man!" Tsuzuki face burned and ducking his head against Muraki's thick fur collar, he groaned. How embarrassing! His bashful nature kicking in big time and he desperately wished he could sink into the ground just about now!

The silver blonde shot a steely gaze at the immature teens stifling their snickers most effectively and he quickly steered his lover away, his arm holding the brunette protectively against him.

"Beloved, don't mind them," he said softly, nuzzling the top of Tsuzuki's head. "Don't worry what others may think. All that matters is your feelings."

Tsuzuki nodded against Muraki's shoulder, the fur tickling his cheek and focused on his lover's encouragement rather than his embarrassment. "Yeah, I know," he said, sighing. "It's just...I've been so shy about things like this...always have been. But I don't want to bottle up my feelings either."

"And you mustn't." Muraki leaned down to whisper into his lover's ear. "In public there is a level of decorum...however, when it is just you and I in the privacy of our home, be as free as you wish to express your desires."

Tsuzuki gave a small gasp, blood rushing to his hot cheeks and buried his face even more.

Muraki laughed softly, hugging his slender lover.

Their last meal at their favorite cafe, "Bella Luna" was bittersweet for Tsuzuki. And excellent three-course meal, lilting music, lovely scenery, and best of all, his beautiful dinner companion. He savored it all knowing it would be their last, for a while at least.

Now, several hours later, he lay in their king-sized bed, his sleeping lover's arms around him, and he, deep in thought. He wasn't worried or fretful or restless. There was a sense of excitement in seeing their new home, of what the garden would look like. Lacing his fingers through the doctor's, Tsuzuki played with the long digits and thought of what Muraki told him earlier. Don't worry what others think. All that matters is your feelings, beloved...

Tsuzuki bit his lip.

My feelings...

His feelings for his lover were very clear. No doubts there. He loved Muraki deeply and in the privacy of their home he was becoming increasingly bolder in his advances. Especially now that they've established their equality toward each other and were going to be married in a matter of weeks. He was encouraged by Muraki's words, his reassurance that he adored Tsuzuki's shy quality. That no matter what Tsuzuki asked of him, that whatever Tsuzuki suggested would be welcomed and explored lovingly. That alone gave the guardian a certain kind of comfort and courage.

Muraki murmured softly in his sleep and the brunette leaned in to kiss a pale shoulder. Pulling away a little, Tsuzuki studied the silver blonde's perfect features in the semi-dark room and smiled wistfully.

I love you so much, Kazutaka.

A slow smile spread over his features at a sudden realization.

My soon-to-be husband.

The words resonated within Tsuzuki's soul making him shiver despite the warmth of Muraki's arms. The emotion hit the brunette hard. This raw, intense emotion of love and adoration he felt for Muraki. Never having been in love before, never having had the experience of past relationships and heartbreaks to draw from, Tsuzuki entered into this one, his first one, with total innocence and enthusiasm. It never occurred to him to play games or pull petty arguments or demand all of Muraki's attention. And without realizing, he inspired love from the silver blonde. Suddenly, a muffled giggle escaped from the brunette. His lover curled his upper lip a little in his sleep! Settling his dark head on the pale shoulder and wrapping an arm about Muraki's waist, he drew up the blankets to tuck around Muraki and leaned in to kiss his lover's warm mouth. There was a lot to do tomorrow and he better get his sleep.

"I love you, Kazutaka," he whispered and smiled when Muraki, in his sleep, hugged him.

"That's the last of it, Kazutaka!"

Tsuzuki zipped up the brown leather suitcase and hauled it with the rest of the cases in the living room. Muraki strode into the room, putting on his white coat. He had just finished packing a couple of boxes of the pantry and refrigerated foods as well as locking and sealing the entrances with barrier spells.

"Good. I think we're ready then," Muraki said, pulling on leather gloves.

Tsuzuki nodded and looked around the place. He had gone into the garden earlier and had done a little weeding all the while realizing it was unnecessary. He was sure there would be plenty to do at the new house. But he didn't want to leave his beautiful patch of heaven without tending to it one last time. He sighed.

"Beloved? Are you all right?" Muraki asked gently. He saw the pensive look on his lover's face and wondered if Tsuzuki harbored any regrets.

But the dark-haired man smiled and nodded, walking toward the silver blonde.

"Yeah. Just remembering all the good times we spent here. But I'm ready to go, Kazutaka," he said, wrapping his arms around the taller man's waist. "More good times to be had at the new place, ne?" Violets peered up, sparkling.

Muraki laughed, hugging his lover. "Indeed. Many more." Muraki raised his hand and murmured a spell causing warm air to whip around the many boxes sitting in the room dissipating them and sending them to the new location. Once done, and the air died down, he and Tsuzuki walked out the front door, locked it and went to the car. Settled in the comfortable leather seats, Muraki drove smoothly out the driveway. It would take a good amount of time to arrive there which was fine with the brunette. It would have been much quicker to teleport there, of course. But Tsuzuki wanted to travel and see another part of Japan. So the time was spent listening to music, talking, Tsuzuki reading a couple chapters of their book, and taking in the scenery. The city gave way to a less populated rural area and then to just the rolling green hills and rice fields.

Tsuzuki was about to comment on how out-of-the-way it was, when Muraki turned the car to the left down a dirt road. Soon they approached an old-fashioned style Japanese house.

"Welcome home, Asato," Muraki said, pulling up and turning off the ignition.

"Wow," Tsuzuki remarked, getting out of the car and looking over the exterior of the house. Muraki walked ahead and went up to the porch to unlock the gate.

"Wow..." Tsuzuki said again following the doctor. Seeing Muraki sitting on the porch and removing his shoes, Tsuzuki did the same and slipped on the slippers to walk inside the small dwelling and in to the center of small room and took in the decor and furnishings. A deeply polished and low sitting mahogany table was placed in the main sitting area. There were no chairs so in true Japanese fashion sitting would be on the floor.

Japanese prints of sakura and cranes hanging against deep crimson walls. Black vases sitting atop the mantel of the small stone fireplace. The guardian took it all in walking from room to room. It was much smaller but no less inviting. Stepping into the bedroom, he smiled with satisfaction at seeing the comfortable double bed covered in a deep blue comforter which seemed lower to the ground. Indeed, it was pretty sparse but there was that sense of luxury and good living. Now for the best part. Tsuzuki opened a panel leading to the back garden.

"Wow..." he breathed.

The garden was breathtaking.

Small to be sure, but every inch taken up by some sort of vegetation and giving the illusion of expanse. Tsuzuki had seen such gardens in magazines and marveled at their beauty and complexity always yearning to see such a place, never mind having one of his very own. And now...he stepped outside, violets wide and taking everything in...the different sights and scents. A true Japanese garden.

"Do you like it, Asato?"

Turning, Tsuzuki smiled widely, his face beaming. "It's so beautiful, Kazutaka!" Overcome with emotion, Tsuzuki threw his arms around the silver blonde's neck. "Why didn't you tell me it was this spectacular?!"

Muraki grinned, hugging Tsuzuki to him. "I'm sorry for not mentioning it sooner, Asato." He kissed the brunette's cheek. "Come. Let me show you all of it." Taking Tsuzuki by the hand, he led the guardian down the stone path on the right of the enclosure. Pointing to the various plants, he described their characteristics and origins, where they were obtained, why they were chosen, etc. Tsuzuki took it all in with fascinated enthusiasm and peppered his lover with a barrage of questions. Muraki answered each one patiently, pleased at Tsuzuki's obvious delight.

The pond and shrine and colorful blooms filled Tsuzuki's soul with contentment. He was going to enjoy tending this bit of paradise.

"What's this, Kazutaka?" he asked pointing to a large tree, it's many thick branches gnarled this way and that, near the end of their tour. "I've never seen this before. It's so unusual."

"That is a monkey puzzle tree, beloved. My grandfather took great pride in its cultivation and upkeep having obtained the seedling from an exclusive nursery. From what I understand, the name comes from a monkey's puzzlement over navigating its many twisted branches. As a boy I found it to be quite a challenge climbing it. I enjoyed hiding in its high branches."

Tsuzuki smiled at the image. His tall sophisticated lover as a young boy back then, laughing and ducking up and about its many twisted limbs, platnium hair sparkling in the sunlight.

"It's a wonder I didn't fall and seriously injure myself," Muraki murmured, shaking his head.

Tsuzuki laughed.

Tsuzuki woke with a start. Wrapped in Muraki's arms he sighed happily, and cuddled closer to the strong masculine body, feeling warm and snug. A possessive hand slid along his side and he peered up.

"What time is it?" he whispered. The bedroom was semi-dark and it was hard to tell.

"I'm not sure, beloved. You dozed for a while, not long," Muraki whispered back, nuzzling dark hair. "Are you hungry?"

Tsuzuki stretched his limbs a bit. "A little. But I'm too comfortable to move right now," he replied, reaching for Muraki's hand. "We can just lie here for while, ne?"

"Of course." Muraki pulled a light blue sheet over them, making sure Tsuzuki was adequately tucked in. "We can stay like this as long as you wish, beloved. I love spending time with you."

Tsuzuki turned his head to kiss his lover's jaw. "Me, too."

Settling fully against the plush bedding, Tsuzuki took in their surroundings with a marveled eye. Beautiful ornate dark mahogany furniture; large dresser and mirrored vanity on one side; walk-in closet with many different shelves and cubby holes; large window opening to a balcony with iron table and chairs; and the decor!

Tsuzuki was quite impressed with the Japanese influence despite the European furniture. The beautiful silk screens depicting samurais in full regalie going into battle; delicate, rosy-cheeked maidens drinking tea and playing various instruments; happy family scenes of parents watching their children at play. It was all quite marvelous.

He felt so decadent, so completely sinful lying naked in his lover's arms. The evidence of their seductive setting strewn about the master bedroom; thick stubby candles glowing here and there; a plate of different sharp cheeses, plump fruits and chocolate truffles on the nightstand next to the glasses of half-drunk ruby wine; the scent of rose lightly perfuming the air.

"Like a scene from an erotic postcard..." the brunette murmured to himself, smiling.


Tsuzuki looked up, violets twinkling with mischief. "I was just thinking how completely spoiled rotten I've become because of you, Kazutaka Muraki."

"Oh?" Muraki blinked. "Spoiled? And how do you come to that conclusion and why is it my doing?" The silver blonde tilted his lover's chin to better look into those bewitching orbs.

Grinning, the brunette explained. "Well, here it...late afternoon or early evening and we're wiling away the hours in bed without a care in the world. And, what's worse...I've grown used to it!" He lifted himself up on one elbow to better 'glare' at the silver blonde.

Muraki cocked his head to one side. "Are you happy, Asato?" he asked.

Now Tsuzuki blinked. "Huh? Well...yeah. I'm happy. Very happy, Kazutaka."

Muraki smiled brilliantly. "Then that's all that matters. We can lounge the day away and sleep and eat and make love to our hearts' content, ne? If I am at fault for spoiling you in this manner, then, yes. I take full responsibility. AND I was more than happy to do so."

Tsuzuki laughed, his shoulders shaking. "Then...then you show no remorse, Kazutaka, for...for leading me down this path of...ill repute?" he joked.

The silver blonde shook his head firmly. "None whatsoever. I led a shy, innocent beauty into a world of sensual pleasure and earthly delights." Tsuzuki blushed. "A violet-eyed beauty who seemed quite eager and willing to be so indulged. Now how can I be entirely at fault when one look into those luscious amethysts would drive anyone to lose their senses and do the same?"

"Kazutaka..." Tsuzuki buried his face into the warm pale neck, cheeks hot. It was hard to joke with Muraki as he defended himself so well! "You're impossible!"

Muraki chuckled, silver eyes crinkling with mirth. "I only speak the truth, Asato. Although, my violet-eyed beauty can still be quite innocent at times," he teased, running his hand along his lover's smooth naked back, squeezing a smooth rump. "I love you. Leading you down this path is proving to be a most exciting and wonderful journey."

The brunette lifted his head. "I-I feel the same way, Kazutaka," he whispered, cheeks blooming and leaning up for a kiss and receiving a most satisfying one. "Very exciting."

"Then I am forgiven?" Muraki asked softly, silver eyes half-lidded, cheeks flushed.

"Y-yeah...I guess you can't be faulted...I...I did go of my own free will..." Tsuzuki's eyes lulled dreamily.

"Indeed," the pale blonde replied, nibbling the brunette's ear. "Willingly..." A kiss along the jaw. "And quite boldly..."

Tsuzuki perked at this. "Really? Me, bold? I wouldn't think so..."

"Ahhh, you have and you are, beloved. Little by little you prove this in your words...your caresses...your kisses..."

The brunette laughed, violet eyes twinkling. "So in about 50-so years I'll overcome my shyness completely?" he joked.

Muraki chuckled and shook his head. "I certainly hope not." The pale blonde didn't want to remind Tsuzuki of his limited lifespan, of his not being around in those 50-odd years. "Your shyness is quite endearing. I don't believe you will lose that completely, beloved." Shifting his body to the side, the doctor gazed at his lover. "However, I do notice of late that your touches and kisses are more...insistent."

A dark brow quirked. "Oh?" Pressing one then two of those insistent kisses along Muraki's smooth cheek, Tsuzuki "You mean like this?" he asked, nuzzling his nose against Muraki's temple, violets shimmering.

"Mmm, yes. Just so," the pale blonde murmured, eyes half-lidded, drawing the smaller man closer to his side to encourage. "At first your kisses start softly...teasingly...and then..."

"And then?" Tsuzuki ran one slender hand through silver hair gently tugging the silky tresses. "What would I do then, Kazutaka?"
"Your hands." Muraki grasped both hands, guiding them to his shoulders. "While you teased me with your kisses, your hands would slide over my shoulders and around my neck..."

The dark-haired guardian nodded slightly. "I see," he whispered, leaning in to nip at his lover's chin. "That sounds about right. And then...holding you close I would kiss you more...insistently...like this." Tipping his dark head, Tsuzuki did exactly that and hotly pressed his mouth against his lover's parted lips, his arms winding around those broad shoulders.


Tsuzuki tore his mouth away, gasping sharply.

"What the..?!"

Wrapped in each other's arms, both men froze for a few heartbeats before going into action. Muraki grabbed a yukata, throwing it on and rushed to the bedroom door. Tying the sash, he listened hard, his whole body rigid. Tsuzuki scrambled out of bed, fumbling with his robe. He stood next to the doctor, violets narrowed, heart pounding.

Who could it be?! Nobody knows we're here!

He was about to go forward but Muraki held out his arm to prevent that. The brunette was about to voice his protest when the silver blonde faced him fully and pressed his hand against Tsuzuki's mouth. Bending down, Muraki whispered in Tsuzuki's ear and slid his fingers to the brunette's cheek.

"Beloved, stay here. I'll investigate and..."

Tsuzuki shook his head firmly, frowning.

"No!" he whispered fiercely.

Muraki pulled back a little to look Tsuzuki in the eye, his hand now sliding down to the brunette's shoulder and frowned as well. "Asato, you must let me go first. It will give you a chance to escape if the need arise..."

Tsuzuki grabbed the doctor's wrist, really scowling now. "No! I WON'T leave you!" he hissed, just as determined.

"Asato, I will not argue with you on this! Please! Just do as I ask and--"

Both men stilled. Now the sound of someone walking across the hardwood floors of the sitting room pressed the need to investigate. The guardian's violets glittered, his face grim. No time to debate the issue. With resolve, Tsuzuki slipped to the side and led the way, still holding on to his lover's wrist. Noting the brunette's demeanor and how stubborn his lover was, Muraki put himself up front, avoiding his lover's glare and opened the door. Slowly as they made their way down the hall, the sound of footsteps became louder. Tsuzuki resisted the urge to run ahead and confront whoever or whatever intruded on them. He knew caution was needed. Muraki, however, was beside himself with rage at this intrusion, vowing to blast them into a million little pieces for this outrage and fear that his lover would be harmed.

At the end of the hallway, Muraki halted. Pulling up to his full height, he called out.

"Who's there?!"

Tsuzuki stood next to his lover, violets scanning the area. And there. In the corner stood a small, grey-haired man, staring at them. The guardian blinked and began taking walking toward the person.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Muraki followed the brunette's gaze and started.

"Fujita-san?! What in the world?!"

"Kazutaka. You know this person?" Tsuzuki stared up at the silver blonde, his body relaxing a hair.

The little man immediately came up to the pair, bowing several times in rapid succession.

"Muraki-sensei! I'm sorry! I had no idea you'd be here! I came to clean and tend the garden just as I always do. It-it is my day to do so..." he apologized, still bowing.

Muraki visibly relaxed and let out a deep sigh. Combing a hand through his hair, he shook his head.

"It is I who should apologize, Fujita-san. I seem to have neglected to inform you that we would be residing here and that you are to attend to the manor now."

Tsuzuki looked back at the older man.

So he was a housekeeper of sorts! What a relief!

The brunette grinned and then with a small gasp realized how scantily he was attired.

"Excuse me!" Dashing out of the room, Tsuzuki headed for the doorway to throw something more appropriate on.

"Asato?" Muraki frowned, perplexed. Turning back to his servant, Muraki gave instructions as to what needed to be done at the manor and more or less how long they'd be here. Fujita nodded and gathered his supplies and again apologized for having intruded. Muraki assured him no harm was done and led him out the door. Tsuzuki came back in wearing jeans and a T-shirt just as the doctor closed the front door.

"He's gone?"

Muraki quirked a brow, noting Tsuzuki's attire. "Yes. My fault for not taking care of a loose end. Well, no harm done. And now that that is settled, I can ask you why you dashed off to get dressed."

Tsuzuki colored, lowering his head, dark bangs over his eyes. "Well...because I didn't want him to think...that is...well, us coming out of the bedroom, dressed in hardly anything and at this hour..."

Muraki listened with some amusement and closed the gap between them. Lifting his hand, he cupped a smooth pinked cheek causing those luminous violets to look at him.

"Asato. Don't mind what others think," he said softly, a small smile alighting his handsome face. "Remember?"

Tsuzuki sighed. "Yeah," he said sheepishly.

Laughing softly, Muraki pulled the smaller man to him, kissing his forehead. "Never mind. But I do think you drew more attention to the situation when you ran off like that."

Groaning, Tsuzuki buried his face against the doctor's warm neck. "Geez..." Suddenly, Tsuzuki pulled away a bit. "Kazutaka. Why did you want to go first? Why did you ask me to stay here while you faced an intruder alone?"

Muraki smile faded. Pulling his arms away from his lover's smaller frame, the pale blond grew serious. Silver eyes searched his lover's features.

"I wanted to assess the situation first. See what we were up against. Have the intruder believe there was only one here..."

"But why?! Kazutaka, it would have been better if we face the danger together!" Tsuzuki countered. "A demon or whatever we were up against would see a united front and would probably back down more readily. And then we could attack at full capacity if need be..."

"I won't take that chance!"

Tsuzuki blinked at his lover's outburst. And Muraki, realizing he was becoming agitated, took some steps back from the guardian. Taking a breath, he tried again.

"I'm sorry. But try to understand my point of view, Asato. I believe the best tactical strategy would be to spread our strength. Had it been a demon, I would have drew its attention and allowed you to escape and summon help..."

"Escape?" Tsuzuki shook his head emphatically. "Kazutaka, no way would I leave you to face danger alone. How could you think I would do such a thing?!" The scowling brunette crossed his arms across his chest, brows furrowed deeply.

Muraki held his temper, lest this conversation get out of control. His lover could be so stubborn! Couldn't he understand that he only thought of his safety, that it was for his own good?

"I think it because it is the best way! I will NOT have you up against danger when I could very well handle it on my own!"

The words hung in the air, heavy and accusing.

"On your own?" Tsuzuki asked softly, sadly, the fight leaving him, his heart sinking. "You think me that useless, Kazutaka...?"

Muraki's features instantly lost their stern look at his lover's reply. "What? No! Of course, I don't..."

"Then why? Do you think me weak that I couldn't handle it? Take care of myself?"

"NO!" Muraki cursed himself and strode up to the smaller man, his heart sinking at the way he bungled the conversation. Grasping the brunette's shoulders, the doctor shook his head. "I never think of you as weak or useless. Never! You're strong and capable and..."

"But not strong and capable enough to stand by your side?" Tsuzuki finished, squirming away from Muraki's hold. "Excuse me. I think I need some air." With that, Tsuzuki marched past his astonished lover and out the front door.



A/N: Yup. Their first fight! Well, more like a disagreement. Well, if I see enough reviews, I'll post the next one. If not...well, I'll just numb my sadness with cake! Until next time! (Will there be a next time?)